Friday, September 20, 2024

My "act" is not together---Lordy Be!

 ---just heading into town shortly to see if they can take out 6 sutures from my face--
The picture above, I took this morning--across the lake, you can see the fog rising--and no day program for Himself-and I drove him there--then drove him home---anyway--in everything that is happening to-day, I forgot to get my sutures out at 10-30am-- How on earth did I ever forget that?--So, I am now getting the sutures out at 1-30am----Crazy day--too much on my plate--

Son#2 is  in Montreal, waiting to go to Brazil to-night----I must get ready to go-to the clinic--I really hope they take out these sutures --They seem sorta infected--

                                    For sure--to-day I certainly do not have my act together--

Hopefully your day is going better than mine---Lord love a Duck!--I shall see you all later---" suture-less"   I hope!---  I need to post the meme below--  It just might put a smile on your face-


  1. Hi Lynda! We all have them days. So much to do it is easy to get frazzled. My husband does make my coffee. Thank goodness! Hope your day gets better and all goes well with the doctor. Big Ohio hugs sent your way!

  2. I hate it when I forget something that I shouldn't! Makes me think I might be losing my marbles! Now I keep sticky notes for everything on the cabinet that my microwave sits in so I see for every event and right in the middle of the kitchen where I see them every day. I take them down after the the doctor's appointment, or haircut, or book club meeting etc! And it seems to be working as I haven't forgotten something important recently (knock on wood)! And loved the meme about dear husband always made my coffee.....and now that he is gone, I have to do it myself....sure do miss him for many other reasons too!

    1. Ahhhh Sandra--hard eh??-- Yu do well tho--=Yu even keep the pool going!- I have to write every event on my calender--- Lynda

  3. Lynda, I hope you get your sutures out, too. I thought yesterday you said they looked better with the new stuff you use. Now you say they are looking infected. Maybe they were just a bit better with the new meds.
    Weren't you told that the program for Himself was cancelled today? I hope he is okay with that. It's a few days 'til the next one.
    How's the weather? We were colder this morning, but it's already warming up. Partly sunny. We did get some rain late yesterday.
    I've already been shopping with 'Becca (my wheel-less friend) and have also eaten lunch.
    Still have a kitchen to clean cuz I actually cooked for my self and Joanne last night. Was just too tired, so I left the kitchen clean up for today. I trust Sadie will help it go fast.
    Your property is so lovely. You are very lucky, at least in warmer weather, to live where you do.
    I'm thinking Minnesota is that way, too...with all the lakes, with all the trees, all the animals...All for now, sis. As always, I will check back later.{{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. They make a monthly calender , which I never got--so--I drove Fred in--so--then we did a bit of shopping--groceries etc-- ---- He was OPK with tht--got im out of the house--which meant I had to do the Clinic thing this afternoon--I do not like doing 2 trips on one day--but--- nice to get those sutures out-- The nurse said they are not infected--but it looked that way to me-around each suture it was white----Glad they are out---I turned off tyhe AC here but it did get quite muggy in the afternoon--nice now--has cooled down--well, it is pretty here ---the lakes etc-- --One day you will be here-- Dunno how long I can balance this house --- but , no matter where we are, you WILL be here-- I just know it!--Big hugs to you--Lynda

    2. sorry Maggie--so many spelling mistakes above--Its my bad typing--Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. My day isn't together either. Seems I didn't sleep very well last night. I'm about ready for a nap. Dealing with the pain is really getting to me! Lauriellen is doing okay but another court date is coming in a month. It's likely that Bryan will get weekend visitation. Not sure how that's to work with the boys. So far visitation has gone okay but Bryan is always taking them someplace fun! I hope you were able to get your sutures out today!

    1. Kathy THE SUTURES ZARE OUT---YEAH!! A nurse at the clinic took them out--They do not seem to be infected--but I am on so much antibiotic---no wonder!--About yer pain--Can they give yu something to take that pain away?----- You must worry about your daughters situation---hard eh???--- Lotza love to you---- Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda
    We all have crazy, frazzled days. It's called too much to handle.
    Your back yard view is so gorgeous.
    Glad sutures are out and really glad they aren't infected. Hoping all is well with results of that procedure.
    Crazy day here. Super hot. I had eye specialist appointment. I went to check on status of my cataracts but ended up leaving there with a new, unexpected, problem and eye drops. Drive home wasn't great with blurry vision but no choice as Ed can't drive.
    Got covid shot at 5. A few weeks until flu shot.
    Loved the HEBREW funny.
    Have a great rest of your day.
    Safe travels for pilot son.
    Take great care of you.
    Big Hugs to you

    1. David always used to make the coffee, then he got stuck in the wheelchair, so he'd come over and "direct" my made terrific coffee and we had the whole pot. Dang, I miss him...Now I have a one cup maker I use.....and I loved the hebrew.....laughing.........
      Stay strong...

  6. Oh, Lord, do I know about those days, here in Emberville! Both Friday and Saturday have been challenging. Puppies can be so stinking smart... and so stinking destructive! More detail is available in my own blog.

    Hope the suture removal goes well for you, and that you have a better day from that point forward!


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