Friday, August 23, 2024

Good day to all--

 a new day---- TO BE POSITIVE---Himself is at his Day Program--Sushi is to be at the vet for 11-30am--just shots etc--I cannot remember the last time she was there--not a good sign---and we have "SUN"--hopefully with Lollipops--LOL----

I am asking you again--  Do you still have Hummingbirds at your feeders?--We have a few--but not the same numbers of birds we used to have--Are they nesting?--- Or--  Have some of them headed south?? I know the males depart ahead of the females--I think--

I saw the above, and thought I'd share it with you all--BECAUSE I AM A WORRIER--  That is why I am so pooped  out, all the time--maybe?-----I must learn to let it all go --for sure!

                                                            A good laugh is the best therapy---

I  shall get this overweight very heavy cat packed away ---I hope your day goes well--

"Keep your chin up-"---as Dad always said


  1. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I thought I posted yesterday from the hospital but it seems it didn't go through. I am gratefully now home and resting! The surgery was okay and I woke up with no pain in my right leg - the leg that had been hurting me for so long. BUT, weakness now in my left which I'm concerned about. In Physical Therapy on Wednesday it totally gave out. Seemed better on Wednesday but when I got home it once again gave out on my trying to get into my home. I could barely walk with the walker last night but it's a bit better today. Think I just strained a muscle. My husband has been amazing, doing everything for me. First time ever he had to help me into and out of the shower! He has to pick things up that fall on the floor and open curtains, feed and care for Daisy and everything else I typically do. I am really grateful! Just had a call from my little Grandson Jake to see if I was recovering from my surgery! Today I am just resting - not even getting dressed. Maybe tomorrow! I've read your blogs but not strong enough to reply! I hope Sushi has a good vet visit!

    1. Kathy--You are over that surgery--Whatta relief for you! And it sounds like it went well--Good for yer Husband to help you out!And Jake called you--- seems like he is yer boy!----well, you know--loves yu! --I'm happy to hear from you--just take it easy for now-=-let things heal-- Hugs, Lynda

  2. Lynda, glad Sushi is getting her appointment in. Doc may suggest not free feeding her but just to have planned mealtimes. I still have Lucky's kibble out all the time...that's how he came to me. And he gets Fancy Feast wet food. He's overweight, too. That's one reason I try to run him around with his wands with toys on the end for him to catch. Figure the exercise helps with the weight. I hear him playing by himself at night, too.
    Himself will be tired an happy after his program. That's good.
    I went to a salon to get my hair cut this morning. The lady that comes here for us just hasn't been cutting my hair short enough. I really bonded with this stylist. Great lady. We are both nature lovers and follow the Law of Attraction. We exchanged phone numbers, etc. I made a new friend!
    Jo and I did not win at the casino yesterday, but we still had a good time. Stopped at Burger King for a bacon whopper afterwards. Not too healthy, but YUM!
    Oh, I have not often even seen hummingbirds here.
    Lucky is up now wanting his mama so I will sign off for now. Hope all of today proceeds well for you, and that there's good news for Sushi. {{{HUGS}}} your sister from another mother Maggie

    1. The vet changed her kibble so I will mix the new with the old---and yes Himself enjoyed his morning away--It was a mixed up day ---but that's OK-- happy to get Sushi in there----- He gave her 2 shots--forget what he called them-- Lynda

    2. Shots may have been rabies and feline distemper.

  3. The # of hummers has decreased and yes, I believe they’re starting the trek south already.

    For sure, laughter is the best medicine. And the best part of a friendship.

    Hope all went well for little Sushi! Such a regal post! Beautiful.

    Hope Himself enjoyed the Lodge today.


    1. Sushi did well at the vets-- He changed her kibble to see if we can get some weight off of her-- Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, Sushi looks quite regal in her picture.
    Fred should come home in a good mood which is good for you.
    Yes, laughter is great for all of us.
    Worry does please let it go and move on.
    Haven't seen hummingbirds in a few weeks. I think they've started to head south.
    Hot in St.Louis. Heat will continue all next week.
    Stay positive and healthy.

    1. Hi Marge--- I suppose those Humming Birds meet up with their friends as they head South--kinda sad to see them go-- and they never told me they were leaving--Lynda

  5. Hope Sushi had a good report from the Vet! Yes, hummers from farther away do start their way South during this time period. Take care!

    1. Our feeders --(humming birds) are so quiet---Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! Sushi is beautiful. I worry too. I did not sleep last night for worrying about all the things throughout the house that must be packed up for my nephew to go home today after spending the Summer. He is gone. I am exhausted. Miss him already. Lollipops! He got me some Hello Kitty ones yesterday. LOL Nice, sunny day in Ohio. Sad but great day. He will be back for Thanksgiving. How was your day? Hugs!

    1. so nice thAt your nephew spends time with you-- --Lynda

  7. Hope all goes well at the vet for Sushi! And boy, that meme about how exhausting worry is ... spot on!

    My son's in-laws lost their lineated parakeet yesterday, so there is a sadness in the family. He was so young and vibrant, only about two years old, and he will be sorely missed! Who'd have thought a family could be as attached to a bird as some of us are to cats and dogs, but their birds have always shown such personality! Ollie was no exception.

    1. Worry is exhausting--- and silly--- I know that-- and yet--I'm a worrior--(not a warior--LOL)Lynda

  8. Very nice photo of Sushi 😍 Carol in FL


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