Monday, October 14, 2024

Each new day is a gift-

Good Day----  It's Thanksgiving---plus its also our wedding anniversary--amazing!--It is also very cold outside and this morning, there was snow in the air--first day of snow--- not enough to stay on the ground--but , it is a sign that winter is almost here. Canadian Thanksgiving is earlier than the American Thanksgiving--
We are going to Son#3's house for dinner---I usually buy the turkey and they cook the meal--That is because Son#3's wife does not have her parents anymore  where  son#4 celebrates Thanksgiving with his wife's family--Son #1 is at his wife's daughters place--It is usually a celebration with family--

The above is a picture of our new kitchen--in the place we are moving to--  Everything is new!

The dishwasher
and below, the washer and dryer
It is just an apartment but, I think we will be very comfortable there--no stairs--no yard work--I just might get my blogging done early in the day--LOL
How is your day going?--Do you have the patience of Job??--Mom used to say that--I knew then that she was about ready to lose it and to make myself scarce---Is it a good day in your house?

I shall talk to you all this evening---and I am heading out to cut grass---AGAIN___!



  1. Good morning Lynda. That kitchen looks wonderful, and upon seeing it I thought of your new stove top, and I believe you purchased a new refrigerator not that long ago. I do remember last year you had painting done in the house.Whatever that was purchased or painted in the last year should be mentioned to the realtor so that she can add it to your listing. I think you and himself are going to be very happy in your new surroundings, son't you?

    1. Oh I hope it all works out-- It will be different living so fr south and away from these kids in town--but--we do not see these kids very much--Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda: Gorgeous appliances. Kitchen sounds really nice and looks nice from what is shown. Glad one of your sons there is having you over for dinner. Happy Thanksgiving! I just bought 2 turkey thighs and had one last night and one for tonight. And happy anniversary too! Enjoy your dinner tonight. Hugs Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda--- I hope it swill be good move-- Guess we will find out--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda…I think you will love your new place!! It will free you up to do ALL of the fun stuff that you have little time for now…I am so happy for you!! Of course it will be an adjustment, but you are flexible AND strong, so I think it is 100% your best option!
    Happy Anniversary and Happy Thanksgiving!
    ❤️ Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. Oh Karen-- I was over at our sons for dinner--nice to be with them--and I felt sad that we will not see them as much--always something eh?--Lynda

  4. OH my . . . . Happy anniversary and Happy Thanksgiving! Awesome!

    OH NO! Snow in the air already. Too early for me.

    HOLY MOLEY! That kitchen looks gorgeous! Everything looks very accessible! Looks lovely and even better . . . will make life easier for you and Himself!

    Quite the day here. Had labs drawn for my physical (which is next Monday). Well, had to have 4 vials of blood – no problem, except . . . when disengaging the first tube, he took the needle out with it. *SIGH* Had to be stuck again. I guess should be the worst thing to happen, right. And he did get the needed tubes filled.

    Had DH with me because he has an eye exam scheduled right after (about ½ hr. drive away. Well, we got there and . . . “Mr. Levine, your appointment is tomorrow @ 9 am.”: SERIOUSLY? We both walked out of there shaking our head. Could both of us have screwed it up? Well, turns out we didn’t. We looked @ the appointment care and, clearly written, 10 am 14 October. SO, then the next chore was making sure we DID actually have an appointment tomorrow. Confirmed. Then the NEXT chore was re-scheduling DH’s PT appointment tomorrow. *SIGH* Got that done. What a cascade of ridiculousness.

    Well, onward.

    Hugs and blessings


    1. Whata mix up eh with those appointments--Poor you guys-- but--Yu got it sorted out-- Lynda

  5. It's Kathy. Happy Anniversary to you both! And Happy Thanksgiving. Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate with family. I put the word out that I will not be hosting any more family gatherings so my daughter Lauriellen will do Thanksgiving and my daughter Jessica will do Christmas. I will bring my favorite coffee cake! But we've got over a month yet before it all begins. Your new kitchen looks lovely. Oh what I would give for some new appliances and a nice counter top! Today is going well so far. We cleaned the house - kind of. My husband has to do all the heavy work and he doesn't see what I see, but he did good! And I did all the dusting and cleaned the bedrooms. It's hard for me to do things yet, but it was easier this time around! So I guess I must be healing!

    1. Kathy--It will get easier for yu in time!--Yes yu must be healing but it all takes time-Lynda

  6. Wow, when are you moving? I have not been on here with you lately due to some health problems, so what have I missed? The kitchen looks beautiful.
    Donna_cps2 Chicago area

    1. Donna--Yu OK?-- Yes we will be moving but must sell this house first--Lynda

  7. Oh my, Happy Anniversary to both of you!

  8. Hi Lynda, Happy Anniversary and Happy Thanksgiving. Glad you'll be going to one of the boys houses. No cooking for you YAY.
    Your new kitchen is pretty. I love white cabinets and the new, stainless appliances are lovely. I notice you have wood floors. Yay. Too bad you had to buy several new appliances in the last few years BUT that could be a selling point.
    How many square feet is new apartment? Is it 2 BR and 2 bath? It looks very nice and new. I think you'll be very happy. You'll have time to do things YOU enjoy.
    Still have to mow...oh no. Grass still growing here but I'd expect your cold temps to stop your grass from growing. We still don't have colored leaves.
    Patience...not always one of my strengths especially with my himself.
    Take care, stay strong, and positive.
    Big hugs

    1. Marge--its a 2 bedroom--but only one bath--It will be different--Lynda

  9. Hello! I had forgotten how early Canada celebrates Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Anniversary!

    Your new digs looks nice! And no worries about the yard, you won't have to do that very much longer! Hooray! :)


    1. Marti--NO NO yard work-- I might even miss that--LOL--Lynda

  10. Happy Anniversary to you and Himself. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Love your apartment. You will have so much more time for YOU! Good day in Ohio. Enjoy your evening! Hugs!

    1. Oh I just hope it all works out-Lynda

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! Glad you are going to be with one of your sons' family to celebrate! And Happy Anniversary! You did not tell us how many years of marriage you are celebrating??!! Your new kitchen and laundry area look awesome! So clean and new! WooHoo! You haven't said, but pets are welcome there? Hoping Lopez and Sushi are included in the move! And just think, no more mowing, weed-whacking, raking, etc! I am excited for you!

    1. 62 yrs of marriage--long time---And yers--pets are welcome--Lynda

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, did not know y'all celebrated differently...
    It looks very nice in the apartment. I hope the move is peaceful.
    Oh and does not upset Himself too much.
    Take care and don't overdo Lynda.

  13. I don't believe it! My comment showed after I copied it, chose to 'publish' and checked back to be sure it did. It's NOT here! I told you that today was Columbus Day in the US, about all I did, talked about your new place and the photos...I will have to start pasting it into an email, too, to be sure you get it.
    Once again, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Anniversary..."see" you tomorrow. {{{HUG}}} Love, you sis Maggie

  14. What a lovely place to move into, and what a relief it must be to have the decision behind! Sending vibes of energy to help with "making it happen". Life's good here.


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