Sunday, September 8, 2024

Groovin! on a Sunday Afternoon-

Happy Sunday--and good morning--

I am waiting  for the surgeon to call --He said either this Sunday---or next Sunday-- and then he will take the 2 wee spots of cancer off my face-It looks like it might be next Sunday as we are well into this Sunday-

So---How are you all doing?--Yesterday was busy here---no fresh bananas , in the house, so I may have to do a banana run later---  Lopez has been out---done his business---and it is cold out there-- I hear it may warm up  again, and soon  I think--and--the Hummingbirds are still here--not as plentiful, but still hovering around the feeders----

I hope to bring in the hoses this week---which are all over the front and back grass--just have to figure out how to disconnect them-- Himself has all these tiny round gadgets to stop them from dripping and I haven't a clue how to get them off--

It is Son#4's Birthday to-day--  a special day---  He was our surprise child--#5 child and a definite surprise --and you know, he looked the most like his Dad when he was born--

I best get the vacuum going here --  I hope that your day is going well----It is Sunday--Slow down. breathe-- It
's life--  not  a  race .

 Mom used to say, " There is always to-morrow--Whatever doesn't get done today, gets done to-morrow."-(---which usually referred to the vacuuming, which always was my sisters and my job---) and then she loaded us all into the car, and we  were headed to the countryside around Port Stanley, stopping at farms and little tea shops for the day---with lunch out --How we loved those excursions!

Take time to enjoy to-day-- Sundays are the best aren't they?---  more relaxin'!
Try to never, never , never, --give up--


  1. It's Kathy. Happy Birthday to Son #4. My #4 & #5 were also a surprise - and it turned out they were twins, and boys (I had 3 girls). I was never so happy and they have been wonderful all their lives! God gave me a great blessing, as He did you! It's cool here too today but is suppose to warm up into the 80's during the week. I'm starting to feel comfortable getting outside with Daisy but she knows I don't feel so great and hasn't been hanging with me as much. Today I decided enough of the Tylenol which doesn't do anything for me and I took some Advil. I'm hoping it helps the pain more. I get pretty crabby when my leg is throbbing - and I'm ready to start living my life like a normal person! I'm able to do some physical therapy now and that helps, also I'm making myself get up and walk arund the house every hour or so. Good luck with the vacuuming - and yes, what doesn't get done today can probably wait until tomorrow!

    1. I think you are so brave--you had the surgery--and you sure re trying to recover-- Good for you! Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda, yes what doesn't get done today can probably wait. I like your mom's little juants to the countryside. Tea, lunch out and exploring. Great way to spend Sunday.
    I'm forever on a banana run
    Hope you relax later and enjoy your Sunday.
    Happy Birthday to #4. Perhaps you'll be invited over.
    Perhaps one of boys can help with hoses or yard man?
    I am surprised your hummers are still around although next week will be hot.
    Take care of you.
    Surgeon might be next week.
    Hugs and blessings and pets for fur kids.

    1. Hummingbirds are fewer but still here-- Every time I fill the feeders I think--"Maybe this s the last--"--but it never is--LOL-Yeah Surgeon never came-- SOb Sob--Lynda

  3. Good afternoon, sis.
    Yes, things sometimes have to wait, especially doctors and housework.
    Karaoke last night was fun, but we left early. What song did you hear me sing? When you say Nothing at All? (Allison Kraus)
    I've already been to get gas, groceries, batteries for my key fobs and a belt. Can't get bananas 'til the fruit flies are gone. They are fewer.
    Lopez is a good boy! Sushi and Lucky are good, too. Lucky is hovering. Can't give him too much time yet. Soon it will be time to head down to the Community Room for Bingo. It has started up again Sunday afternoons after a year and a half without it!
    I sure hope you get help with the hoses! I know what those things are. Are they push down and turn like some medicine bottles? Hard stuff as we get older.
    Happy birthday to your son! I had a surprise son, too. They are the best kind of surprise.
    'Til later, love. {{{HUGS}}} Maggie

    1. Yes--That was the song I heard-- Allison Kraus--- LOLOL--(You know I am lying!)--I did not get to the hoses but I will eventually-but I did get a rest with my book---Took the Birthday Boy a gift card for coffee--with my mask on--He has Covid and was still coughing--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda! Sending big birthday wishes to your son! I hope you get to celebtate with him. How was your day? Hugs from Ohio!

    1. My day was good-- not as busy -Im trying to keep Sunday as a rest day--hadn't happened yet--but it will--LOL-Lynda

  5. I love Sundays! I always go to mass on Sat. evening so I have my whole day free today! I try to sleep in, but usually don't....but so nice to get up and have my coffee and browse on my computer. Plus I can just decide what I want to accomplish! Have been following a 30 day declutter program for the month of September and am a few days behind,,,,so today I pitched some expired food from my pantry, cleaned out some cleaning supplies that I never use, and lastly found several items that I don't love in my closet to donate! Then worked outside and cleaned the two windows and screens in my bedroom on the north side of the house. Couldn't reach the very top of the windows from the outside as I was afraid to go to the top rung of the step ladder, but I got 7/8th of the windows cleaned....and hopefully noone will see the very top where I could not reach! All in all a good day! Thinking I will sleep well tonight!
    Happy Birthday to Son #4! Hope you got to celebrate with him! No bananas here - need to get some as I suffer from leg cramps in the night when I don't eat them! But not going out today! Maybe tomorrow! Hugs!

    1. nice Sandra that you got to stay home today--an "at home"day is so wonderful!--You deserve the rest after all that cleaning--Lynda

  6. Oh, boy! Surprise children... my two younger sisters were "surprise" babies, eight years after our folks thought their family was complete. One, then two years later, another! But now, of course, you cannot imagine life without those "surprise" children, can you? Blessings, each in their own ways.

    Happy Birthday to yours!

    Praying for the doctor and you for an easy, uncomplicated removal of the skin cancers.

    1. Thanks Barb for the prayers on the troublesome skin cancer-- I will be very happy to see it removed--did not happen yet--=Lynd

  7. You look lovely🌸Your hair looks fantastic ✨ Carol in FL

  8. So glad that at least the surgeon called back and things will be taken care of.

    Sounds like a banana run is in order! Just replenished mine so, good to go for a couple days!

    Happy birthday to son #4! Surprise children are just . . . special!

    HUGS and prayers for your surgeon visit.

    Good luck w/the hoses. That’s always a challenge here, too. BUT . . . in the end, they get disconnected and put away.


    1. Hi Barb--- I missed you last nite--=so nice of yu to read the blog -- Lynda


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