Saturday, September 21, 2024

Remember---You are always in the right place at the right time!

I woke up awesome, because the sutures are out--YEAH!----The nurse had trouble getting 2 of them out because my skin had grown over them-- I was supposed to have them removed in 5 days-- I waited 'till 6 days before going--so, it wasn't the most pleasant thing to have done-- but-----it's over! Now it just has to heal--

To-morrow is the first day of "FALL"-The leavers are spectacular--'specially, now, with some green leaves still on trees-Below is a picture taken from our dock, looking across the lake.The colours seem magical--

    So, my life is returning to sorta normal--  "Normal"-is the best----but I am almost there--Before I continue I must show you all a picture of my wild garden-It is at the front of the sunroom--Most flowers in this garden come up every year--And this is the end of September and it is still blooming-

Sadie has been here--(That fabulous cleaning Lady, who is really me!)_She and I cleaned the kitchen--AND the kitchen floor-- Himself likes to cook sometimes, and  leaves a lot of stuff around--bottles etc-----I opened one cupboard and a bottle of Worcestershire Sauce fell from the cupboard and hit me on the head.--  No cuts however that might need surgery--
             I took the  picture, below,  of Himself at breakfast-I said "WAVE"--LOL----and he did!

I do feel pretty awesome to-day---I survived the operation on my face--I must call and see if the Lab report shows if the cancer is  all gone--Lord love a Duck!---Too bad I spent so much time worrying about all that surgery. When will I ever learn to let go, and just trust that everything will turn out , just "Hunky Dory"????

'Son#2, the Pilot,  flew all night, from Montreal, to Spain--He is probably still asleep now. Apparently there were 3 pilots, so he must've had a bit of a nap up there in the sky--I'm sure "Food Pictures" will arrive this afternoon. 

Be kind to those Grandchildren--They do grow up way too fast---- Wouldn't it be something if we could turn back the clock and be able to dance round the kitchen with them??  My Grampa used to take my 2 hands, and say, "A heel and a toe and away we go" as he twirled me around in his kitchen--I always have remembered that!--I was about 3or 4 yrs old---so  kids do remember a lot--We loved going to visit Grampa and Gramma---But, I won't get into that  right now!----  

Remember to be strong to-day-- No crying-- Read a good book, get a rest in, and be ever so kind to people you meet.---  --Maybe even sit somewhere and dream---just enjoy your day!  Take time to appreciate life!!



  1. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy! I'm so glad the sutures are out and all is well. Sorry it was a bit uncomfortable but glad you're back to "almost" normal! I love the photo of himself. Seems like he's having a good day too! It's raining here today. I got up about 7:30 and before long it was as dark as night with thunder in the background. Then the sky opened up and the rain came hard and fast. We just got a second round and I expect there will be one or two more chances. But I love rainy days - makes me feel like it's okay to just chill! I am feeling so much better this morning - finally had a good night's sleep. They did give me some medication for the pain but it makes me so groggy that I can't even keep my eyes open. I do take it before I go to bed and that seems to help. Only 15 more days until I have my first after-surgery check up. I hope by then I'm able to get out and be around people. Yes, I do worry about my daughter and her boys - I don't trust Bryan to even know what to do to care for them. But they seem to be enjoying their time with their dad and it does give Lauriellen some down time! Little Roman is coming to us on Monday for a visit while she has a doctor appointment. It will be nice to have just one! Yes, I do wish I could dance around in the kitchen - my Grandpa used to dance with me too! He was over 6' tall, a big Norwegian man with white hair. I thought he was the best! Have a good day!

    1. Happy to hear your day went well--=You deserve that Kathy!----and--i love it--your Grmpa--Was he Scottish??Lynda

  2. Well happy that those sutures are out! Hurray.

    Oh my! Your colors are way ahead of ours. Just starting to have some color.

    Your garden is beautiful!

    OH my dear, sometimes it is just plain HARD to trust the process. I get like that, too, so you’re not alone!

    Some days it does seem tempting to want the clock to turn back but . . . I wouldn’t want to have to re-learn all I’ve learned in my lifetime all over again!

    Hugs and blessings and healing


    1. Barb--Fred very grouchy this evening--horrible--- and no we cannot turn the clock back--Lynda

  3. I Loved,loved, your post! I am so glad you are feeling better about all.

    Tell Himself that I think he looks awesome.

    The heat is breaking where in the middle of the US and we had a good rain after almost a month of none. I love fall so much!

    Your garden in front of the sunroom is beautiful. You are so lucky to live in such a lovely place.

    1. Yu enjoyed my post?--You made my day! Thank yu---It is hot here again to-day and it wasn't supposed to be hot to-day--Yes we do live in the bush---on the precambrian shield--thus all the rocks all over and the tree line is about 10 miles north of our home- I was raised in Southern ONTARIO but I do like the North--about 4000- lakes around us-Lynda

  4. Lynda, I just sit there and space out while I meditate. Wouldn't miss it.
    Yes, the things we worry about change. I really do attempt to just trust my guidance (intuition) and Source energy (God).
    Your garden is beautiful, and you are a great photographer.
    It's too bad you can't check online to read the lab reports and test results. I have that with my local doc here next door and with the Veterans Administration.
    It must have been painful for you having the nurse dig the stitches out. And least the new medicine worked and there was no indication of infection.
    I am looking forward to food photos. They often make me hungry, though.
    I am happy the pilots take turns so they get some rest time. Is there still talk of a strike among them?
    It's beautiful here again, but there are storms predicted for later today. Not snow storms yet, thankfully.
    Did I tell you I was asked to come to our management office to sign some new papers that came in from headquarters? My rent increased from $530 month before last, $535 last month to $643! I may have to stand on a corner in my old miniskirt with my thumb out...low cut top, too. Hope that brought a smile at the image in your brain!
    Karaoke tonight.
    Sadie is helping me now in the kitchen, then lunch with Lucky, a brief nap, exercise, meditating and getting ready.
    I will check back here after karaoke. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Yu are probably at Karaoke--singing yer heart out--Oh I wish I ewas there with yo--- Lynda

  5. What a beautiful fall scene right before your eyes! Needless to say, that doesn't happen in central FL. I had face surgery like yours a month or so ago…it healed fine. Currently, I am recovering from a total reverse shoulder replacement surgery that I had on Monday. The roughest thing about it is being unable to use the arm, which is in a sling for 6 weeks and being unable to drive.
    Hope that you can take a minute to enjoy your pretty flower garden and colorful trees! Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. Karen yu had face surgery also--but----a shoulder replacement is much bigger stuff!--That must be so difficult to deal with--I admire you--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda, great blog today. Your foliage is spectacular. So beautiful. Your wild flower garden is lovely. You have such a beautiful (big) home and grounds.
    Tell doc he looks awesome. He's cute this morning.
    It's been one of those mornings here. Himself overheated coffee in microwave, spilled on stove, cabinets and floors plus he burned his hand. I asked him to get pillow cases, with explicit instructions where they are and HE KNOWS, he brought a sheet 10min. later. I broke a raw egg on floor. Needlesstosay, after cleaning rest of house, floor must be mopped. Things will get better.
    Glad pesky sutures are history. Hoping you get results soon.
    Great memory with your grandfather and your own grandkids.
    Safe trip back for pilot son.
    Take it easy, stay positive, happy, loving, kind and strong.
    Hugs from very hot St.Louis

  7. Oh no--Yu had one of those mornings--- Poor yu!--He brought a sheet-=-Maybe he doesn't hear--like Fred?--LOLOL--I swear they do it on purpose--LOL--Lynda

  8. Yes Lynda, My himself has a profound hearing loss plus serious vision issues. His cognitive is off...its a challenge for me...sigh. You and me...we will hang in and take a lot of deep breaths....or run have nowhere to go.

    1. Oh --I am not alone--Lordy7 Be--Fred cannot hear --- He is unstable--and extremely grouchy this evening-- It is hard eh??---No we cannot run away altho I'd love to many many many times--- Bless yer heart--- so I am not alone in this--Lynda

  9. Hope the incision heals well Lynda..sorry he is being fractious. I know that makes it difficult for you. The flowers are pretty. I had such a pretty garden in Alabama, now I have one Rose...makes me sad as my old neighbors say the new owners are not caring for the flower beds. Oh well, guess I can't do anything about it...

  10. So glad those sutures are out... sorry it was "complicated"!


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