Saturday, August 3, 2024

If someone breaks yer heart---

 Good day---very hot day beginning--The 3 dogs have been out--and did their business=-Son #3's pooches---Apollo--Lola--- and then-our--Lopez-

  Son #2 the pilot, in Brazil, just sent a pic of his ham and cheese sandwich--with fries ( no hash browns) It looks mighty good--  his breakfast --He returns home this-evening--flies through the night----
 So----How are you all surviving the heat?--near 40C temps here---  with the AC running all night-I took all 3 dogs to the dock yesterday but poor Lola, being black, and not going into the water, became over heated--and we had to get back into the house with the AC--The heat is dangerous--And it is sunny again to-day ----with the same heat-

Is your day going to be a good day?---I shall go for groceries to-morrow--I do not know if himself can handle all these dogs by himself--Maybe if I get out of here early---then the dogs will sleep--maybe--It takes a ton of planning when one takes care of a 95-almost 96 year old--AND 3 dogs--Lord love a Duck!
Positive thoughts----sometimes I have to talk to myself--- tell myself that "I" CAN  do this--- It helps-

SO---Have a spectacular day----It is the weekend---- Grab a wee rest , maybe, with a good book---OH_and----don't forget---


  1. We're dealing with recovery days after Ember's spay here, so yes, keeping things calm and slow, if at all possible. Try keeping a puppy from jumping, running, playing rough with other pets, etc. So far, so good, but this is only 24 hours after!

    Hope you have a good, calm weekend!

    1. Ember was spayed?---- Good for yu --and her-- You are a fabulous Mom -- Lynda

  2. Lynda, you might try putting a wet or hand towel...on Lola before taking her out. How long do you have your extra house guests?
    It must be hard for you at times so YES, do positive affirmations and think of the good stuff!
    Another hot day here, too, but not 'til afternoon. At least the sun is shining through the fact there is a mix of sun and clouds.
    I will go to karaoke, but hope I will find a ride. I've gotta get my brakes looked at...and fine the $.
    Got plenty of food, though, so I do not need to shop. I've enough quarters for a load of laundry. Must do the kitchen floor again, too. Maybe Sadie will be around to help.
    Will check this later. Hope our book comes soon! {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie.

    I bet with your up-beat attitude you all will have a great weekend!
    The sandwich looks wonderful! You will be glad when he's back home.
    Good luck with shopping tomorrow. You sure couldn't take all the dogs with you. Sushi would like it if they were gone, though...and Himself.

    1. difficult evening here with Himself-- Man oh man--- tough to be strong--Lynda

  3. Your hands are full again w/Apollo and Lola.

    As always DS #2’s food looks delicious! Safe flight back home.

    Yup . . . ice cream . . . not healthy, but sure does soothe a wounded heart!

    hugs and hope you get out out to the store.


    1. angry angry Himself this evening--Were your parents like that ever Barb?-- seems when he is tired--

  4. Good morning, Lynda! It is pouring the rain in Ohio. My newly planted shrubs and flowers are so happy. There was a break in the rain so I went quickly to the Farmer’s Market and got fresh produce. I was surprised they were set up. The pilot food always looks so good. Frenxh fries for breakfast would be tasty. LOL. Always love seeing all the dogs. Hope you enjoy your day with them. Hugs!

    1. Son#2 en route to Toronto--Always happy when he lands-- Still hot here--Lynda

    2. Lynda: YES YES YES! Especially Mom. She was frequently angry as the Alzheimer's progressed. Dad . . . well, not as much. At least I could reason with him and calm him down. I just had to walk away from Mom sometimes. Soooooo hard , but I just had to remind myself that wasn't Mom (or Dad) . . . it was their disease. . . . especially w/Mom. I tried to put myself in her shoes. She really did NOT know anyone -- how frightening that must have been for her. She needed help to do everything. SHE was always the one to help, so I can only imagine how difficult that was for her.

      I will tell you, though, you are doing a great job. It is SOooo god that Himself is in the Program, as that seems to improve his mood. Neitherr Mom nor Dad would do that. Once they were in Memory care, Mom participated in her own way. Dad . . . no.

      Hang in there, my dear.


  5. Hi Lynda,
    I see you are on overload again with extra pups.
    Super hot and humid here as well. No breeze whatsoever.
    Pilot son will be back soon.
    Good luck with grocery outing. Pups will likely be fine at home. They tend to sleep if things are quiet.
    Got me again with the punch em in the crack me up. I've never punched anyone in the face...never even thought about doing that.
    Love your inserts. You CAN do it and by gosh, you WILL.
    Stay strong and positive.
    Hugs dear lady

    1. Well Marge --- still very hot here--- Himself very "down" this evening--difficult to manage--- Good thing I am "Deaf"---- LOL--- As if eh?--Lynda

  6. It's Kathy. OMG, 40C is way too hot for anyone! Our heat has been around 33C and neither Daisy nor I have any interest in going outside. Thankfully it cools off enough that we can stop the A/C before we go to bed. Love the photos of the 3 dogs but yes, I can imagine it's a lot of extra work for you! I hope you are able to get to the store tomorrow without incident. We've had another nasty court filing from Bryan. He wants rent for the time Laurie & the boys lived in his house after his arrest for domestic assault, he wants back payment for her use of the car, and he wants her to get a full time job. He says since he works from home he can have the boys at his house while she is working. The man is delirious! I love those boys but no one can get anything done while they are awake. They both have autism and need specialized care! Her court date is this Thursday - I can only hope that the judge sees through all his craziness! I hope it cools off for you soon!

    1. Hot here Kathy-Sorry about your daughter's troubles---I hop[e she has a good lawyer-----sounds like she has to be strong--poor girl--- --Lynda

  7. Only 102 here today. Poor doggie, age matters in the heat. Hey Kathy, what the hell kind of lousy lawyer does your daughter have? That is billshit! Her county get get her a lawyer if she can’t. That is ridiculous! Sorry to butt in, but that is crap! Lynda, do nice your son sends his pictures to you! A kiss for you!! He Knies all you do!

    1. I know-- This Pilot guy is a good guy--- All my kids are --- Lynda

  8. Thats for sure. We had about 89 here in the Chicago area but there was a cool breeze yesterday. Not today. Donna_cps2

    1. hotter here than ion Chicago-- and I am in the north--- strange eh?--Lynda

    2. For Sure, But it was very humid as well! Donna_cps2

  9. Our weather today is 97F, with 14% humidity. "It's a dry heat..." Here on the high desert in California. Our 'norm' high during summer is high 90s to low 100s. The 'norm' lows are mid-60's to low 70s at night.

    Generally I do any watering or yard work early in the morning right during sunrise as it's the coolest point of the morning and any snakes out are visible; dusk is cool but visibility is not as good. (I've never seen a snake in our yard, but am careful anyway.)

    I've lived here for forty years now, so when I go to areas with humidity I feel like a big old sweatball. :D

    Love the punch them in the face meme.

    1. PS Yes, we get freezing temperatures and the occasional snow in the winter months ... but the snow rarely stays on the ground here in the desert valley; our surrounding mountains wear snow all winter long.

    2. Good to hear from yu my friend--Yu do live in an unusual spot--Sounds like it is your place to be--- I can tell yu enjoy it there--so nice!-The humidity here is very high this summer--more so than normal-- Odd--- Something unusual is happening in the world-Lynda-


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