Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I am entirely BONKERS!

                               --- and--"I" am BONKERS also----All the best people are!
 I worry way too much-----about everything-- I even worry about why I worry so much. Why can't I just trust that "things" will turn out?-- 

I must tell you, that yesterday, I was laying on the sofa , in the afternoon, worrying about our AC unit-Why wasn't it working--like--shooting out cold air, like it should???--I had called several service people and not one had responded--Why?????-----  Too many  things in this house have needed service--Maybe these service people are sick and tired of me pestering them---My mind even  was thinking-"for sure there cannot be a God in Heaven , or someone would've helped me-"-

Then, Lopez began to bark----  like , someone was there---  and I heard, "HELLO"--and "ANYONE AT HOME"-----Holy cow----  I ran out the front door--and low and behold, there was a young man, circling the house, looking for our AC unit--UNBELIEVABLE!!!!-----  So, I watched this wonderful young man, take apart the AC unit--He had a new part in his hand--

He said, "I think I know what the problem is-- I've serviced others to-day with the same problem--I almost hugged him!--- And he put the part in--cleaned the inside of the unit, and cold air immediately began to flow inside the house--He said he services hot(furnaces) and AC units---  most service people only service one or the other--thus some would not come to an AC  call---  (but they never tell customers)--Cooling problems need special papers---UNBELIEABLE___  So, we now have cool air blowing up from the registers---   Do you think God in Heaven saw me , in my "depths of despair"?-----  Well, ya never know eh?----

                    Good news tho----  Thomas the Toad, (or is it Tabatha?)---is alive and well--I took the picture of him on the driveway last night when I was out with Lopez--He is the size of the palm of your hand----a huge guy (or gal)--I am beginning to think there are more than one Thomas living  outside.

So now that Ive told you my story----How is your day going??----- Are you happy?---Are you feeling strong knowing that maybe someone really is watching over you?--Well, you never know eh??---I do hope this week  brings you peace when you are worried, strength when you feel weak and courage to face your struggles--


  1. Good morning, Lynda! So happy that man showed up and you have cold air. My guy does AC and furnace. I ignored your frog pic. Yuck! Lol I am in worry mode a lot but extra today. My husband is in his 9:15 surgery. I know it will be fine. His right bicep. I have lots of work ahead with him and the yorkies. He helps so much with them but won’t be able for a long while. It is a beauriful day in Ohio. We must stay strong and positive like that 90 year old woman I met the other day and told you about. The one that reminded me of you. We can do it! Have a terrific Tuesday!

    1. I forgot that Toads are not what yu enjoy seeing--I hope your hubby's surgery turned out OK--imagine --being 90 yrs--Lynda

  2. Sis, when you want something really lots, the Universe (God) often fulfills that wish. You attracted that young man by your need for him. I am happy you have cool air now!
    Thomas/Tabitha is wonderful. If there's 1 toad, there probably are more.
    The brakes are fixed...and it didn't cost as much as I thought it might! I still have enough $ to pay some other bills. My rent rebate isn't in my account yet, but it is due within 2 days.
    My day is going well. It will continue to do so...cuz I believe it will with all my heart. Hope you can call some of that belief up, too. I was just proven with the AC man. Love ya! {{{HUGS}}} Maggie

    1. That AC young fellow was like God himself--so knowledgable--and I am happy to hear the brakes cost was not too bad--WE all worry over finances don't we??--And yes, this day worked out also--The Universe did fulfill our wishes!-- Hugs Maggie--YU are so good!-Lynda

  3. Part of why *I* worry I think is, being a nurse, I imagine all the scenarios and want to be in control of things. And that’s not always possible, is it. LOL But rest assured . . . you are normal!

    Sooooooo glad that you now have air conditioning! PHEW.

    Awwww, bless his heart. Thomas or Thomasina (my maternal step-grandmother’s name!) is alive and thiving! PHEW

    Doing all right. Have to keep DH in line. Has a Dr. appointment today to check on how his med change is going and the change in the PT routine. My observation is there may still need to be an adjustment in the meds, but he is getting stronger.

    Gorgeous weather. Sunny, lovely temperature and I will enjoy the day.


    1. Are you taking care of DH??--Has he been ill?-- I did not know that Barb--Lynda-

    2. Jason has spinal stenosis and that has made his mobility increasingly difficult. He uses a cane, which helps . . . WHEN he uses the cane. And he has peripheral neuropathy in his hands so that makes it difficult to do things requiring any level of dexterity. He has exercises to do to 'retrain' the brain and so far, it is helping a little. So, yes, most of the household chores fall under the category of if it's to be it is up to me. *SIGH* But thankfully, able to do it.


  4. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. I'm so glad your A/C was fixed and it was a fairly easy fix. Love the photo of Thomas the Toad. We put our A/C on this morning too - it's not too hot but it sure is humid today! I had an unpleasant surprise this morning. A computer called me at 8 am to tell me that my surgery is only "partially" approved. I called the insurance company and apparently, while it's okay for the doctor to open me up, it's not okay for him to do what he needs to do to relieve my pain. I then had to call the doctor's office - and a very nice young woman named Molly is looking into it for me. Also, Lauriellen talked with her lawyer. Even though she has photos of Jake's black eye, a police report, his therapist reported the incident to child protection and his pediatrician sent them to the children's ER to make sure Jake's eye is okay - well, there's nothing we can do because while it's certainly neglect, it's not abuse! Is there no sense in this world anymore! So my day has not started off well but I guess that means it can only get better - right!

    1. Did yer day get better?--- Lord love a duck! And, hopefully Molly gets back to yu with good news----- Hope yer daughter is strong-- and did your day get better? Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, the Universe (God) heard you. I'm SO GLAD that young man showed up and with part in hand. Wahoo. I hope you kept his contact info especially since he does furnace and AC.
    It's warming up in St.Louis but not quite where I need to turn AC back on yet.
    We're all bonkers and have melt downs from time to time. At least I do.
    Thomas or Thomasina is a whopper. My goodness he's a big guy.
    It's going well here. Hanging in. No drama and I do like drama free.
    Loved the last insert
    Thank you for sharing your world. Stop worrying about everything. It will work out.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Oh Marge--Bless yer heart!--Everyday seems like a challenge----Always enjoy a day with no drama--lynda

  6. Hi Lynda: I just read yesterdays journal as didn't have time yesterday. Sounds like you kinda made up your mind. I figured that's what you would decide as you love himself to the moon and back. And that's all the justification you need. Glad your air got fixed. Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Well Brenda--For now anyway-We are here-- LOL---I think!-- LOL--- Hugs, Lynda

  7. Oh, what a blessing that young man was to get your AC working! Hopefully you'll know to call HIM first, next time there's a problem.

    I'm finding as I age that while I still do worry, it's not with the intensity that I did in my youth. I've survived too many "urgent" worries to consider a worry all that urgent anymore! Well, unless it really is urgent! LOL... hard to tell the difference sometimes, isn't it?

    Hang in there, my friend, and keep on greeting Thomas (or Tabitha) whenever they put in an appearance... that's one healthy looking amphibian!

    Onward we go, Sparking all the way!

    1. That AC guy was simply the best--went right to the unit--replaced the part -AND IT STARTED UP!--=SO amazing--- Lynda

  8. Marti here. No, you don't sound bonkers, any more than me. I do things on a whim. I was reading about the Olympics, and it was talking about air rifle competitions, I thought, that sounds like fun, then I looked up my closest shooting range, lo and behold there is a newer one that I can get to (I don't drive freeways or long distances), and I went to my first (free) class tonight - pistol fundamentals. I signed up for a membership and another class, NOT free, and then I can shoot away! I recall doing so twice with an ex bf, and my late husband, and had a blast! My therapist said I needed a hobby, haha. Well, of course, this particular hobby happens to be expensive! And I don't even like guns, I mean, well, to OWN, that is. But shooting ranges, he said there were all kinds of little programs which are like games. The thing is, every time someone shot their gun, I jumped. It will be fine when I shoot mine, b/c I will know when it will make noises, but someone else shooting, oh my! There were lots of ladies in there, I was surprised.
    :) Yeah, I've gone bonkers! Ha ha

    1. Hey you enjoyed the shooting range-- Isn't that amazing?--and lotza ladies there-- It does sond like fun!--Lynda


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