Friday, August 30, 2024

LABOUR DAY WEEKEND--- a labour of love

 A good motto eh?----  We have a wet  misty day here--I love it! -- Overcast--cooler--no AC--You couldn't ask for more!
This is what happened here yesterday--  The grass man plus his daughter, stained the deck--- It looks SO much better----like a new deck---  I had to show you--

This AM., I drove Himself to his Day Program----all the time worrying about this cancer spot on my face-I have been putting special cream on the 2 tiny spots-- that grew back after the surgery , years and years ago----  but, that cream takes a tole on the normal skin around it all--very sore-- so, I had Son#3 text the surgeon who lives on the next road over but was away, to see if he could look at it-- no response 

--- AND, I was driving back from  dropping Himself, feeling sorry for myself--- tired also--walked into the house--our house phone was ringing and IT WAS THE SURGEON__ There is a GOD up there in HEAVEN--He will come and look at it Sunday or Monday--  Lord Love a Duck!--All my worrying----and you all know I am a big time Worrier--(not a warrior!)

Sadie that cleaning Lady is here, who, as you know is really me-- I best get off of here and help her- Happy  that all is working out-

Remember to be kind to the kids  heading off to University--AND to the parents who are footing the bill-And to the Kinder Kids going to school for the first time--and their Moms who have to hand a "clinging child" over , to a teacher, for the first time----Labour Day weekend   coming up---

Remember to be strong--- all you women out there--  This coming weekend can be tough on us-           


  1. Lynda, what a wonderful surprise talking to you a couple hours ago!
    The deck looks great.
    I feel about you concerned about those spots. I have an ugly think just under my right shoulder. Docs have said it's just a seborriack keratosis. It just looks ugly to me. Different colors within it, ragged edges...just like what is skin cancer. I plan to show it to the doc again when I go at the beginning of October. Sometimes we question wheter or not the doc knows his stuff!
    Had to ask my son for $ to pay off my current car so I can get the new one. Wanted my current bank to just add the amount of the new one to my current loan, but they won't do that. If my son can't give me the $, I will have to sell it locally and just get a junker here.
    Sadie has dishes, garbage and recycles here, too.
    'Becca and I had a great brunch and each got a couple groceries, she picked up a med at the pharmacy and I took her to the tobacco store so she could get her supplies.
    Now Lucky wants me. Almost his lunch time and then a snooze. When I get back up there may be an email saying my son sent money.
    Hope the rest of your day proceeds well. Saved that sometimes the best thing you can do meme, too.
    Weather here is mostly sunny and bright. No rain, but it stormed last night. Temp will be around 70F today. {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie

    1. AWwww poor you-asking yer son to help yu with the car-- --Will he?--He is one in a million if he does! I don't think my kids would---nice to hear your voice--Hope the lunch was fun! Himself so much better after that Day Program--I'll catch yu later-Hugs, Lynda

  2. So glad that your surgeon will come look @ your spot on Sunday or Monday. That’s fantastic!

    Definitely: be kind to kindy students and their Mom’s especially, college students and their parents AND pilots!

    Hugs and blessings


    1. and Pilots-LOL--a tad cooler today with AC off--and Himself has improved 100 per cent--Praise the Lord!--LOL--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, how very special that surgeon will come to your home! That's service
    Please stop obsessing. It will all work out.
    Deck looks beautiful! They did a good job
    Great inserts.
    Woman labor every day, at least at my house and yours.
    Still crazy hot in St.Louis but supposed to storm and cool off to mid 80sF tomorrow. I'm ready.
    Relax, enjoy today. That's hard to do if one insists on worrying and dwelling on the what it's. Your mental energy won't change the outcome.
    Hugs dear lady.

    1. Hi Marge--very humid--but cooler than before so we are trying to suffer thru , without the AC__Son #3 dropped off Lola and Apollo as their oldest girl is heading off to University--so 3 dogs now reside here--but they are all small dogs-- Himself very goopd fter his FDauy Program--There ios a GOD in Heaven--LOL--Lynda

  4. I shall have my prayer-hat on while you get that spot checked out by the surgeon! We all have things we worry about, don't we? But the health issues that could be major or could be minor, and we don't know? That's got to be the toughest.

    Love the refreshed deck! What a great job they did on it!

    1. Thanks Barb-- Yes I need those prayers----and how isEmber?

  5. Hi Lynda! 92 in Ohio today, 63 next weekend! Your deck looks great! Oh! I noticed a hummingbird zip past my window twice this week and thought of you. How was your day? Enjoy your evening. Hugs!

    1. Crazy --our humming birds are back also--Do yu think they were nesting?--Himself much better to-day--but he had his Day Program--I have Son#3's 2 dogs as they are taking their daughter to University--They are good dogs tho--Hugs, Lynda

  6. It's Kathy. I stopped by earlier but you hadn't written yet - and then my day went wacky! I knew we would be having lunch with ALL my children - all 5 of those darlings that I gave birth to them. I got to my daughter's about 12:15 pm. Jake met me at the door, took me to a special place and put a pillow behind my back! Roman came over, said "I love you Grandma" and gave me a kiss (FIRST TIME EVER). Well, I felt like Queen for the Day! The rest of my children and grandchildren arrived along with their father - what a day. But I have not been doing very well with this newest back surgery. I checked with the surgeon and he wants me to take Prednisone for 10 days - twice a day for the first 5, then once a day. I'm not sure how, but that's suppose to help the weakness and pain in my left leg. So Tom and I didn't stay too long, but it was absolutely a wonderful day! And the meal was delicious. Came home to Annie and Daisy - Tom went to get my prescription and I crashed! It was a good day! And nothing on the calendar until Tuesday!!! What a blessing. I hope himself had a better day today and enjoyed his day center! And I hope you had just a little peace of mind!

    1. Kathy the boys are doing well-- amazing!--and all yer children were there--Yu had 5 children also--like me!--I bet the Prednisone will help you-- and only fr 10 days-Good!-- And of corse yu must be pooped right out--(tired!)--LOL--Sounds good --Yu are on the mend--Hugs, Lynda

    2. I thought I wrote earlier also but its not here-- so--Ill try again--LOL--Happy to hear that the 2 boys are calmer and I bet that Prednisone will help you be more mobile--Himself ended up having a good day -- Good eh??--Hugs-- Rest!--Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda: Deck looks great. Hope himself continues to be good. It's hot here today but supposed to rain tonight and cooler tomorrow. How nice of the surgeon to come to the house to look at your face. I have a spot on my face and it took 6 months just to get an appointment to have it looked at! Have fun with all the dogs there again. Hope your granddaughter is good when they drop her off. Have a good night. Brenda

    1. I hope the cancer is gone but-- that would be too good to be true-- Nice that he called me(The Surgeon) and is going to look at it-- yes!--3 dogs--but--they are old dogs--and very good-- Lynda

  8. The deck looks great!! Send him to my place, I have a deck about the same size and I am doing it a little at a time, that is all my back will allow.
    That is so nice the surgeon will stop by this weekend to look at those spots. I hope everything is OK. Take care and I hope you can enjoy the weekend.

  9. So happy the surgeon got in touch with you, and you see him Sunday🙏🏼 Your deck looks lovely✨ Carol in FL


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