Saturday, August 31, 2024

We can make it a good day---

A new day --- The sun is out---  It is not raining---  but it sure is humid-- The AC is not on --yet!--AND---It is the last day of August--- To-morrow is September the 1st---I now have 3 pooches (dogs)--Lola--Apollo-and Lopez--and it has become a challenge for me, to keep all their bowls of food, apart-- They eat all their food--then eat whatever bowl of food they can "mooch"-Lopez is not a great eater, so, already  one of Son #3's dogs have devoured Lopez's meal--

And I have Himself home here doing his exercises in a chair---completely unaware of the chaos happening around him--or that there are chores to be done---like now---- He will return to his Day Program, on Tuesday--as Monday is a holiday--Labour Day-- Hopefully I can get thru this weekend without losing it--like---giving a HOOT---WE all deserve to live "Happily ever after," do we not?

Apollo and Lola are very well behaved pooches--

The cancer on my face will have to be taken off---Whatta nuisance eh?--Yesterday it was not bleeding--but to-day , it is--- which means it is till there ---"Tough Bananas" as my kids used to say-!I will know more after the Dr comes out--Sunday or Monday--

Are you having a good day??  Can yu make it a good day---because, You really are stronger than you seem--

Go outside now , breathe and find peace!



  1. I’ve had two skin cancers removed. One by incision on my arm and one by MOHS on my stomach. Both were squamous cell and the procedures were both easy. Unfortunately the damage is from spending enormous amounts of time in the sun when younger (I was a competitive swimmer and then a lifeguard). We didn’t have the sun protection that’s out there now and didn’t know better. Hope it goes smoothly for you!

    1. Holy Cow thank yu for telling me tha--Lynda

  2. Good morning, finally.....cooler in St.Louis. humid as all get out but cooler is wonderful. AC still on but it's not high 90sF.
    Hope himself stays content!
    Not giving a HOOT made me giggle. Can't hurt!
    Good luck with surgeon visit. Carry on.
    The puppies look sweet. May have to feed them in different rooms? Of course, himself is oblivious to the chaos, he's a guy lol.
    Truly hope your day goes easy peezy.
    Sadie and I are knee deep in house chores.
    Hugs dear lady
    Marge/ St.Louis

    1. Looking forward to the dogs going home--busy as they eat each others food--Lynda

  3. Sis, are you sure the spot on your face is really cancer? I thought that's why the dr was see if it really is. He may just need to do a bit of a biopsy to see...send it in to some lab somewhere.
    My son has not sent money yet, but it's the most I've ever asked him for. It would pay off my current loan on the one I'm trading in. They I could make payment on the new one. It is Labor Day weekend. He is higher up the the hospital hierarchy...he may have gone somewhere cool with his brood.
    I am just affirming, "Everything always works out for me." There's a chapter in Kinship with all Life titled 'Decree." About affirmations! It even states it in the Bible. He gives the chapter and verse.
    We may go to karaoke tonight. I don't know who the deejay is yet...we've been having problems with one of them.
    Lucky is up, honey, and needing me. Almost time for his lunch, etc.
    Hope you don't go bonkers with your guests! Poor Lopez!
    Saved that meme! Will check back later. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Hopefully it is not cancer--but all the signs are there--bleeding etc--If you get the money , it will be a miracle--I sure hope yu do because a car means your independence-- Dogs are keeping me very busy-- yu are right--Lynda

  4. It's Kathy. Yes, I am going to have a good day today! Annie goes home later on and Daisy will be very happy to have her Mom and Dad to herself once again. She threw up her breakfast both yesterday and today - poor sweet thing doesn't like to share. We have a lovely day but also humid. The A/C will go on soon, I'm sure. I took the Prednisone last night about 8 pm, no pain pill, and I woke up this morning with NO PAIN! Is that a miracle? Why didn't they give me this earlier? My leg is still weak - I had to take some garbage outside and stepped down with the weak leg - luckily I was holding on! But I feel hopeful for the first time in so long. So today will still be a quiet day. We'll have left overs for dinner so no one has to cook. I'm just so happy to have less pain! Even my back feels like it's healing! I hope you and himself have a great day too! I'm even excited about Labor Day - it's the end of our Minnesota State Fair and the kids all go back to school on Tuesday. Jake starts at a special school that specialized in children with emotional or developmental disabilities. He's the sweetest child but can turn so quickly. His mom knows how to help him but I'm not so good at it! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. That Prednisone is a miracle drug isn't it?--Pain free--so nice eh?--

  5. Hi Lynda! I hope you get good news on the spots on your face. You have your hands full with the musical dog food. Great dogs, though. I went to the Farmer’s market this morning and two little yorkies there at a stand were like little statues. I asked how old? One and two! Wow! I want to send mine to their house for training! LOL! Cloudy and muggy in Ohio. We need rain. Have a great holiday weekend. Hugs!

    1. Muggy here also with AC back on--Lynda

  6. Yea for sunshine! We have it here, too! NICE!

    Hope it is a peaceful weekend for labour day.

    OH goodness. Glad that the Dr. will make a home visit to you to check out that spot on your face.

    Lovely day! Had breakfast w/some friends and was able to sit outdoors.

    The sun is shining. What more can we ask, right!

    Hugs and good luck with your canine crew.


    1. Barb--sounds like yu had a great day--so nice!--Lynda

  7. Amen... hope the rest of your Saturday went well, and good luck with the three dog bowl shuffle. I have enough of a time with ONE! But late this month I'll get the chance to try it for three days with TWO, as Carl will stay with us while the kids drive to a wedding in Kansas.


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