Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Well, life changes---

Well, so so much has happened, just over night--  Son#2 has returned home---  We talked  this morning, serious talk---and WE ARE DEFINITELY MOVING---to a town of about 16,000 people -into an apartment -ground level-- 2 bedrooms --- and there is a Day Program at the local facility for Seniors--a quiet little town --lakes close by ---parking right by the door--no walking or elevator  for us--Now, we just need to sell this house--as soon as we can--

Will it be an easy move?  No!--I will probably go crazy-----but it will be worse on me, the longer we stay here--Son#2 the Pilot, will be close by and our daughter in Ohio will be only 6 hrs away---a lot closer than where she is now-- because we are moving SOUTH---

Whoever would think eh?-  I would have no more yard work--- I will have no more grass to cut-- I will not have to vacuum as much----  I probably will miss Elliot Lake like crazy---- but----  if I stay here , I will die soon --probably with a heart attack--or worse still, a stroke--  and,  son #2 and wife, will be living just above us--IN THE SAME BUILDING, until his cottage comes down, and his new house is built--and then they will be close by--

So, what do you all think?--- Yu think we are crazy  to move --or you think we should just "hunker " down here --in this place--this town- -- ?????--Well----  I think you all need a laugh-- 

                                            There!  Does the above put a smile on yer face?

                            OK----  THAT IS THE NEWS ---and you all are the first to know! No more weed whackers-----I will actually be able to take Himself for short drives--  unbelievable!



  1. I think you should do what is best for you and your husband.

  2. It certainly sounds sensible on the face of it. We all need a little more help as we get old-er, and you certainly deserve a break, Lynda! It will be nice to have others nearby supporting you with as much independence and balance as can be had!

    1. I think it will be a good move Barb--Lynda

  3. I’m so happy for both of you, Lynda! It’s a lot of work, to be sure, and it may not be easy but in the long run I have to believe both of you will be better off.

    1. Yes we will be better off-- Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda! Yay! Closer to Ohio! Son #2 will steer you right just like he does that plane! LOL Yes, funny meme! Have a great day and don’t think too much. Like I would do. Sounds like a great plan. Hugs!

    1. Yes--or sure--closer to Ohio-Lynda

  5. I think this is great news! It will make things so much easier in many ways. A huge change for you, but change can be good. Wish you could sell the house quickly and get moved before winter. Simplify your life! As we age, sometimes we have to accept that things are not the same and life can still go on, just in a different way or place. Go with a positive attitude and all will be good.

  6. I know that it will be a good move for you himself will have some issues with it but he will adjust in time I pray that your home sells quickly and for a fair market price I am so excited for you

    1. Oh I hope it sells also--We love this house--but--it is a large place--- Lynda

  7. I am happy for you and your family. It's a difficult decision for sure but after you get settled in I'm sure you will be so relieved.

  8. It's Kathy. I think that's a really good idea. Lynda, you can't keep doing all the yard work and then shoveling all the snow. You will have some help so much closer and with your daughter only 6 hours away, she may be able to visit more often too! Every day I'm in my home I think - maybe it is time for us to move. We have such a big yard and while my husband does the mowing, he isn't interested in doing much else. Let the weeds grow is his motto! I doubt I'll be able to do anything before we have snow so I'll have to let everything die and start over next spring. Kind of makes me crazy! At least now you have something to work toward!

    1. Its a hard decision to move --- but I feel its better now than when I'm older--Lynda

  9. I think this will be a good move for you and hubby. It will sure take a load off your back and make life a lot less stressful.

    1. It will It will--=exciting--Lynda

  10. Hi Lynda, that's FANTASTIC news. I assume you need to contact rental office and pay to secure apartment now. You'll need at least a floor plan to figure out what furniture you will take and how you'll get rid of things or put in a storage unit. You're going to be very busy. I hope you can GO soon, before snow season. That would be ideal. It will all work out. Son upstairs is great as he's very caring. Daughter closer is great! I'm so happy for you.
    Loved the insert on identifying an asshole. LOL
    Have a fabulous day.

    1. Yes Matt is going to secure the place and we will reimburse him---Our daughter says she will be only 6 hrs awAy--Lynda

  11. Wow! Things fall into place when they need to, don’t they! Did son #2 find the apartment for you? It’s awesome that you’ll be close to him and DIL. AND closer to DD, as well.

    OHhhhhh and bonus points that Son #2 and DIL will be living above you til the cottage comes down. Now . . . fingers crossed for a quick sale.

    NOOOOOO you are definitely not crazy to move! It sounds like it will be so much easier for you and the day care program available is close by, too. That is important.

    Fantastic news.

    Hugs and blessings. Things work out as they should! You sound relieved and happy! You SHOULD!


    1. Yes Son#2 found this apartment and he will be in the same building till his house is built--Its a quiet little town--Lynda

  12. I know the thought of moving is scary, but this does seem like a good solution. Matt seems to have been the most helpful over the years, and I think he's found a good a good place for you and Himself. Being on the ground floor, having your car nearby is great. Hopefully you can move sooner rather than later. You've carried the load for so long, and now it's time for you to give up clearing snow, mowing and weedwacking. I hope there is room for your piano. Bless you Lynda.

    1. Yes I shall bring the piano--Lynda

  13. Sis, I think your plan is great! You will be closer to me, too!
    Remember, if it feels is good!
    I'm not saying it won't be an adjustment. You will not have room for all the stuff you have now. Will you have a garage or yard sale...and advertise it in town? That would help you eliminate thing to move. Also, the kids might want to take some things off your hands. There are charity shops to donate to, also. Here we have stores run by the Salvation Army and GoodWill. There are also consignment shops where you get money back when your items sell.
    Beautiful weather...a bit warmer now.
    I just got back from my doc appointments. All labs...cholesterol, glucose, nutrients...all are perfect. Blood pressure, too. (170/23). She wants me back for a couple more tests. She was also happy about my 10 pound weight gain.
    I had a great time: got my blood draw, picked up a drug from the pharmacy, shopped in the duty/tax free store and had lunch. I have enough left for supper.
    Now, if my boss man agrees, I will crawl in bed for a snooze.
    I know you are more at peace now having made your decision. I appreciate you keeping for follower friends informed. We care about you all...alot! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie--closer to yu too!!--That is good!! good all your tests are good!- Aww--I do feel good about the decision--- Lynda

  14. Wonderful plan. It’s only FAIR FOR YOU TO LIVE, TOO! Not yardworking, and hiding from a cane hitting YOU. Good luck.

  15. What wonderful news! Sounds like son #2 is more then ready and willing to help you out and your daughter will be closer, sounds like a win win to me.

  16. A good decision, I can't think about you spending another hard winter. I know this is so very difficult, but difficult decisions are better made before one is 'forced' to make any decision. Options are so important.

  17. Sounds like the answer to your prayers. Yes, it will be hard for awhile but the initial moving time will be the hardest on Himself and your son will be there to keep your sanity. By the time he moves, things should have calmed down and all will be well. Or at least pretty good. Maybe he can talk to Himself and ask his advice on the new house - doesn't mean he has to listen and take the advice but it would make Himself feel a part of something again. Yes, you will miss the old place but that's an inevitable change.

    Hang in there and don't worry about what might be with this move. What happens is bound to happen now or later so might as well bite the bullet and get it done. Dot

    1. Thanks Dot--I agree with all yu said-Lynd

  18. i personally, am ecstatic for you! Great choice! Could not be any better. You'll be fine! - Marti

    1. smaller place--less work--farther south--Lynda

  19. Maybe you can visit your son and take himself to the day program prior to the move and show him that they are welcoming?

  20. Hi Lynda: Sounds fantastic to me. The fact that there is a daycare right there too makes it perfect. And no more shoveling snow or cutting grass. The move will be tough but everything else should be great after that. And one of your other sons could help with selling the house if you've already moved. Hugs Brenda

  21. Replies
    1. Oh my goodness!--SO sO happy to hear from yu--and I owe yu a long letter-- ---- Are yu doing OK??---I have yer letter saved--and everyday I mean to answer it--Now I will have time!--Bless yer heart -Lynda

  22. That sounds like a GREAT plan! (Again, I LOVE Son #2.) One thing we did after my mother passed and we moved my dad to be close to me (two states away) is we moved him into his senior apartment first and THEN my brother and I and our spouses cleaned out the house and got it ready to sell. Our realtor was so helpful, too, in arranging an estate sale, hiring people she's used before to refinish the floors and paint the interior, do some window-dressing landscaping, and having he house staged. It sold for well above the asking price. It may be less stressful for himself if he isn't seeing all that going on around him. / Leslie

  23. I'm so happy for you, moving close to Son #2, who seems to be the one who helps you the most of the kiddos. It's a big old change, but just think, you will have more help and less work. And with a daycare program, Himself may be happier and you will be able to think of what you might like to do and maybe make some in-person friends to chum around with.

    I know the move will send Himself into a tizzy, and that will be very difficult for both of you. But, what I've learned through hard experience is, most folks with dememtia do not remain happy even in their own long-time homes because of their confusion and resulting upset. However, you both will be safer and hopefully you can enjoy life a bit more with less pressure.

    I'm so happy for you.


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