Thursday, October 10, 2024

My wish for you---

Good morning--It is zero outside right now---that means it could SNOW--Holy Cow!!---AND---WE ARE MOVING---  not to-day---- but--one day SOON!! This means that we will be moving out of "the north"--into Southern Ontario, which means that the winters will be milder--Who would think eh, at our age that we  are going to move? The Real estate Lady was out here yesterday afternoon---   I do love our property----- but-------it is time----  This house is meant to be enjoyed by another family---

So, there really is a "GOD" in Heaven---Who would think eh that all this could happen! And we have a place  to move to---and , the town we are going to live in, has a "Day Program for Himself --in a Seniors residence, like here. This whole move will not be easy--It will probably be terrible---but-- what the heck--- WE have to do it!----And we will be closer to S.A.W.-----Grandfather Wallace's stomping ground-- Maybe he arranged all this----  Who knows eh?--
            This will be our front door--where we will  park the car----right in front of the door--just in case you happen to be in the area, and recognize this door, you can stop in--LOL

I hope that you were not in the eye of Hurricane Milton--that you are safe , somewhere--I also hope that your day is going well----that you have the "faith so you can believe"--( Just look what happened  in my life!)-



  1. Good morning, Lynda! It is 50 in Ohio right now! See, you need to move closer to here! Love your new front door. It looks inviting. It is a good day. Our anniversary and my husband is off work today. We got married on 10.10.10 at Niagra. It was outdoors, sunny and in the 60’s. A beautiful day. Hope you have a lovely day as you have so much to look forward to. Hugs!

    1. Yes--closer to you all-- amazing eh?-- Lynda

  2. It was 1C when I got miss Lilly out this morning. Brrrrr. She was not interested in spending much time outside. I was glad of that!

    So happy to hear you sound so OK w/moving. And it will be a bonus to have a milder winter . . . and not have all the work! The universe works in mysterious ways, doesn’t it!

    That is AWESOME that the town you’ll move to has a Day Program for himself. That’s a huge blessing. That is awesome, too, that you can park the car right in front of the door.

    Sometimes when faith is at the lowest point things happen, right! So glad for you. It will be good for both of you.

    hugs and blessings


    1. Amazing isn't it?--and its all happening so fast-Lynda

  3. Lynda, if I lived near, I sure would help you to move. Moving is exciting, I always start packing months in advance. It's a new chapter, a new life, new beginnings - I like moving. I've moved many times! It's also a chance to weed out what you don't need, and live more simply - Marti, who is at home with a cold right now.

    1. Oh Marti-sorry about yer cold-- I wish yu were closer also-Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. The decision has been made, now the work begins. That's the part that stops me every time. I hope some of your children will come and help you pack up. I have a few friends who were in the path of Milton and I've not yet heard from them. I do home they are safe! Have a good day.

    1. Kathy-Who would think thzt we would move eh?--Lynda

  5. I’m so happy for you Lynda!!! Yes! it’s a great idea and definitely the time to move. You are very fortunate to find something so perfect! Many blessings to you and Fred.
    Vicki from Mass

    1. Vicki--- amazing isnt it?-Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda. I'm so happy son has secured apartment for you. It looks very new; added bonus, plus parking at door and day program. It will be great. Now to figure out what goes and what doesn't. Since you have a place, you could go now and let oldest son check on house. I hope you have a good realtor. Many realtors have connections with estate sale companies, clean out companies etc which would let you go now before winter. That would be fantastic. I'm very happy for you. Main floor living, laundry and all you need on one level.
    Grandfather may have had a hand in it...never know. Happy packing.

    1. It all is happening so fast-Lynda

  7. PS. You can have an inside sale since it's getting cold up there. You need sons, spouses, and grands to help but you might want to think about that. Estate sale companies come in and price, advertise and conduct sale but down here they charge 30% of proceeds and get rid of whatever doesn't sell. Don't make the common mistake of taking too much as storage will be much less than you are used too. Just my 2 cents after helping friends move to independent living facilities....they took too much lol.

    1. Thanks Marge--I shall remember that--Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda: Nice front door for an apartment. How far south will you be going? It looks good with the parking right there. Hopefully your place will sell fairly quickly before winter arrives! I'm so happy for you. Moving will be hard though. Maybe the kids and grandkids who live close by will help with packing, getting rid of stuff etc. Have a good night.

  9. Lynda, I think this will prove to be a blessing for you and Himself, Lopez and Sushi. Without worrying about yardwork, dealing with a generator, going up and down stairs for Winter clothes, Summer clothes, think of the free time you'll have time to read your Kindle and play your piano, and other things that bring you pleasure. I know there's a lot of packing involved and thinking of what furniture to take, but once it's done, you can relax. It will be safer for Himself not risking falling on the stairs or slipping on the ice. I think your son, Matt, realized you needed help in making a decision and finding a place. It will be good.

  10. I couldn't be happier for you both. Your son and daughter in law will be there with the help you might need. No more snow shovelling, grass cutting and black flies. Also Sadie will have a lot less to clean and more time to relax and enjoy life. Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures. Madeline/ Kitchener

  11. I do believe this will be a fantastic move - hard work for awhile but then it will be peaceful again. Yes, you are at an age where it is hard but you aren't going to get any younger in the future. One thing I like about the picture of the door is that the entrance is covered. If there is rain or snow, you can open the front door out of the elements. It was in the 80s here in Illinois but going to drop next week. I'm sure not ready for winter either.

    I wouldn't worry about staging the house, etc but just get what you need to do, done. Any buyer of a house would understand. Do houses sell fairly quickly in that area? Lots of luck!!

  12. Where did my comment go?! I swear I did it like I always do. Came back to see if you responded...and IT'S NOT THERE! Wish I remember what I said. Something about you will have much less stress when it's all over. Trusting that the kids will help you. Wondering if Himself understands what is to happen. Hope he takes it well.
    So sorry I don't remember more! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

  13. Hi Linda,
    Was wondering if you have physically seen the apartment. Maybe a visit and showing the apartment to Himself and see if he likes it. Careful what you say to him so that he doesn't think that you are just putting him there by himself. This is exciting, I am hoping that your kids will be helping you.
    Take care, Chris

  14. I DO hope you are doing okay, as no post from you usually means things aren't going so well. Marti


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