Saturday, August 17, 2024


The dog pen
The front
Lake side
The septic bed
My wild garden
--just a few pictures of  just how much grass is around this house-
--so so humid--The AC is NOT on--YET---I'm thinking about it tho---hot and humid---  not a great combination--This is Saturday----- I think I shall grocery shop to-morrow--

Do you remember the lift bridge that my Dad designed and is in Burlington, at the entrance to the Hamilton, ON., harbour-?-When my older sister passed, she had a picture of Dad's bridge , put on her tomb stone---You can see it on the left---She was buried in Guelph, Ontario---  nice picture of her also--

We are supposed to have rain by noon---That is the reason I am stalling turning on the AC---  I'm hoping the rain will cool us down--So---  I hope that your day is going well-

This evening, for supper, we are going to a Birthday party for a grand daughter--- Even Lopez was invited, because it is at Lola and Apollo's house--That should be interesting!--Lopez  , when he goes there, escapes their yard and takes off up the street-- I will have to keep a leash  on him.-

Whatever you are up to to-day, remember how strong you really are-- My Mom was a strong Lady--- I always felt that she could do anything---but--I never ever remember her vacuuming--It was my sister, Mary Beth, and I who always  manned that vacuum-I never questioned that--just accepted it, that that  was the way it was--  Even to-day,  Himself always wonders why we own 4 machines--one on every level and they are used daily--BY ME!

Who was the strong woman in your life?

                                                    -Always remember----and believe---  that



  1. You really do have a lot of real estate to mow! Don’t know how you do it.

    Awwww, Your sister’s stone is a lovely memorial to both her and your Dad.

    Enjoy the party tonight and yes, keep that leash on Lopez! YIKES.

    Oh my Mom, my paternal and maternal grandmothers and my maternal Aunts were ALL genuinely strong women. Learned a lot in life from all of them. I spent the most time w/my Maternal Grandmother, so I’d have to say her influence was the greatest.


  2. Lynda, you do have a lot of grass! You need someone to help. Well, you can do it, but it sure would be easier with help. You could just do the trimming.
    Rain does usually cool things off...makes it more humid, though. As long as it's not right on top of us, I sleep really well when it rains or storms. Must have something to do with the barometric pressure.
    Love the meme about behind every woman. Saved it to send to my daughter. Her birthday is in a few days. I bought on Amazon and had them send her...a bright red Wonder Woman sweatshirt. She got it today and said that it's perfect. I told her that's who she is.
    There's karaoke tonight. I will not be getting up on stage. I overdid it last week. Every day this week it's been Tylenol at least twice and either my walker or my cane.
    The weather is overcast here. Chance of rain, maybe a storm, all day. Nothing coming down now, though.
    Maybe after all that grass yesterday you can get Sadie to do the vacuuming and rest up today. Hope so, sis. I can't believe what you deal with. I'm really lucky with just an apartment, no outside maintenance, etc. I do try to help people, though. And there is my current soul mate...Lucky. He wants to play now, so will sign off and check this later.
    The tombstone is incredible.
    The birthday party will be will all enjoy it and Sushi will not have to be on guard. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie--hard evening--will get back to yu later--Lynda

  3. To all the strong women in the world, out there modeling it for all women everywhere! And YOU are one of them, Lynda!

    Ember sends wags to Lopez and Prisoner sends purrs to Sushi.

    1. Ember--Thank yu for the wags from Lopez-Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda! Lovely photos of your LOTSA yard! The flowers are beautiful! I went to the Amish Farmer’s market. Got fresh corn on the cob, scones, huge heirloom tomatoes and other stuff. Oh, cold coffee on the way back. Supposed to rain any minute here in Ohio. The tomb stone is very nice! Have a great time at the birthday party! Happy Birthday to your grand daughter. I bet little Lopez will love it! Hugs!

    1. will chat later--- lovely evening out butdifficult time also-Lynda

  5. Love your sister's gravestone, by the way. I have chosen to put the three sports of triathlon on mine, my sister has put stringed instruments on hers... we are prepared for "whenever".

    1. Barb--that will be nice--- the decision on the stone-Lynda

  6. It's Kathy. My surgery is on Tuesday and I'm so ready. I have cleaned every room in the house and will redo the bathroom & vacuum the living room on Monday. We have enough food in the freezer that my husband can prepare until I am on my feet again. I am being totally lazy this whole weekend. Things are even quiet with my daughter. And I got a lovely phone call from Jake yesterday asking me how I was feeling. He knows I am having surgery soon. My mom was a strong woman - she never gave up. There was a lot I didn't like about my mom, but she was a good role model in perseverance! Enjoy the birthday party, it will be nice to get out with himself and Lopez for awhile! I have never had to worry about Daisy running off - since she was a puppy she always watched for where I was! Have a good day.

    1. Kathy -- lovely Birthday--but some hard moments--Life I guess--Surgery soon eh?-=Lynda

  7. Oh, your 'wild garden' is lovely!! And, yep, that's a lot of grass...but without it you might get more invasive weeds? I do hope you can find someone to mow your grass regularly for a good price. And, a vacuum for each level; genious!!!

    1. difficult evening-- but--- nice also--Hugs-LyndA

  8. Simply lovely surroundings, Lynda! So well cared for….your love of it shows! You are definitely a worker…both inside and out of the house!
    Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. Thanks Karen--not all fun and games-- LOL--Lynda

  9. We didn't have a had hardwood floors so we mopped. I have a vacumn I brought from Alabama and funny, Barbara had one exactly like it upstairs. I'm in the basement really kills my back so I do not use it daily..hope you have a great time at the birthday party....

  10. Wow, you have a lot to mow!! But your yard is beautiful!! Your gardens are just awesome!! I don't know how you do it!! I wish you could find a dependable guy to mow your lawn. You certainly have your hands full. Hugs, Chris

    1. Hi Chris--- I don't know how I do it either--LOL--Lynda

  11. was a beautiful party--- Thank yu -Lynda

  12. Hi Marge--- A lovely party--- lotza work here--will have to tell yu later how last nite went--not all great--but--- what the heck egh?-Lynda


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