Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sometimes I Wonder__

 Good morning--- It has been quite a morning--Yesterday I received a call from the Hospital asking me if I could get down there right way and I could get the cancer cut off my face--"Day Surgery" they called it--

The Grass man was here--  Himself was at his Lodge Program--I looked like an old gardener--but-- I told the voice on the phone, as soon as I picked up my husband, "YES"-that most certainly I would be there--

WELL! What on earth was I thinking?--because it meant a trip to town --then back out here--then back in to the hospital----so, Lopez  had to be crated----  Himself told that I would return--- and in I went---and waited my turn ---Eventually I was called in---  put into an ER----and the procedure began---

                                                            ---and---now I look like this!  AND--

                                                            --it is sore---and bleeding--but--- the worst part was, when the procedure was over, I was told I could go home, and I knew I had to drive my vehicle-- and I seemed to be disorientated--shaky--and weepy--I have quite severe allergies, and could there be something in the whole process that didn't agree with me?---  It was a local anesthetic --I would think that would not affect me---
-Anyway, some nice Lady helped me to the elevator--but--I still felt very shaky--got to the car, and sat there, thinking, ? "Now how do I get  myself home?" ---  My son and his wife came to drive me home--I called my daughter, and she I guess called them---Praise the good Lord!--But----now I look like a rag doll--with a seam-----As long as it heals,   fast--I will be happy--

I guess one should arrange a ride for any type of surgery--I never knew ---

The good ol' mask should cover  the injury---  One good thing we learned  from Covid--


  1. Take care. I got a chuckle about the email.

    1. Always need a wee laugh eh?--Lynda

  2. Oh, my goodness, yes! Rides to and from, and hopefully with a trusted friend who can be "extra ears" in case you can't remember what the doctor/nurse said!

    1. P.S. Glad it's over, though! Prayers for rapid healing for you!

    2. Barb why on earth did I not realize I would be not good after all that??----Me--being an RN too--Lynda

  3. Oh my! So glad your son and wife came to your rescue! Someone from the hospital should have told you that you should have somebody drive you to get the procedure done!
    Praying for a fast, quick healing for you!!!

    1. Sandra--I sure know now--never go alone!-Lynda

  4. Oh my goodness. Prayers for a speedy and full recovery. Good that family came to get you. Rest and take it easy.
    Last insert about forwarding to 10
    people made me chuckle.
    Hugs dear lady

    1. Some of those inserts are pretty funny aren't they??--Lynda

  5. Bless your heart, Lynda! I can’t imagine. You are the strongest woman I know. I am terrified of anything medical including taking a new pill. Sending much love and hugs straight to you from Ohio!

    1. Oh man! It wasn't a fun day-- Lynda

  6. PHOENIX1949

    Praying for quick healing for you.

  7. Sooooo sorry it was such a stressful day. Glad you have the procedure done and very glad that your DD called your DS and DIL to drive you home. Blessing! Oh, even local anesthetics affect me, too. I get cold, shakey, emotional. So, you had a pretty normal reaction. Besides the emotional stress you were under, too. That certainly doesn’t help! I can’t imagine you had much of a chance to make transportation arrangements @ the last minute. You got the help you needed in the end.

    HUGS and hope you have quick healing.

    HUGS and healing and blessings


    1. I never knew I was so allergic to anesthetic--the "local"-and yes, I got very shaky, cold kinda disorientated, and weepy--never experienced that before--but I do have severe allergies--Thanks Barb for telling me that yu go thru that also--Lynda

  8. It's Kathy. What a day you had. I hope where they cut off the cancel heals quickly. My mom had that done a long time ago but she had my dad to take care of her. You have to take care of everyone else! I'm so glad your daughter called your son and he and his wife came out to help you. I hope today is so much calmer for you!

    1. much better day to-day Kathy--but--my face sure is sore--Lynda

  9. Lynda, shame on the health clinic that did not tell you to have a driver, especially at your age. I am so sorry that so much falls on your shoulders. Maybe your kids see you as able to handle everything so they don't offer to help you. You are so very strong, but even strong people appreciate some help now and again. I wonder if your kids have had a chat with each other that if you were unable to continue to care for himself, which of them would assume the responsibility of either caring for him, or making the necessary arrangements. Well, the cancer spot has been taken care of, so that's behind you. When you go for a checkup to make sure it has healed properly, ask one of your kids to take you.

    1. It sure was not my best day--- and son#1 came thru --drove me home--never knew I was allergic to that medication--the "local--"now I know--Lynda

  10. Hope you heal right up quickly! What a bunch of stress to endure, though! Hope you can sleep!

    1. It was not the best day -=-Lynda

  11. I am so glad that you called your daughter and she called her brother!! I hope that the rest of the day you were able to relax and rest. It is a relief to have that done though. I hope it heals fast for you.
    Hugs, Chris

  12. Prayers that you heal soon, Lynda🙏🏼 Carol in FL


  13. Gosh, sis, wonder when you did this post? Checked quite late yesterday and it wasn't here. Guess I should have checked after karaoke. I came home early not feeling up to par.
    Dear, it will heal fast. I know you eat well, vitamins, too, I believe. Just keep the area clean and don't overdo things for the next few days.
    I had a pre-cancerous thingy cut from my face, too. It wasn't as extensive as yours seems to be, though.
    Glad the kids helped to get you home!! Do you need a ride back to the hospital to pick up your car?
    Just take it easy, hon.
    Today I'm driving up 'to the cities' as a friend would say. I will see my grandson play in his 'fall ball' baseball league. It will be great to see him, my daughter and maybe my son-in-law. I had decided that if I didn't see you on here first thing today, I would call you.
    I am so happy to see your blog. When I don't see it or comments at the end of the day, I am tempted to worry, though I do believe that 'everything always works out for me' and you, too!
    Rest up, Lynda. Love yourself. Hope Himself understands what you're going through!
    I'll check back later. {{{HUGS}}}


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