Thursday, September 5, 2024

Never take your crown off--

 Good morning--  I am heading into town for10am---  The computer store is going to transfer all my #8 phone to the new one--(for a fee)--so-- of course I had to cancel my hair--which was supposed to be this afternoon- I cannot do 2 trips to town in one day--BECAUSE I AM OLDER than OLD!
                                                        Yes--I pretend to be sane--but-who really is??? LOL

Lopez and I were out walking early--He did his business---It is cool---light jacket weather---I know he misses LOLA-Son#3's Applehead Chihuahua---kinda looks for her everywhere---Lola has big attitude-- but--I am beginning to think that most Chihuahuas have --"big attitude".

                Below is a picture of both Lola and Lopez in one of our dog beds--

I hope to-day, you will wear that  crown---Of course only strong people can see it----but, it does remind us to be strong!
There are days that I wonder how on earth I am ever going to do "Whatever"--How can I ever replace another appliance----or cut more grass at the end of a busy day---  or learn how to use that new phone--but, you  put that invisable crown on----and---- voila---  WE DO IT!


  1. Well, sorry you had to cancel your hair appointment, but . . . have to have a working phone, right!

    Yes, most chihuahuas do have a definitely attitude!

    For sure, that invisible crown is proof that we can do whatever we put our minds to.

    Hugs and good luck learning the new phone. Be kind and gentle to yourself!


    1. Hi Barb--- Yu are always so positive--nice to see that! I feel some cool air coming in here as I type-- Ill send it your way-Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Sorry about your hair appointment, I know how good that makes you feel. But I also know the feeling of being able to do only one big thing in a day! Today my big thing is Physical Therapy and I'm not sure how I'm going to do that. I have been up so much of the night with the pain. The new medicine I got will take about a week to kick in - and I wonder if I will live that long!! But as you said, when the time comes we get it done! I went to a girl's picnic last night and everyone was so kind and helpful. Kristine drove me home after helping me across the grass and into her car! People are willing to help. So I will take one day at a time and hope this new medication kicks in soon! And you will get your phone information transferred and you'll be a champ with your new phone! It's what we strong women do!!! Have a good day.

  3. Hi Lynda! It will be 84 in Ohio today and 63 Saturday. Your phone won’t be much different at all. I went from a 6S to a 13. About the same. Ahh! Love Lopez and Lola sharing the bed. Sweet! Sorry you had to cancel your hair appointment. So much to do. Hope you have a nice day. Hugs!

    1. No cool weather here yet---Im looking forward to the coolness

    2. Sandra I forgot to sign it--Lynda

  4. It's going to be 90 degrees here today, so I am just about to go out and get the grass cut! Only 83 right now! I would wait until tomorrow but I already have several things on my calendar to do then, so I just need to quit procrastinating and get started. I am getting faster - it used to take 4 hours, but now I can usually be finished mowing in 3 1/2 hours! Hahaha! But it is a big deal to me. I would rather mow than weed whack...which I also need to do! Good luck with the new phone. Every time I change, it takes me a long time to learn how to do everything! Hopefully you were able to re-schedule your hair appointment!

    1. Sandra--Yu are a Saint--Yu cut the grass bed--and it is so hot--Yes the I Phone 2 is nice but lotza work to do on it--I took it to a computer store nd they helped me-- Keep on keeping on Sandra--Lynda

  5. Sis, I saved that Winnie the Pooh...similar to others but contains more.
    Yes, sometimes I feel insane (well...getting there). So much to do, but I take that crown off for the day and wait 'til I feel like doing whatever...
    New phones are fun. Yes, it's a learning experience, but you will enjoy it.
    Can you reschedule hair for tomorrow? I don't blame you for wanting to make 2 town trip in one day. Too bad they couldn't have been scheduled close together in time. You could have accomplished both!
    Sadie MUST help vacuum here. The carpet and floor has clumps of cat hair. Too many to pick up by hand now. If I leave them, Lucky recognizes them as his, eats them and throws up. All cats do that sometimes, but it's terrible to clean up.
    It's almost lunch time here. Lucky is beside me, silently asking for something. I'll try to get him to run around and play before I feed him. Have to make his vet appointment. I struggle to get him in his crate. Necessary, though.
    Hope your busy day gives you sometime to rest and recharge. Hello to Fred and the pets. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Oh Maggie--- Our lives are so busy aren't they??---What are yu going to do for a car?--- Whatta worry! --- Lucky is difficult go get in a crate eh?--So is Sushi--and she is very heavy!-- I worked on that I Phone 12 all afternoon-- doncha jess hate new stuff?--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda, sorry you had to cancel hair apt. Hopefully you rescheduled.
    How in the world do you find time to encourage all if us each day? Your crown is really BIG as it should be.
    Oh heck, I doubt anyone is sane all the time.
    I loved today's inserts...all of them.
    Chiwauwaus suffer from Napoleon complex...little with BIG attitude. They are all that way. I like that Lola takes no gruff from Lopez. That a girl Lola
    You'll do fine with new phone. You are used to Apple products so it will be easy....I hope. I struggled with my new Android for a bit but we're rolling along now.
    How far is town?
    Shine that crown, stay strong, brave and positive.
    Hugs to you, doc and fur kids.
    Marge in hot St.Louis uugghh

    1. Yes--Hair rescheduled for Monday--but busy setting up I Phone 12 ---Our town is about a 20 minute rive from here--all down hill-- The cool weather is supposed to roll in tonite but--its not here yet--Lynda

  7. Boy can I ever identify. We have to prioritize the tasks, because we're not as young as we were when we thought we could multitask our way out of anything. Personally, I think we are wiser to not bite off more than we can chew!

    Hopefully, next week, "hair day" will be back on, and be twice as nice for having missed it this week!

    1. I Phone 12 now is what I worked on --terrible job!--And She can do my hair now on Monday--LOL--busy day --Lynda

  8. Lynda you inspire all of us to hang in there....dealing with all that you do, you always have a positive attitude.
    Thanks girlfriend...

    1. Darlene --setting up the I Phone 8 has been a challenge--but--it sure is a nice phone-Lynda

    2. Darlene---Its the I Phone 12 Ive been setting up--LOL--Lynda


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