Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Don't look back. You're not going that way.

    Good day--- COLD!!!---  The furnace is on! My goodness--Winter must be just around the corner! 

Well, everyday brings  something new around here--Yes, we are still moving, but not until Spring---but--- (THE BIG "BUT")-- I had a call from himself's Lodge yesterday--and----- --and......THEY HAVE COVID --Lordy Be!  Now, Himself doesn't have it--plus, he is one of the rare ones that wears a mask every place he goes, including his Day Program--but--(Isn't there always that big "BUTT"-?)--- There are residents in the Lodge with Covid--  plus one resident in his class has it----  So far, he  does NOT have it!--BUT--He cannot go to the Day Program,  , for sure, all this week--plus--- maybe longer--AS my kids used to say, --"Tough Bananas Mom"--

I was SO impressed with all your comments on the blog , yesterday--You guys really care!--  I appreciate that you care--Thank yu! -I do feel better , just having a plan---  That plan might change--just dunno--- but , for now,  that  seems OK--  We would not stay with Son#2 forever--but while there, we can be looking around, in his area-- There does seem to be more choice  in the small villages around where he lives. ---  It'd be nice to maybe have a garage-- (like here)--  and a washer in our own place--(like here-)--not have to go up or down a floor with laundry--I know one can't have everything--(like we do here)--but--- keeping this place up, as I age , is going to be a problem--

I see I need to redo my driving test--I think, over 80 yrs it has to be done--That too will be interesting!

                        I need to decorate myself -like the girl in the picture ---more bling!

So--ever onward here---Sadie, that wonderful cleaning Lady, who, as you know, is really me, is coming sometime to-day----and I will need a nap for sure , later on--  I could not sleep well last night----  so, I read my book, till 4am--- just so much going on, my brain was working overtime-

When does one ever solve the worldly troubles  in the night, in your bed, anyway?-- I  do know better!  ------Too bad I just didn't get up and play the piano ------
---I hope that your day is going well-----I must stop looking back---  and just trust that everything will fall into place-----Don't look back.   .......... I'm not going that way!



  1. OH NO! Sorry to hear about the Covid @ the Lodge. It’ll be a long week.

    Well, so happy you have a plan for now!

    Good luck w/the driving test!

    Ohhhhhh I know. You think you’ve learned the lesson and . . . bingo . . . there you go again. Part of human nature I guess!

    Yes, some days it is more important than others to keep looking straight ahead!

    HUGS and blessings


    1. Hi Barb-- I hope that your day is going well--Here it is---cooler also--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Yes, things will never be the way they used to be! Thank you for reminding me that I had major surgery. I'm so frustrated with not being able to do much of anything. Although my pain isn't too bad today. Daisy had her surgery this morning and she's already home. But she's restless and unsure what to do and where to go. I think she wants me but I can't get down on the floor with her. I rarely have a very good night's sleep. I sleep for a few hours and then the rest of the night I'm so restless - often thinking about things I can't fix or change. Today we had to get up early for Daisy and I feel like I should go back to bed! I'm sorry about the Day Center and Covid. It's such a shame that darn illness never goes away! I hope your day goes well!!!

    1. It sounds like your day wa pretty good!--- So nice when a day goes by and no hassle eh?--ugs, Lynda

  3. Good morning Lynda, love the darling little bird.
    Liked the reminder to not look back. Can't change anything back there. And, yes, nothing stays the same. Change is part of life. We only have today.
    Oh gosh. No Lodge for a while. I certainly hope Fred doesn't get covid. It's great he wears a mask.
    Of course you'll pass drivers test. Nothing to worry about there. Let that go. Prepare, plan and onward.
    I'm glad you have a plan for Spring. I do hope you'll be able to find a place with the things that are important to you. Sounds like lots of purging will be happening over winter.
    Fred seeing pilot son frequently will be so good for him and for you. Pilot son seems very kind, caring and considerate of his parents.
    Cool in St.Louis with sun. It was 46F this morning but will reach 70F today. Still no leaf colors and grass is still growing.
    Have a wonderful day. Glad Sadie is there. Enjoy your piano.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. I do like this cooler weather--and Fred was so good today-so much easier when he is good--lynda

  4. Darn COVID! I remember when it was rampant and I could not go visit my mom in her assisted living facility! She did not understand why I wasn't there with her....and the poor residents there were quarantined to their rooms - no more physical therapy, games, music, movie nights, and not even allowed to eat together anymore. Well, that was the end for my mom. She passed away 8 weeks sad. But your blog said not to look back - life is forward! So looking forward, what are some things you can do with Fred while he is "homebound" with you? Can you mimic some activites that he enjoyed at the lodge? Can you take him for car rides to visit some places he hasn't been in a while, or is it too hard to get him in and out of the car? Would he enjoy playing card games or dominoes with you? Just trying to brainstorm some things to keep him busy since he will be home with you 24/7 - and hoping you can find ways to prevent this from being a bigger burden on you! Hugs!

    1. Our Covid AND Flu shots are on Oct 25th--long wait here--Your poor Mom--Lynda

  5. I hear you, dear, about the constant change, about the things on your mind. Normally, I can drop off to sleep quite well...thinking on the way of all I accomplished, how comfortable I am, etc. BUTT just day before yesterday I couldn't shut my brain down. I wanted an 'off' switch!
    It's too bad about the covid (capitalizing it adds importance.) My neighbor in the apartment next to me had it last week. She self-isolated for a few days but seems fine now.
    When I go to the doc next week, I am sure she will give me or at least recommend I get a flu shot, covid and RSV.
    Today won't be too busy here, so Sadie is all yours. I will figure out all my bills. May even call the vet to see what she will charge for Lucky. I have to budget carefully so I don't go over for food, kitty stuff, gas for the car, etc.
    It will be nice for you getting a place you can manage easier. Hopefully, those villages are closer to venues to shop, bank, etc. and not too far to your hairdresser. I'm sure they have vet care, too. Are the lakes?
    I'll sign off here, sis, and check back later. Just about lunch time now...for lucky me and Lucky kitty. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Dear Maggie--"I" have to budget carefully just so I know there will be money in the bank--Lordy BE--Never have I ever had to do that!--Its a small town--LAKEFIELD--and son #2 lives right on the lake--Its near Peterborough--towards Ottawa--and it will be different ---to live in a different place--but there cannot be much traffic--so it will not be like driving in Toronto--Never thought I'd ever move from Elliot--may have to give this place away--- Anyway-- I figured out my Kindle this afternoon--and that was not easy------nice day here to-day--and Himself has been good all day--- Hugs my dear friend-Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! Of course we care about you and your family and fur babies!! Sunny and 66 in Ohio with ten more days of sunshine after all those cloudy days! So happy! Oh no, covid at the Lodge again! So good he wears his mask! Good for him! Hope you can manage around the schedule. How is your day going? Hugs!

    1. This day os going well--=even with Himself at home here-I just came in from blowing leaves--Himself is cooking dinner which is nice--Lynda

    2. So good to hear!

    3. You know we care Lynda...You need something with one floor and preferably a garage. It is too hard getting up and down stairs now. My daughter put a chair lift in for when David and I would come to visit, just to get upstairs...then soninlaw would help him transfer to his wheelchair.
      Sorry about the covid, I know it will be difficult for Himself to stay home.

      If I could, ask all you ladies who read this, to pray for me.
      I am having Kidney problems and am anemic.
      Much love y'all,

    4. Prayers for you Darlene! My mom has that too. She started on B12 and iron pills a couple months ago. She is feeling much better but sees the doctor on the 9th to evaluate. Take Care! Hugs to you!

    5. Prayers to you for sure--and hugs, Lynda

    6. I am saying prayers for you Darlene!

  7. Oh, my! That one picture above, about "How many times do you have to learn this lesson, Missy!?" Sure seems like a shoe that fits to me!


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