Sunday, August 11, 2024

To-day is a special day---

Sunday---AND SMILE! ---  We have rain falling lightly--That is OK---It's not sunny---  but--it is cooler and that is good. -- Lopez and I have been out, but we will be going out again  in a bit--It is not raining hard--AND--- HIMSELF IS GOOD THIS MORNING--- Praise the Lord!----  Nothing could be worse than yesterday--but---- we got through it----

Before I  chat anymore--Son #3 was out here with Lola, his Apple head Chihuahua--last evening-- so, we  took a picture of the 2 Chihuahuas.  Lopez absolutely loves Lola-- and Miss Lola has big time attitude--one of the reasons that I decided on a Chihuahua -No-one messes with LOLA--like that song--"Whatever Lola wants--Lola gets""--

To-day is Sunday---the day of the Lord----Will it be a day of rest?---- probably not-- but--It WILL BE A GOOD DAY---Yesterday we stopped at  No Frills, shortly after 8am, and there was a bin full of fresh corn on the cob--I  brought 12 ears home , cooked it, and it just melted in the mouth--It was SO fresh--There is nothing like fresh corn on the cob--Blueberries are ripe now also----Northern Ontario has wild blueberries--so delicious!

August---then---------September------and before we can say, "Johnny Robinson"----- it will be cold---  OHHHHhhh  NOOOO-oooo !!!!--

            So-Get outside and enjoy the summer ---Forget the house -y stuff---  Remember this?

                                        Before I forget, -I must remind you- that to-day is a special day---



  1. Good morning Lynda
    OMG I nearly rolled out of my chair laughing about slap an idiot day. I know so many so I'm not sure I could get the job done in a single day. LOL. Thanks for the chuckle.
    Glad today is going better at home. Lynda do you have a plan when the verbal barrage begins? First, I'd walk away to another part of the house or go outside for a walk. If there's no one around he'd likely stop quickly. How about headphones or start playing your piano to drown him out. What fun is it to have a tizzy fit if you get no reaction? Just my thoughts.
    Another gorgeous, sunny, mild, windows open AC off day in St.Louis.
    Grateful for this nice respite as before we know it, the ice and cold arrives.
    Lola knows how to keep Lopez in his place. She's a little tuffy.
    Fresh corn on the cob and fresh blueberries
    Enjoy your Sunday. I'm giving Sadie the day off. Just doing the essentials.
    Have a wonderful, relaxing Sunday.
    Big hugs
    Stay positive and strong.

    1. Good idea to walk away when Fred gets that way--Funny thing--=He was good to-day--Yes, Sadie does not work on Sundays I hear--which is so nice!--Fred was good to-day--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Another cool day here, I love this weather. Yesterday Daisy and I went out and pulled some weeds. I was going to leave it for spring but it seems I can't stand to look at it anymore. Yesterday was Bryan's first day with the boys. Lauriellen thought it was going well, until she picked them up. Jake had a black eye and Roman's shirt was very torn. Her very best cop friend told her to report it to the Lino Lakes police (hmmm, her mother told her that last night - but who listens to mothers). He's already harassing her for Tuesday's visit. I really can't deal with this anymore with my own surgery coming up soon - so much to do. Today Daisy is getting a bath - that won't be fun but it needs to be done before I am unable to take care of her. I'm glad to hear that himself is having a good day today! Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Oh my goodness--those boys sound wild! Was their Dad watching them??--It will turn out--maybe he will not want the boys soon -- Yu must think now of "YOU" and yer surgery--Hugs--Lynda

  3. Marti here. Thanks for reminding me that I wanted to pop by the small popup market down the street today for corn.

    It's a lovely day here, low 70's, partly cloudy (Newark Ohio). Loving it.

    1. Marti this weather is invigorating--I love it!-- Happy yu got corn-- Was it fresh?--Lynda

  4. Lynda, I am happy Himself is in a good mood today! Yesterday was very difficult for you.
    Is Lola staying for awhile? Himself must've liked the visit from Lola and her pet parent.
    The temp finally rose to 70F here. It was so cool overnight that I shut my bedroom window almost all the way. The sky is mostly sunny. When I had a sewing machine, I always wanted to find fabric that color. Never did.
    Karaoke was fun last night, but we didn't stay 'til the end. The deejay turned the sound up so loud it was beginning to be painful. I even took my hearing aids out. That didn't help.
    Fresh anything is wonderful...especially corn and berries. I have blueberries and strawberries. I remember my mom and I going to the edge of the woods to pick wild huckleberries. They're similar but not the same as blueberries.
    Tomorrow the brakes get fixed! I can hardly wait.
    The Olympics are ending today. I watched lots. Not the last few days, though. The gymnastics, swimming and diving were pretty much done. I saw lots of sports I didn't know were even in the competition.
    Lucky is telling me it's playtime, so I'd better answer his call. Have you heard the saying, "Dogs have owners. Cats have staff?" {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie

    1. Lola stayed all last week--Gramma (ME!) had her as a visitor-- Lopez is in love with Lola--LOL--Its cold here outside-AND I HAVE THE FURNACE ON --LORDY BE!--Oh I am so happy to hear that your brakes will be repaired--hard to not have a vehicle ready to go--Cute syng about cats--LOL--One day when I get a life of my own, you must visit me--- What yu think?--Lynda

  5. Barb--amazing Mom--LOL--Good days are the best!-- so much better than the days we struggle thru---and so rewarding--- hugs, Lynda


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