Sunday, September 22, 2024

First Day of FALL!

                             --and I am up! LOL----  I had a bit of a laugh over the above---
-Thought you all  would also----I always lay in bed each morning, thinking about what I have to do to-day---  and dreading moving, in case I wake up Lopez--but, you know what?--  "NOTHING"--  I have not anything to do to-day---- well, change the bed--the usual----and it is till hot and humid--
Remember how strong you can be---
                        Son#2 has been been sending photos from Brazil--- the city and foods-
                                    -a main street , which is closed on Sundays for walkers
                                                        and , of course, McDonalds
                                                                -and of -their menu--    
                                                                            -their market
                                                                      -salad and pasta
                                                                - a fresh juice bar
                                                    -his dinner last night--no idea what it is--

So now, if you go to Brazil, there are pilots wandering around,  waiting for their flight, to drive back to Canada--It just might be Son#2--Well, you never know---Make sure you say hello-
                                              Are you  having a good day???-- I hope so---- 
Lopez and I have been "hoofing " it up the back road and--low and behold, he did his business---so that is out of the way---------Remember, the best thing about summer is that it's followed by FALL!  and---guess what ?--                                
                                                        To-day IS the first day of Fall------



  1. Regarding that last meme, and the best thing about fall is that it leads you toward the next spring. Ignore what comes between.
    We didn't go to karaoke last night. JoAnne and I were both having intestinal issues and Donna was in lots of pain from they don't know what yet.
    Today it's much cooler. I have windows open but am wearing a sweatshirt and still cold here by my computer desk.
    About to go out now for a sale on water, then to pick up stuff JoAnne (I call her my big sister) bought yesterday for me.
    At 1PM we have bingo in our Community Room.
    You have said you don't need Sadie today. I guess she has a day off. Maybe she's laying on a beach somewhere or eating with your son in Brazil.
    You didn't mention Himself. Maybe you don't know how his mood will be throughout the day. I hope it's a good day for all of you. You may well get some time to rest and play the piano. Music is a necessary part of life for me. I missed singing last night.
    Today is the beginning of a new week. Let's make it amazing! {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis Maggie.

    1. Maggie--No Karaoke??-Yes Sadie ended up coming after all--did the bathroom and hall (Big Deal eh??)-- Himself all weird-- was ok all day--then went crazy at dinner time-- just so terrible to me-- I pretended I didn't hear him---- so not the husband I married-sad dad sad--Lynda-

  2. Hi Lynda! Happy Fall and happy Sunday! Enjoy with lots of rest after you get your bed done. Love the pilot pics, as always. Beautiful day in Ohio. We are supposed to conserve water. Rain in a couple days. Nice! Have a blessed day!

    1. Raining here now--coo too---- Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. I am so glad we are finally experiencing Fall! We are having a nice, sunny day but the temps are cooler - finally. I love the top 2 memes - some days I feel like the first meme - unfortunately I am awake! Daisy wakes me up most mornings. Some days she will lay down again if I don't get right up but it's probably good for me to get up when she does! And yes, it doesn't get easier, we do get better! I have nothing particular to do today either so I'm just enjoying catching up! Oh, my Grandfather came to the USA from Norway when he was about 18. He worked on cargo ships between Norway and the US for about a year to earn enough money to stay in the US. In his later years he developed Alzheimer's. It's funny, he didn't even remember my Grandmother sometimes but he always knew me! I was lucky to have him so long - all my children knew him too. I hope your Sunday is a great day! Oh, I love the Brazil photos and that your son always finds a McDonald's wherever he goes. My son was in Brazil once for a wedding - he was in the Peace Corps in Paraguay so he was able to travel to his friend's wedding in Brazil. Take care!

    1. Oh your son sounds like he likes people-=-AND likes to travel--It was a nice day --till supper time and then Himself became angry-- Your Grandfather sounds special-- HUgs to yu--Lynda

  4. Ah, there’s the required McDonald’s. The food looks delicious! As always.

    Hope the incision is feeling better w/o the stitches!

    Happy 1st day of Fall


    1. Barb--Its healing---might not even scar--- Matt at airport now ready to fly back-- Hugs to yu--Lynda

  5. Happy Autumn start to you, as well! We are celebrating a cool, kind of damp day here. I have Carl for the day. My son and his wife took Ember for the day. Bonding time for each dog with the other's people.

    On Friday morning, I'll have both of them, for three days! I know, you pull this off all the time with your grand-dogs coming in whole packs! I should be able to manage two, shouldn't I?

    1. Yes for sure Barb--YU CAN manage 2 --because yu love them both-- I know yu can--Hugs --Yu are a great Mom to Ember--Lynda

  6. I am happy that you are feeling better and you got your stitches out.
    We had a storm here in SW Michigan before labor day and the neighbors trees (5) fell on the back of our property. It cost us $2,000. to have them cleaned up and of course the neighbor said he couldn't contribute anything to pay for the cleanup. We have rain today and we sure needed it. I don't think the colors will be very pretty this year because it has been so dry. Give himself a hug from me and keep playing your piano. Have a good week.
    Your friend Bev

    1. Hi Bev--so sad that the people living near --around the fallen trees-- do not help out financially-People can be weird-- LOL--Lynda


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