Saturday, October 12, 2024

It doesn't get easier--You just get stronger-


Good morning----  a short blog--on time---  not posted in the middle of the night--not posted when I was in the depths of despair!-

-And yes, "CONFIDENCE""--- a woman needs confidence for sure--I think that comes with age---You think?--

It's a brand new, crisp day--coolish--but sunny--A text just came in from Son#2 the Air Canada pilot--who is in Edinburgh, Scotland--and, here he is, trying on a Scottish hat-

It looks good on him!


   Below---and above, (I think) is the Scottish Mile--whatever that is--


                    and----of course--- a restaurant ---  WITH HAGGIS-----  on  their menu
The Wallace Tartan ( Wallace was my Maiden name)
and some views of the landscape--  very mountainous--

  Life is good to-day--after yesterday, a day of indecision---  like--"What am I Doing  ????"---Confidence----A Woman -of age----  of course must have confidence--  A Woman will always listen to advice, but usually , her mind is already made up---because she has lived whatever is happening, several times before, and she knows  the best way to handle whatever is going on---but----she will always listen----then decide---


  1. Hi Lynda! It’s cloudy and high 70 in Ohio today! It sounds like you are having a better day and that makes me happy! Tell the pilot the hat is a good choice. LOL I love the pics! Tell him thank you! Have a super Saturday! Hugs!

  2. Hi Lynda, hopefully, your today will continue on a positive note….sounds like yesterday was rough!! There is nothing easy about moving but as hard as it is, as we get older it does become necessary. I am Speaking from experience of selling our home on the water and moving into a villa a year ago. I have been thru Helene and Milton the past 2 weeks…the home we sold was destroyed as was almost every beach house… central FL as well as all coastal areas are in bad shape…so many people have lost so much! We moved 4 miles inland to a high elevation and aside from no power and lots of trees down, we did okay. We made the right decision by moving; I’m sure your move will work out well, too! Thanks for Son#2s pictures…always interesting to see!
    Eissa7 (Karen)

  3. So glad that today is a better day for you! You are strong! And you are back to your "upbeat" self! Sorry you had such a down day yesterday. I am in a "snit" (is that even a word?) today, because I got a phone message that I needed to call the hospital back about a change dealing with my appoint for a CT scan....but when I called the number back, the office was closed - not opening until Monday! Well my appointment was for tomorrow -Sunday! Strange I know, but the lady who made the appointment said the the imaging lab is open every week-end. So I could not sleep last night worrying about whether or not I should drive over and hour to the appointment and then find out that it was cancelled or something! So this morning I got up and called the hospital directly! And I talked to a very nice young man who looked up the schedule, and sure enough they had cancelled my appointment because my insurance had informed them that my insurance wouldn't pay for the test! I already knew that and knew that I would pay for it out of pocket! I had the same test 2 years ago and never went through this kind of hassle. GeeWhiz! So now I need to call on Monday and reschedule - and who knows how long it will take to secure another appt. date! I need to put on my walking shoes and take a walk and simmer down. I feel too stressed and mad to do anything else right now!

  4. Lynda, that's what I recommend you do with advice: Listen respectfully. If it feels good, accept the advice. If not, ignore it.
    I believe we do learn strength as we age.
    Hope this weekend will be easier for you all. Maybe you can pretty much ignore Sadie, spend some quality time with the other members of your family (Himself, Lopez and Sushi), get some time to play the piano and nap with your Kindle.
    I do remember you had to go to town for something today.
    I've already been out and about taking a friend for her meds.
    Lucky's new carrier came, and it looks wonderful! Sure hope he will accept it.
    I know what I'm wearing tonight for karaoke. Now it's time for a bit of lunch, feeding my wee one again and a snooze. After that it's meditate, shower and change, have another bit to eat and pick up JoAnne. I will sing a song for you!
    {{{HUGS}}} your sis, Maggie

  5. It's Kathy. I just read and posted on yesterday's blog! I'm so glad you seem so much better today. Yes, we must live in confidence that we know what's best for us! Maybe the advice from my mom so many years ago might help. My Grandma liked to tell me what to do and I was a rather contrary little girl. I would argue with Grandma and that didn't go over well! So my mom said "Say OK Grandma, then go away and do whatever you think is best." Today my son called with possible news but he was wise enough to ask "how are you feeling today, mom". The news - they may be able to adopt a little girl who will be born on Thursday. They have been waiting a long time! But the mom wants to decide after the baby is born. So we'll see!!! I hope all of today is a good day for you! I'm taking the day off!!! No cooking, cleaning, or work of any kind! I have a good book I want to read. Maybe you need a day off too!

  6. Hi Lynda, you should much more like yourself today. GOOD. I always admire your positivity and spunk among other qualities. You are an amazing woman. . Glad you found YOY today.
    Pilot son looks good in that hat. Scotland is loaded with castles. A Canadian friend just returned from Scotland. She was a definite no on haggis. Tell pilot thanks for photos.
    Carry on with confidence pursuing what you feel is best for the 2 of you. If the others don't agree, that's their opinion. Everyone has an opinion, just like a nose. Proceed with confidence! Onward dear lady.
    Enjoy your day. Hot in St.Louis again, like 86F predicted today.
    Give yourself a break from the endless chores and play your piano.
    Big hugs

  7. Hi Lynda, take a bit of a breather! Your son sent some great pictures, hope he bought that hat! I’d try the Haggis and Chips, too! Wishing you a more peaceful day…..

  8. I don't know the problems yesterday but it sounds like the local kids had discussed things and then let you know what they believe. Fine with them. Now that you have heard their opinions, smile and do whatever you feel is the best for the two of you. I'm sure they aren't happy with the thought that your house will not be yours but I don't see them doing much in the way of repairing, shoveling, mowing, weeding, cleaning, etc. They just see that their father will not be close. However, how often do they visit, see him or offer assistance.
    any way. As somebody else said - opinions are like noses. Everyone has one. However just because they have the biggest opinion (nose) doesn't make it the best. Hang in there!! Dot

  9. So glad to see your post. Looked all day and worried about you!

    YES YES YES . . . definitely confidence comes w/age. And it’s invaluable!

    Ohhhhh, DS #2 looks handsome in his Scottish hat!

    Ummmmm, think I’d skip the haggis. LOL All the rest looks good.

    The Wallace tartan is beautiful!

    Yes, a woman usually has her mind made up after processing everything w/head and heart. BUT always willing to listen to advice, for sure. Good for you being confident in your decision. You rock.

    Hold that head high. You are strong and smart!


  10. Oh, I love the pictures of your son in Scotland. I was there several years ago, and was one of the few to enjoy the haggis. I bought one of those hats for my dad, in a dark blue and green plaid ... he loved it and wore it a lot in the winter because it was lined wool.

    You sound happier to day.


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