Tuesday, September 10, 2024

You may say I'm a Dreamer....

                                         -nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning-

This morning there was fog rising from the lake--all the summer heat rising---and we know what comes next. If you look at the picture, you can see it , just across the lake--the fog rising--very cool in the mornings here now!

So, yesterday was not the best day ever--I was tired also, so that didn't help.-- "Life" sorta improved after a wee nap in the afternoon--Too bad , that when one is completely "pooped'  as I was yesterday, that someone doesn't knock at yer door (like the good fairy Belinda)--and tell you to go and rest and she will take over for the rest of the day!----  or--like the guy below--- John Lennon----Remember him singing that song??--It looks like he is a bit of a dreamer too--- like me!

So, what is on the agenda here to-day?--Well, I need some "D"  batteries--for the lanterns, to keep in various rooms , for when the power goes out-- "D" batteries are not cheap!---The lanterns would not work when the power was out yesterday--the batteries inside both lanterns had corroded--- (long time since we had lost power)----"-I must  keep on, keeping on-"---stop allowing something like a generator get me down.

I shall just be happy to-day---  and maybe even be happy tomorrow--and hopefully , eventually, be happy everyday!  --------------------------What do you think?


  1. It's Kathy. I'm with you - I will just BE happy today, and tomorrow, and maybe every day! I'm trying to forget the pain and just live my life to the extent that I can! Yes, we got our drain cleaned, at least for now. Apparently there are a lot of roots growing in the pipe and causing the problem - so, of course, we will have to have those pipes replaced with new pipes which will cost about $6000. Yuck!!! But it probably has to be done or we'll have these guys out once a year. Life is challenging sometimes, isn't it! I love that John Lennon song! He was a pretty darn special man! Have a wonderful day! My day will be filled with trying to walk without holding on to the walls anymore - it's time to start trusting my body!

    1. Oh Kathy-- Yes-- Be happy all the day --forever--LOLOL--Yu always make me smile!--Awwww--holding onto walls-- I should send you one of Fred's canes--He has about 20 canes--EVERYWHERE--and they fall down from where ever he has hung them--and Lopez freaks out!--Lovely day here to-day--It warmed up from 5 C to about 22 C WITH sun--Enjoy to-day--Dream along with John Lennon---- or--sing--LOL-- HUGS Lynda

  2. PHOENIX1949

    The picture of the lake from your deck is awesome -- Mother Nature at her finest with an assist on the lawn by you!! Something I would consider is enlarging/framing for future enjoyment. My youngest sister and her husband have had a lake place for 20+ years and had a panoramic view enlargement in their city home to remind them of where they would be on the weekends. and live near when able to retire which was last year.

    Keep on keeping on!

  3. Yes, we had a bit of fog this morning, too, but dissipated quickly.

    That’s one of my favorite John Lennon songs . . . Dreamer.

    Hope you get your D batteries and no, they are not cheap!

    Hugs and blessings today.


  4. Lynda, you are amazing!
    I had to buy AAA recently for remotes and my wireless computer mouse.
    The photo of your lake is lovely. You are lucky to live in such a beautiful place.
    We have a new maintenance man! His name is Steven Michael just like my doctor son. He just changed my hall light bulbs for me.
    Sadie was here. Helped me do a huge load in our new dryer. We'll wait for tomorrow to do another. The laundry room was busy.
    Love that John Lennon song! It's one that is done often at karaoke. If you haven't seen it, call it up on youtube and watch the version that says it's the original. Beautiful video of Jon and Yoko.
    I don't have lanterns anymore, but flashlights. I keep those little ones handy for if our power goes out. We've had surges during storms that knock out our tvs, microwaves and the clocks on the microwaves and stove. Luckily, so far the power has come right back on.
    I am about to take a nap with Lucky. It has been a very busy morning and early afternoon.
    Of course, I will check back here later. You asked me a question last night about the car. It's doing fine. Has a check engine light on all the time. I know what that is, though. Hopefully I will get a chance to take it to the mechanic my friend recommended who will order a new undercarriage for me. Want to do that before the snow flies. First, though, I need to get Lucky in for his check-up and rabies shot and get my new license plate tags.
    Just heard on the radio that in a few days it will be 88F!
    {{{HUGS}}} Love your sis Maggie

  5. Hi Lynda, yes please be happy today, tomorrow and every day. There is always something in each day to bring joy. Sometimes we have to search a bit harder.
    Lake view with slight fog is gorgeous and brings joy.
    Keep the happy with your positive. You've got this.
    Dream...sing along with it.
    Glad generator lesson is done and a few hoses too. Good job.
    Lovely day here too.
    Hugs and blessings
    Stay healthy, brave, strong, positive and happy. Everything will work out.

  6. Hi Lynda! Your lake pic is lovely! Thank you for sharing. It’s a hot week in Ohio. I must water this evening. I planted too many new things this year. I had to get double A batteries for my candles in the front window. I got some iced pumpkin spice coffee while I was out. No Fall in the air but it sure was good. I was happy! Hope your day was wonderful. Hugs!

  7. A nap sounds great..lol had things to do today, more to do tomorrow...including acupuncture and adjustment...then we have to drop daughter's truck off for service..busy is good. I've lost 25 lbs.
    Have a great rest of the week. David's birthday is this month, hard day for me...........


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