Thursday, October 3, 2024

Memories left behind--usually it's a part of ourselves-

Good morning--sunny--not too cold--Hair day--- "colour"----and yes, it IS ALL ABOUT LIVING IN HARMONY--together--not always easy--but ever so important--

Lopez and I have  "HOOFED" it up the road--He did what I had hoped he would--Bless his little pea-picking heart--He is a very smart little pooch--He is learning english--- a difficult thing for a Chihuahua--When I say, "You go in your crate"--and I say that when he gets his "dander" up and  wants to bite me---  but----  He seems to understand;- "NO, YOU GO IN YOUR CRATE!"--and low and behold, he does!

If any of you want a dog who absolutely adores only you, he is the one---  a better guard dog than a Shepherd (Who would think eh?)_can go anywhere because he is small--  but, could be eaten by wild animals also, so one must always be aware of the area and conditions you are in--

Now how did I ever get into all of that?-

Sadie that wonderful cleaning Lady (who is really me!) was here yesterday and she helped me , both onside and out---blew some leaves out on the driveway---What is nice about her, I do not have to pay her--(LOLOL)

I hope that your day is going well--that you are stronger than you ever believed you could be---but----if you are having a bad day,  things can improve---'specially with a positive attitude, and a wee bit of chocolate , maybe--Never give up!!!!

To-morrow is Grampa Wallaces Birthday --my Grandfather Wallace--who I just adored---  the man who took time to dance with a 4 year old in his kitchen----"ME"-Below---There he is with Gramma--the 2 people beside the girl with the cat, in front of their home in Port Perry--and my Dad  beside them---  many moons ago-strong people--Wouldn't it be fun to  go back to that time--just for a few minutes and tell Grampa how much we loved him--and that house?--sliding down the banister---- dancing in his kitchen--sleeping  in the bedroom with the stove pipe  going through it and hearing Gramma telling us not to touch that pipe--Memories--- Memories that  make us strong to-day--

Grampas house --  many years later--with a part of me, left in that house!



  1. It's Kathy. I so understand about leaving a part of yourself behind. I think often of my grandparents and their house. I loved their house - it didn't have an upstairs and I was fascinated by that. My grandpa was an artist and in their downstairs he painted one wall to look like Lake Nokomis - they lived only a block from the lake. So when we had family parties us kids would sit at the picnic table by that painting! We have a chilly day today and cloudy, but I'm okay with that. We've had too many 80 degree sunny days for fall! Enjoy your hair day!

    1. nice memories you have of visiting your Grandparents also--=WE are so lucky arent we? Lynda

  2. PHOENIX1949

    When my father died in 1997, his 6-year-old grandson looked around at the sad faces at the visitation and commented loudly that "we shouldn't be sad because we will have him in our hearts forever." Wow, out of the mouth of babes! My sister had not told him this. Perhaps his Christian school teacher said this when he was going to miss a couple of days, or it was part of a class teaching, or perhaps he had an inspiration. No matter the source, his words come to minds of family members often!

    Susan, Central Texas

    1. Awwww so sweet--- "in our hearts forever""-- and so true eh?--Lynda

  3. Just memories today, Lynda. Many are positive, and the ones that aren't...don't think of them.
    I have plaques on my wall given to me at a work Christmas gift exchange at least to years ago. There are 3: 1. Remember yesterday 2. Live today 3. Dream tomorrow.
    I used to study a book called 'A Course in Miracles.' It says, "About the past? Remember only the Love."
    It's hair day for you! You will enjoy getting out and about. Maybe do an errand or two, too. Will you take Lopez? If not, I hope you crate him.
    Not much going on here. Cloudless sky, but getting cold. Our heat has not been turned on yet. Probably not until the 15th.
    I'm waiting for a package to arrive...something I purchased online for JoAnne.
    Lucky is sleeping. I may have lost my chance. If I have a bite of lunch then crawl in bed to snooze with him, he might have had enough and tell me to get up, feed him and play, almost right away. I will take a chance anyway.
    Fall is so beautiful, but I look forward less to what comes next.
    Careful on your drive, dear. I'll check back later. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Yes I crated Lopez as I needed colour--didn't trust Himself to care for Lopez that long--always a worry-- Yu are good to see that Maggie!--Hugs my friend-Lynda


  4. That’s awesome that Lopez is learning! Yeah! You’re doing a good job.

    Ohhhhh yeah. Nothing wrong w/a wee bit of chocolate to sweeten up the day!

    Awwwww, so many precious memories remembered looking @ photos from the past.

    HUGS and hope it’s a good Thursday. Glad you’ll get some pampering!


    1. always good to get out of here Barb for a bit-- Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, good on you pampering yourself. You deserve it.
    Glad to hear Lopez is listening to your commands. That's important.
    Only dwell on the good memories.
    Stay positive, strong and healthy.
    Hoping neither of you pick up a bug.
    Hope himself is cooperative when you get back home. I am impressed that he still cooks. I'm sure he leaves a dandy mess for Sadie but someone else cooking would be fine by me.
    Enjoy this lovely day.
    Curious, about how far is pilot sons lake location from where you live now. Would you have to change doctors, hairdresser, vet etc?

    1. Marge--It is a long wAy --and I am concerned about that--It means changing Hair dresser--changing Drs--yes--and vet--WE shall see --might not be the best idea-- Lynda

  6. Today I had to see the doctor for my 4 mo diabetic checkup - my blood sugar and symptoms are only getting worse, all because I live for fast food and pasta. I cannot seem to get control of myself. But he said soon complications will begin if I don't. No more sweets and carbs for me, if I can get a grasp on it - Marti

    1. Marti we both can do this--My diet isn't the best either--=Lets do this together-Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda! It was a nice sunny day in Ohio! Yes, chocolate is good. I love dark chocolate. I hope Himself and Lopez were good for you. Lopez is so sweet. Tommy helped fold laundry today. He likes to be wrapped up in a warm shirt then put his little head on my shoulder. I just keep standing there! LOL They can be so sweet! Did you have a nice day? Hope so! Hugs!

    1. Yes--YU know it was a good day--Thank yu for asking-- Lynda


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