Sunday, October 13, 2024

Where did the time go?

Happy Sunday--  I am late posting as  I had the Real Estate Lady here---  to list this house---AND----  the above meme put a smile on my face--I hope it did the same for you!

We have a cool-ish day--WITH Sunshine ---Lopez has done his walk--He really is a good little boy---a one person dog---VERY protective of me!  -- I shake my head a lot , with him---  that such a tiny wee fellow can  guard me so diligently--

It's hard to believe that we will be moving out of this family home , to a different community---  to Southern Ontario, and I seem to be OK with it all--like--I'm not blubbering my head off--that I seem to accept that it's time to "downsize"--It seems kinda  amazing!--  Maybe the tears will come when I get to this new community and will not know anyone---  well, I have Son #2 and his wife--

                                                    -and-- I will have the man that i married---

        So, what do y'all think?--Would you move  when yu are in your 80's --and 90's?--- We are not Spring Chickens anymore--

                and----- It seems that only yesterday----Himself  got to meet-me-- Lordy Be!!!  Where did the time go?




  1. Hi Lynda,
    Things are rolling along at your house. I do hope you have a realtor that is aggressive at marketing your property and that it sells quickly. It's a beautiful home and grounds. Another young family will love it as much as you have.
    Nothing stays the same. That's life. I, personally, think it's advantageous to plan ahead as much as possible versus having to make choices when something forces a change.
    You are loveable, social, outgoing, attractive, friendly and kind...among other things. Soon you'll find another set of kind people to do things with and to call friends. Perhaps, in the future, you'll want to take off on an adventure and drive to visit daughter. Never know what you'll discover.
    Relax, enjoy this day. It will all be ok.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Well Marge--YU never know eh?--I think it will be a good move --but only if the house here sells--Lynda

  2. PS. Yes, the first insert did make me laugh
    Where DID the time go???????

    1. I thought that insert pretty funny also--Lynda

  3. As to your question about moving in your 80's or 90's - I do not know the answer....But I am only 77 so I know that someday I will have to make that decision too. Living in a large home with lots of acres of grass to cut does get overwhelming, but I always tell myself that when the time comes that I can no longer keep maintaining my home, I will decide. I am proud of you for making a commitment to selling your home. I know it was a really hard decision, but you are opening yourself up to new possibilities and way less work, so embrace it! Letting go is hard, but your are strong and you are doing what you feel in your heart is best for you and Fred! Hugs and blessings to you!

    1. I really am looking forward to no yard work-- Lynda

  4. Glad you had the real estate lady there. You’re on your way to making things easier for you and Himself.

    Well, you’re not spring chickens, but . . . you both need a little easier existence. Hard to move from your family home, but it’s time. As was said, nothing stays the same . . . life is always changing. I am sure son #2 and your DIL will help you get used to the community.

    And as was also said, proud of you for making the decision that feels right for you. Kudos.


    1. Thanks Barb-just hope it all works out--Lynda

  5. It's Kathy. I love the first meme and that's my motto for today. We did make it to church - first time since my surgery. But it was hard to sit in those less-comfortable chairs and all the stand up, sit down. But every time I do something new it feels like progress. I am starting to think like you. For the longest time when I thought of moving I thought of all the memories I have of this home raising my kids, growing gardens, playing with Daisy in the big yard. But now I look outside and think of all the work that needs to be done - with me being laid up for so long. All around us we have elderly people - widows who are all older than I am and who don't take care of anything. I am just about ready to scrap it all and move into a place where someone else takes care of the yard. I'd kind of like a cleaning person too - who isn't me! I think now that you've made a decision you can start moving forward and isn't that what life is all about!

    1. See?--Yu are recovering--Yu made it to church! Yes we are doing it but I just hope the house sells -Lynda

  6. So excited for you and the new possibilities in your life. It is all in the attitude that you approach it, and you have a good attitude. Hopefully there will be opportunities to meet people, to read more, play the piano, and just enjoy life. Big changes ahead, but you can do it!

  7. Good luck with this realtor person. You will get used to something new! We moved in out 60‘s, so thankful, no more yardwork! Adult children around to help. Husband died, I don’t drive, DIL takes me to appointments, whatever. Would have been hell to wait too long, out in the boonies. I guess it’s part of living, changing. Take care.

    1. I sure hope thnis house sells so we can move-=- I do not want yrd work--- Yu did it eh??--Lynda

  8. Yay for the real estate lady, and getting started on this big undertaking/adventure.

    The nice thing is, with less house and yard work, and extra day-care help with Himself, you will be able to make time for a hobby or book group or some such to make new friends if you decide to. I hope you do.

  9. PS And, while it will put Himself into a tizzy for a bit, hopefully he will also be a bit happier when he adusts, as he will have more interactions with others. Hopefully they'll remember to refer to his long career as a doctor, which will remind him that he is valued and will help him.

    1. Oh I sure hope that you are right--Lynda

  10. Hi Lynda! It’s 55 and drizzle in Ohio. Hope you had a good day. What is meant to be will be and it will all work out with your move. I know it is overwhelming and the unknown is hard but it will be ok. Hugs to you!

    1. Aww Thank yu==hope it turns out too-Lynda

  11. Hi Lynda: Glad the real estate person has come by. It's getting to that time of year where a house on a lake might not be so attractive. So hopefully it can sell quick. I think it will be a good move with son #2 right upstairs. And a new daycare with new people. Think Positive!! Hugs Brenda

    1. I know--winter around the corner-Lynda

  12. I have the feeling the next time I move it will be because I cannot function here any more, and it will mostly not be my own decision, entirely, but a joint one with "the kids". I'm already in my 70's, so yeah, it's going to be as a senior, if at all. I am already overwhelmed by trying to get rid of the excess of "stuff" in my home.

  13. I moved to a condo at 74 and have not regretted it. I go back to see the house area often. Best Wishes! Donna_cps2


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