Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sometimes we just want someone who will listen

 YES!!!  Let us have the best day ever!--NO crying--- because we can handle whatever is thrown at us--

I just returned from taking Himself to his "Day Program" at the Lodge-- He seemed happy to go there. It's a change for him from being stuck here in the house all day with me--

I called our medical clinic here in town, before I left--asked if I could have an appointment with my Doctor--- I was told he was completely booked and to go to Emergency at the hospital--If I did that, I would be there till noon--I cannot sit in Emergency, and deal with Himself- at home---

-Anyway, after explaining to her, that the suture line seems infected, and  the complicated situation with Himself , I now have an appointment to see my own Doctor , this afternoon--Boy oh Boy, the medical situation really needs help-for sure a Doctor shortage--Good thing I spoke up ---and  have my own Doctor  deal with this--

                It as so pretty driving into town---The leaves are spectacular--all colours --


I found an old picture of Lopez and I--Thought you might want to see  how I used to look--and now I have a suture line------------------------ what to do--what to do------I think I used to like  it better , in "the olden days" when one Doctor used to be "the family Doctor"-- who even, sometimes made house calls--I can remember the Doctor coming to our house--I was about 9 yrs old, home with sore throat and the Doctor gave me a shot of Pennicilin, at our house---  That would never happen to-day-

I do feel ever so better--just sharing all my problems with you all-- Sometimes just doing that makes one feel so much better!

Sadie is here--waiting in the wings-------I hope that your day is  going well----  Maybe share it with your pet--Pets listen----and probably your day will be brighter afterwards--I'll check in on you all this evening--


  1. It's Kathy. I am so happy that you explained the situation to the person at the Doctor's office. Yes, the doctor shortage is horrible. To get my annual appointment with my doctor (for the past 20 years) I have to make it at least 4 - 5 months in advance. As for getting in to see her for an illness, well I just better not get sick! I'm also glad himself went to his day program without any trouble. You have enough to handle right now. I know he doesn't really understand that but it's so helpful to you when he just cooperates! I talk to my Daisy all the time - especially when I'm sad. She always listens intently and looks at me sympathetically with her big brown eyes. Sometimes I even get a kiss! Yes, it is taking a long time for my back to heal, but it was like that the last time. I see the doctor for an x-ray at 7 weeks when they will determine how well the bone is growing around the metal piece. I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job of managing my pain by taking Advil every 4 hours. I'm also trying to walk a little bit more. Daisy and I are now walking down to the mailbox and back every day! And every afternoon we walk around the back yard looking for bunnies and squirrels! It's a start. Take care of yourself and good luck with seeing the doctor!

    1. Kathy--sounds like you are doing very well--lots of walking--So, he put a metal p[late in you?--- Yo will be like the Tin Woodman in Dorothy and the wizard of oz----- Daisy must be a sweet dog--So so hot outside--AC on in here-- Lynda

  2. Lynda, I am glad you get to see your own doc. I would probably...with a cotton swab for cleanliness...just put some Bacitracin on it. I cannot use the antibiotic Neosporin that most people use. I am allergic to something in it. That would work if the infection was still localized.
    A doctor once told me that yogurt with natural culture has antibiotic properties, too.
    The doctor will know what's best.
    Love the photo of you and your Lopez.
    Finally got my energy renewal application done on line. They want copies of every kind of income, bill...etc. It took a long time.
    I have to pull my recliner out of its location...Lucky puked behind it! Since the result is easier if it's dried a bit, I will do that after our snooze.
    We are eating lunch now.
    I will look forward to seeing how your doc appointment goes.
    The weather here is beautiful. It's up to summer tempt by later afternoon. Still cool after dark through early afternoon the next day.
    Will check back later, sis. Be happy! There's always something to appreciate. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie--- The Pharmacist called--and FINALLY had an order for Biaxin 500mg--=which I can take--no allergy to that--so--I cancelled the Drs appointment--Very very hot here--but yu are right--It cools down at night--- AC on --- What is "Energy renewal--You mean your heat??-- Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda! Gosh, glad you spoke up to see the doctor. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Ahh! Sweet Looez, he will make it better. Leaves are falling and turning in Ohio, too. The drought is making it happen so early. How was your appointment? Hugs!

    1. I ended up cancelling the Drs appointment because the Pharmacy called and ordered Biaxin 500mg--Hopefully that might take the swelling down-- Lord love a Duck! Lynda

  4. Marti here. I thought you said your infection was better, or something. Do you keep your hands away from it? If you were wearing a mask, perhaps the mask got it infected if it touches anywhere on the skin. I would let it breathe and keep that mask away from it for the time being. My two cents...and get on some strong antibiotics. Hope the doc fixes you right up!

    1. FINALLY---- The DR increased the antibiotics --doubled it-- very sore face-- -- yes, no mask--- but--seems more sore than it was Lynda --

  5. Barb--- The sutures come out Friday--IF THEY DO IT--- booked for Friday--- The Dr FINALLY doubled the antibiotic --just so sore --even when I talk--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda, directing you to the ER is the last place you want to be. Saw above you canceled hard fought Dr. apt and got antibiotics from pharmacy. Sutures certainly do not look happy. Hoping antibiotics takes care of it. At this rate seems doubtful sutures will be ready for removal by Friday, but maybe. Hoping it gets better quickly.
    Glad himself is willing to go to Lodge today. Yay. Staff sound very nice to him at Lodge.
    Take it EASY. Lopez will be happy to hear your problems as will all of us.
    Stay cool. Hot here too.

    1. Marge-- whatta terrible experience -hope the soreness goes-- and it heals --Lynda

  7. You are so right... sometimes just writing about it makes whatever we're going through "better". Perhaps that's why you and I write blogs? Just posted mine with my own set of "stuff" dumped out into the ether!

    Hugs from afar and I hope that things went well at the doctor's!

    1. WELL Barb--- How are yu doing with Ember?--- Hope all is good--- and yes, writing really does help---Lynda


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