Saturday, October 5, 2024

Enough Adulting-

They say that to-day is "World Teachers Day""--I think it could be, "Be Strong Day"--or, "Dance till you drop day"---or, "better still,  " Make sure you get a nap Day"--We do have sun, but this morning when I woke up, the temperature was only 3 degrees--COLD!!!!   It is slowly going down---  no frost yet, but soon, I think-
-Himself is home-no Day Program, due to Covid in the Lodge----  There must be more cases now--no shots  available until the 25th---  
Yesterday I was outside blowing leavers--  I guess I was out there too long, because when I came in, Himself was "fit to be tied"-(-Mom's expression--)---- angry---too, ----I had dinner ready before I had gone out, and he didn't like that, I guess--so angry that he  was hitting me and yelling--  extremely upset---totally not like him!You know, not going to his Day Program is going to be hard on both of us--but----  WE WILL GET THRU THIS!-----  Life certainly is a challenge taking care of someone who cannot  hear--and is not able to just be Himself--caring and kind, like he used to be! 
                    Lord love a Duck! ----I know things will improve---  in time---  I hope! Himself does not enjoy being told what to do-------and I do not enjoy telling him what to do-- ---Lord love a  Duck--!!!!

Just be strong---Be Positive--- and life will eventually return to normal--- if it isn't in your part of the world--The sun is out--  It isn't snowing-- YET! -----We'll, enough "Adulting"---




  1. Good morning Lynda,
    Adulting isnt all it's cracked up to be at times.
    So sorry to hear about your difficult afternoon with himself. All you can do is get away and let him rant. Gosh oh mighty. I hope Lodge reopens soon. At least it's a break. Can you call a son to come over so you can regroup and they can chat with him to refocus him or take him for a ride to McDonalds? We know this behavior isn't him and he can't help it but you have to take care of you. Gotta get away, walk away even if it means you go to McDonalds 🙃 praying today is better. I sure wish there were friends you could call to visit with himself. Hugs dear Lynda.
    Sounds quite cold up there. Sunny and mid 80sF in St.Louis. Beautiful weekend but nowhere to go as my himself can't walk much and I don't have a wheelchair. It's all OK. Sadie will help me get the house in order. There will likely be items for me to put away at the food pantry where I volunteer. That's my break.
    Praying for your continued strength, positive attitude and stick to it get it done attitude.
    Big hugs

    1. Marge I took him out in the car this afternoon and he is definitely better--not Himself but better----Tough life with him--Lynda

    2. Hi Lynda...glad outing in the car helped. Not himself but better is what we get today. Hang in. Talk to the boys about Lodge and having them pop over. Can't hurt and could help. Hope you got a nap.

  2. PHOENIX1949

    Oh no! Mom and a childhood friend that lived nearby shared their tribulations dealing with spouses with dementia. Her friend would not tell their children about the hitting. It escalated quickly and a son dropped in unexpectedly to find his dad straddling his mother in the hallway strangling her! Sounds like a very difficult decision you've been dreading will soon need to be made. Hugs and prayers.

    1. VERY VERY dfifficult when he doesn't go to the DAy Program--hard! Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. I agree - enough adulting! And I'm good with Let's take a nap day! I have been so tired today and it's so cold in my house. I suppose I should turn on the heat but it's suppose to be 80 outside. The big tree in the back yard hasn't lost any of it's leaves yet so the sun can't come in through the windows! We Will Get Through This!!! I hope your day improves! I haven't heard of any Covid stories around our neighborhood. We sure don't need that. I hope it clears out of the Day Center soon!

    1. Kathy--The afternoon has been better-- I hope that the covid doesn't spread like wildfire in the Lodge or he will never get to go back to the Day Program,-Lynda

  4. My dearest friend, now Himself is abusing you?! Only Sushi to come. Do you have him on a waiting list yet? I know you love (the old) will be hard on you without him, but easier, too.
    Why would he be mad that you had supper ready already? Who knows how folks in 'his conditions' brains work?
    Did some shopping and filled the gas tank today. Took my wheel-less friend, and we had a meal, too.
    Just fed Lucky, and it's time for a nap. I hope you get one, too.
    Cooler again here, too, and mostly sunny. Funny thing is, we have lots of trees that are still green, and they're not pines. It seems a strange fall.
    Will check back here after karaoke, Lynda. Hope you will say that Himself and the pets are all better moods. Music would help.
    {{{HUGS}}} your sis, Maggie

    1. That Day Program sure is worth its weight and gold-- diffuses all his anger-- Lynda

  5. YES! My vote goes for “Make sure you get a nap today!”
    Be colder tonight and slight chance of thunderstorms. Oh well. It will be tonight and slight chance of thunderstorms. Rather have that @ night than during the day.

    So sorry to hear about Himself’s day care being cancelled due to Covid. That is hard on both of you.

    OH MY GOODNESS. So sorry to hear that Himself was so terribly upset. *SIGH* Just be safe.

    Definitely offering up hugs a plenty and prayers so that your needed help happens! You and Himself both need to be safe.

    Totally agree that it would be good if you could call one of your sons to take over for just a little while so you can regroup and Himself can calm down.

    HUGS and more!


    1. It sure isn't easy taking care of him when he gets so angry-- Lynda

  6. Oh no, that's not safe for you. Something needs to be done!

    1. definitely not safe-- horrible--Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda! I hope you got a nap and things are going better for you. I sure hope the Lodge gets going soon. Nice weather in Ohio today but I can’t go out hardly at all with my allergy asthma. How are you this evening? Hugs to you!

  8. Hi Lynda; Sounds like a bad day. I hope it wasn't a bad hit - it gets too dangerous if he gets like that too often. Hope the lodge gets back to normal soon. Can you find anyone to visit with him for an hour or two through the week? Be careful. Can one of the kids come over and spend time with him? It's not fair that they don't help more. Hope the evening is better. Hugs Brenda

  9. Here's hoping that nap happened. I did not get mine, today.

  10. I think himself may be reacting from fear. He may get confused when you are not where he can see you and he lets that build up and then reacts badly when you do come in. Some Alzheimer’s patients are violent, and may need more supervision than you can provide. I am so sorry that this horrible disease is robbing your husband of himself.


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