Friday, October 4, 2024

Remember---You are awesome!

Happy Friday--  We have sun--- It's a tad nippy--I can feel the crunch in the air----  It will be a busy day to-day, as Sunday there will be a power outage from 5am--to 1pm---The power outage affects the whole town---- which means--no post--that day---but--I shall be here to-morrow--- Saturday-- ---and , to-day will be a "short and sweet", blog---because------Lordy Be---------a few challenges to deal with here!

-There is no  Day Program for himself--  and maybe there will not be a Day Program for quite sometime, as COVID is running ramped in his Lodge--We will have to play it by ear!--  There are no shots (Flu and Covid) available in our area until the 25th of this month---Sad!!!-- Have you had a Covid Booster?

Lopez and I have "hoofed" it up the back road---AND-- He did his business---So, all is well---for now --He has been so good--amazing how much English he has picked up--All he used to speak was "Chihuahua"--and the Chihuahua language seemed - fierce-- like--"MAYBE I Shall BITE you--"----He has been taking  English classes-- and certainly is better and more loving with the English language---- Now when he misbehaves, I say, "Go to your crate"---AND HE GOES INTO HIS CRATE!-Bless his little heart!---- The growling and biting has gone-- (I hope!)

I hear the man of the house vacuuming-- which is a good thing---  I did this level---No Sadie to-day! --(I shall miss himself,  going to his Day Program --VERY MUCH!)----- 

Sushi, the cat who came in from the cold,  has had her nails trimmed which, also, can be  a challenge !     

 I hope your day is going well-----I hope you remember that you truly are stronger than you believe! Everyday is a blessing----You are the fierce warrior---- Just go on---- You are awesome!


  1. Good morning, Lynda! Lopez is a good boy! Sunny and high 76 in Ohio today. I don’t do shots! I am a chicken, you know. Lol Somehow, I got through all that dental work last year! Plumber came today with a camera to check my drain pipes outside. It is crushed with standing water and debris. I guess that has to be dug up and replaced. Always something, right? Sorry about your power. That is quite awhile to be off with your refrigerator and all. Gosh! Happy birthday to your wonderful grandfather. Hope your day goes well. Hugs!

    1. awwwww-Poor yu with the pipes outside--- always something eh?-Lynda

  2. My last Covid booster was in May, so I should be getting another, but it will have to wait until after my second eye cataract surgery. I'm hoping that you'll have some neighbors, or maybe your sons, or some of the grandchildren stop by during this time when Himself has no day program available, to give him something positive to focus on, and give you a break.

    Hang in there, awesome lady Lynda!

    1. I loved seeing bright things after that cataract surgery--The surgery made such as difference---bad day with Himself--Lynda

  3. Yes, the air is crisp here, too. But love it. We did have rain overnight, so some puddles. Miss Lilly always loves that. Such a tom-boy!

    Oh my. That’s a long time to be w/o power, but hope all goes as planned.

    Had both our Covid and Flu boosters. Jason was really low by the vaccines, but is finally feeling better today. Sheesh.

    Well, so good that the growling and biting seems to be gone. Good Lopez!

    Wow! You’re good to be able to trim Sushi’s nails! Miss Lilly will not allow me to trim hers most of the time.

    WE ARE fierce warriors! We must never forget that.

    HUGS and blessings

    1. So lucky-Yu had all the boosters--There seems to be a lot of covid in town here -=--= maybe because those boosters are so late----Lynda

    2. Yes we were very lucky to get the boosters. Covid is spreading here, too, as is the flu and the flu season hasn't even officially begun yet!

    3. Had COVID, flu, and pneumonia shots about 3 weeks ago, all at once! Boy, did my upper arms hurt and itch for over a week, but, all done now! Sad you have to wait that long for yours. Marti

    4. I wear a mask now all the time I'm out in Public---Lynda

    5. Hi Barb---Yes Lopez a lot better-- but Himself is worse--lol-- Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. Yes, it's good that I have survived my life until now and so far I wake up each day. But oh how tired I am of this pain. It's better. I can walk almost normal, for weeks I walked with my body leaning to the left. I have been able to cook a little bit. I'm hoping maybe next week my husband and I can make cookies. I'm not much of a cookie eater but he is and it would be nice to have some homemade! Yes, we are lucky to have such wonderful memories of our grandparents! I hope the Day center can open up again soon, I know how much himself likes to get out of the house. I have not had a Covid booster and don't plan to. I'm not out enough. And I haven't had a flu shot since I stopped working. Neither has my husband. So far we've been good! I hope today is a good day for you. It's very chilly here but I understand it will warm up soon - at least the sun is out!

    1. Hi Kathy--Yes sunshine makes a difference in our day doesn't it?-- Poor yu--leaning to one side--Soon--soon, yu will not be in so much pain-That was a very difficult operation- --bone to bone--- but---think of how good it will be when its all healed! -(I hope!)--Did yu ever get to make the cookies?-- Lynda

  5. Evidently the folks that attend the lodge didn't get their boosters in time for the new covid...maybe not flu either. I will neg covid, flu and rsv withing a couple weeks. (
    Today for me it's garbage/recycles, figuring out bills (we both budget, and it can be a challenge)
    I was trying to put new wiper blades on my windshield, but I can't get the old ones off! Will have to go to my mechanics. With luck, since I've already got the new ones, he won't charge me.
    I'm getting 2 new books for you. I know the author personally, and your books will be signed. I read the first in his series, but I leant it to someone and don't remember who. I'm getting a that his 2nd is out...for you and for me. I will get another before Christmas to send to my daughter.
    It's good that Himself helps you with the vacuuming.
    There are times when I believe Lucky understands every word I say, so I understand about Lopez. Even though they understand, they don't always obey. Cat's, especially, do what THEY want. If they want to come when you call, they will. If they don't want to, they ignore you. I'm sure you have heard, "Dogs have owners. Cats have staff." Forgive me if that's a repeat.
    It's cool here, too, but mostly sunny and no rain!
    Gotta get to the bills, sis. Will check back here later. Hope the rest of your day proceeds as you wish. Maybe you'll get time for your piano. Sure wish I could hear you! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Me too--It is becoming more and more difficult to balance the books-- ---might have to quit eating--(LOL_-- seriously!)--Oh Maggie-- Fred was difficult today--- wonder how long I can look after him?--The Lodge is full of covid now so that will not help me anymore (but--will not have to pay for it either)---- I wonder how on earth I am going to manage him as he gets worse?--- I'll try not to think of it----has been a rough day--- Hugs -Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda, nice that doc is vacuuming. Some help is better than no help.Yay. Without the Lodge, you may have to get creative with things to do or trips to McDonalds, cards, games, puzzles something to keep Fred engaged. I know he enjoys going and you need that wee break. He likes to cook so perhaps a new dish would interest him. Most things likely require you right there so maybe that wont work. Hope Lodge isn't closed too long.
    It's sunny and heating up in St.Louis again. Mid to high 80sF this weekend. Sun makes me happy.
    I'm sure glad Lopez has "decided" you're the boss and he's obeying you. Go in your crate is very helpful. He can be content and safe while you are gone.
    I'm impressed that you can clip Sushi's nails. My cat would not allow that.
    You are an amazing woman. Love your positivity plus your never give up spunk. Always remember how strong and special you are to your family and all your friends and supporters here. ME
    Power outage is quite lengthy. Maybe you can read or play piano. Maybe a son or two or a grand will pop in to visit. Maybe a call to nudge a few of them would work. It would be nice if another health care worker friend stopped in to talk shop with doc. I know he's missed in the community. Could you call and encourage someone to visit him from clinic?
    We got covid booster a few weeks ago. Flu shot scheduled for Oct. 12.
    Take excellent care of you.
    Big hugs

    1. Awww Marge-- so nice of you to write such nice things--It has been a rough day with Himself-- I needed to hear wat you said--Thank yu--Lynda


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