Wednesday, October 16, 2024

"You are an amazing girl"--

 Well good day to you all---Now isn't the above the truth?--No-one does the laundry 'cept the woman of the house--at least here--I hear on CBC  this AM, to-nite there will be a very bright moon in the sky--  called the Hunter's Moon---  why it's called that, I do not know! -- I called Son #2 the Pilot, who is sitting in Montreal, waiting to go to Brazil, this evening, to tell him that he will have bright moon light , on his trip--He thought that would be good--"I will see any storms!"----he said.

-Every morning,  you should say, "Yes it is a beautiful day."--And every night, you can say,. "Yes it was a beautiful day"-----AND----- ONE DAY, ---you look back and say, "Yers, it was a beautiful life."--We need to have a beautiful life!!

Now, I must fill you all in here---  We are moving to "Lakefield"--a small town east of Toronto---  There are lakes around us--- It is a tiny place --chosen because Son#2 will be living there--and I like "QUIET"--It looks quiet---- We have a "Showing" of this house to-night--and 3 more scheduled----So, I just hope we survive all of the excitement---I think we will--

Now I must get this house tidied up---  the laundry put away--As the kids used to say, "" I must get this baby into action!"-- --Lopez has been out--

                        Always remember --You are  special---Make to-day a good day--because ----


  1. Lakefield is a wonderful place! I used to live close by, in Peterborough, and visited often. How lucky you are!

    1. Ann-- It's yu--- Yu lived close by?--- Well that is where we will be--and Son #2 will be just upstairs then on Stoney Lake--Lynda

  2. I looked Lakefield up on the computer and it looks like a charming, great place to live. The Chocolate Rabbit (?) store looked especially nice to me but there would go the diet. Lots of easy places to explore and learn new things. Will be fantastic start to a new chapter in your life. Wishing you the best of luck on the people looking at your house. It will be perfect for somebody. Dot

    1. Dot--It's yu--so good that I now know yer name--Yes Lakefield seems quiet--small and restful--all of those sound good--LOL--Lynda

  3. BWAHAHAHA! Yes indeed . . . laundry will ALWAYS be with us.

    Around here, I’m told, it’s the Hunter’s Moon because the extra light from the moon allows the hunters to be out a little later. I am not a hunter, so wouldn’t know! LOL Just what I’m told.

    Well, Lakefield sounds perfect. Small, quiet = perfect! Hope the showings go well. Wishing you luck.

    HUGS and good luck blessings

    1. That is a good explanation of a Hunter's Moon--- Lynda

  4. Lynda, YOU are an amazing girl! How you do all that you do and keep your sanity, I don't even begin to understand!
    I just looked it up: we are 15 hours and 25 minutes apart. My route would include a ferry and tolls. Wow! I will need to win the lottery, for sure. Believe it or not, we are closer now than that! Now it's just 11 hours and 15 minutes. But we are close in thoughts and heart. Maybe some day your son can pick us all up and we can come to a house warming at your new place.
    Pretty day here. The sky is beautiful! Always wanted fabric that bright blue color. It's cold though, and it was below freezing overnight. It is supposed to hit 61F (16.111C) this afternoon.
    Our boilers for our hot water heat (which I do not recommend in a building this size) will finally be turned on tomorrow. That's also when Lucky has his appointment.
    Your new town looks lovely...and peaceful. You will appreciate that.
    All for now, sis. Need to go get gas and lunch.
    Have a peaceful day today, too. All four of you. {{{HUGS}}}Love, Maggie

    1. Well--I don't keep my sanity Maggie all the time-- That's why I am always trying not to cry--LOL-- One day I will meet you-- half way--WE WILL do this!--LOL-- We must---- I took Sushi as I was afraid the people going thru the house might let her out -another showing tomorrow-Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I have to tell you, in my home the man does all the laundry! I had 5 children and worked full time - pretty much a single mom for years. So laundry got done but to save time I folded it right out of the dryer and everyone had a basket that went into their room. Then I married Tom and, well let's just say he's very particular about how his clothes gets folded! Since he'd been living alone for 10 years, he was quite familiar with doing laundry so it became HIS job. The kids were old enough to start doing their own. And that has continued now for 29 years. But you're right, laundry will never leave us!!! Today is going to be a good day - it's sunny here. We got up late so not much done so far but that's okay! Yes, if feels good to have someone tell me that I am healing! I'm planning on going to my bible study tonight so I may lie down for a bit this afternoon! Have a good day!

    1. Kathy yu are "mending"--- That was a serious operation--I admire yu--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda, I have looked up Lakefield and it looks lovely. You will still have water close by and beautiful scenery. I think you will both settle in and be very happy. I know I would be content to live in that setting. I read your blog every day but don't always comment.

    1. Madeline--Yu read the blog daily??-- so happy you commented to-nite--Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda, Lakefield looks lovely. It's not too big and not too small. I think you'll really enjoy it once you are settled.
    Great inserts today. Thank you. I always admire your positivity.
    BEST OF LUCK on your house showings. Hoping it sells quickly so you can get going!
    Hugs and blessings
    Marge in cold St.Louis

    1. Hi Marge hear the showing went well--another to-morrow-- Lynda

  8. PHOENIX1949

    Just finished my virtual tour of Lakefield and it's amenities. Charming village. Hope the house sells quickly! I feel this will be a great new beginning for y'all.

    Susan, Central TX, USA

    1. A little town--but I like "Quiet"-- and it will be easy to drive there-- Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda! Yes, doing laundry right now and cleaning but took a break to see how you were doing. Hope the showings go well. I remember you packing everyone up to show the house. I read about the moon. Will look into the Ohio sky tonight. I bet you will love that small town. They are my favorite. Just like I live in a tiny town of cornfields right now. LOL Have a beautiful day!

    1. I hear the showing went well-- another tomorrow--Lynda

    2. Nice! Hope your nerves are doing well!

  10. Hi Lynda, I just checked out the Village you're moving to and it seems to be such a nice place. You're a social person, so you'll have no trouble making new friends once you get settled and visit the shops. Does himself have a wheelchair or transport chair? I was thinking that when the weather is nice, you can drive into town and you can push Fred around the town for an outing. Once you move, I think you'll be so relieved to be free of all the responsibilities you've handled for so long, that you'll discover a new spring in your step.

    1. It looks quiet doesn't it?--a different life or sure---Lynda

  11. Hi Lynda…Good luck with your house showing…Hope it sells quickly as I think it is stressful to always have your house “showcase ready”! It is a melancholy time for you, I’m sure, but stay positive. It is a new adventure and a really good option for you, as well as Fred! ❤️ Eissa7

    1. I think it will be easier but I am
      getting cold feetabout moving now-- Lortdy Be!--Lynda

  12. Marti here. Yesterday - yesterday I can't say it was a very beautiful day, LOL. When I left work to take my car in for service, it was pouring buckets, and COLD. When I got to the dealership they told me I had actual snow on my windshield - well, it the paper they are calling it "graupel." But it wasn't a very nice afternoon or evening at all, LOL. Today is better. Sunny, and about 51 degrees. Gonna warm up starting tomorrow, to into the mid 70's soon. Odd weather!

    Good luck with the showings! I'll say a little prayer for you. I will have to look up your new town/village.

    1. So thats what "graupel" is--- LOL_-= Sounds cold too--Lynda

  13. Hi Lynda: Lakefield looks like a nice place (from the pictures you posted). Haven't looked on line. Hope you're getting excited about moving and hope an offer comes out of your showings. Will the pilot still fly out of Toronto and drive back and forth from there? Good luck with tonights showing. Hugs Brenda

    1. He flies out of Montreal now--YU are smart to ask-- Lynda


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