Thursday, August 1, 2024

Some Daily Affirmations

Have you ever had a crazy day?--- like --nothing seems to make sense?-----And--maybe it's because  nothing IS making sense--- For instance, we --(or I)-had a call from our Propane dealer telling us that we are all paid up to date 'til September----Yeah!!!!------  but I never checked----never thought we would ever be paid up to date--so sent another cheque off--which now has been returned--- which is OK----  but--was a waste of my time ---and all my worrying about keeping everything paid was for nothing---because everything WAS paid--- See?----  It doesn't make sense---When $$$ are removed from your account automatically --then stopped---and no letter --or rhyme nor reason given--it does make one question everything--

So, now to-day can be made awesome---I hope!--- But- there is more--Son#2 the Pilot,  is in the air, somewhere---en route to Brazil--There was no flight number given--late leaving--He is kinda ---well--  he is somewhere --in the sky---has not contacted me which is totally not like him--I'm sure he will pop up somewhere , soon-

AND-It is extremely hot outside--with the AC running--as hard as can go--Maybe this is the last day of heat ???---  I dunno---Lopez and I have been out--hoofed it up--then down, the back road--- and Sadie will be here sooner than later--and  there is grass to cut--if we can stand doing it in this heat--We shall see---

                                                    Himself is home to-day--no Lodge--- 
                                    Below-----some morning Affirmations  to think about----

Sadie is knocking at the door---  I shall   get off of here--- help that fabulous cleaning Lady out--and--try to be strong--


  1. Great blog, Lynda!
    We have (if older like you and I) all had days like when you don't need to or forget to pay and get an overdue are now in that club! At least you've got your propane.
    I'm having a great day. The mail brought two things I had ordered from Amazon including my 'Yes We Kam' shirt that wasn't supposed to come 'til tomorrow!
    I had a phone call at 5:53 AM this morning. My phone was muted while I was sleeping, so I didn't see it right away. It was from a far away awesome soul sister of mine!
    The weather is cooler here today and mostly cloudy. It started storming last night and went on for hours. It was great sleeping.
    Hope Himself will be okay today with no lodge. Guess we just gotta trust that that will happen.
    Saved 2 memes today. That affirmation one has several ideas that are right along with the Law of Attraction. We get what we focus on. I'm focusing on a great birthday and new year in my life. Made it to 78 years young.
    Will check back here, dear. Hope our financial concerns are done for now. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Happy Birthday---- Bestest wishes--- Happier Birthday--- So happy yu seem happy ---78 yrs young--YOU MADE IT!! -and you are my adopted sistah---- LOL--I love yu girl--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Today seems to be my day of confusing things. I didn't sleep too well last night - we had storms all night long. My husband got up and put his clothes on at 6:30 am (not at all like him). Apparently our recycling barrel had blown over during the storm and he went to pick up everything. Because he got up, Daisy wanted to go out and have her breakfast. We all went back to bed and I had the wildest dream! Got up and now it's raining again! Constant, steady rain! That was NOT in the forecast. I'm trying hard to wake up but it's not working very well. I hope you hear from your son soon! We moms worry when they aren't consistent! Have a good day.

    1. YES__Matt was late leaving Toronto--- but he did arrive in Brazil--sent pics--I'll post them to-morrow--It sounds like you had a "weird" night--crazy eh??-- Hope yu got some rest today--Hugs, Lynda

  3. Good afternoon Lynda. I seldom leave a comment on your blogs but I read them and look for them daily.

    I hope son#2 contacts you soon, if he hasn't already, and I'd sure like to know when he does. I can imagine what you'd be thinking.

    It is an extremely hot day here, boy is it ever! I had someone come this morning and I was still in my cotton nightie. She told me to stay in my cool nightie and not to leave my apartment at all, it's terribly hot outside, the worst anyone has seen. I keep my apartment cool with my roll up to the window a/c in the living room and two standing fans in my bedroom. My bedroom stays like a hot greenhouse, even with a fan on either side of my bed!

    I love Autumn, it's my favourite season. I love everything about it, especially the cooler air!

    Uh oh, I didn't know I was so gabby today, LOL.

    Take care, Lynda, and do something nice for yourself, you deserve it. Even if it's a day just for YOU, you could just relax for an entire day, have a nice cool salad supper, read a good book, and take it easy.

    Love & hugs coming to you. xoxo

    1. It is exceptionally warm and muggy here. I'm taking the golf cart to take off my trash and get the mail..
      Have a great rest of the week.

    2. Darlene--- It was so hot today outside-- --- everywhere I think it was--Lynda

    3. Gloria---- SO so nice to open this up and find your comments--Yes --Matt the Pilot got back to me after lunch and I was relieved-- I guess they were an hour late leaving Toronto--I wish you had one of those units --to cool down your bedroom at nite-YU would get a better sleep---
      I must tell yu that I love little Lopez so much-- He has turned into a one person dog--ME-- -but--he can be feisty--but--HE SURE LOVES ME---I needed that as Fred can be kinda terrible---so its nice to have a wee pooch who loves me--LOL--
      I had my grass man cut the front and back of the house--He has been a real God-send--His price is right and he is a nice person--once a week he comes-- I think about you often as I feel I will be "YOU" one day--Thank yu for writing-I appreciate hearing from yu-Lynda

  4. Shout out to Maggie for a wonderful, Happy Birthday. I, too, am 78 as of July 2nd. Live it up Maggie!
    Hi Lynda, getting money back is nice. I've done the same thing...oh well.
    Hot in St.Louis too. Severe heat/humidity alerts. 100F is hot no matter where we are.
    I'm sure pilot son will contact you soon.
    You mentioned grass cutting....that can wait. Cutting grass wouldn't be very kind to your body.
    We, Sadie and me, got house done before I went to gym for cardio class. Sadie is quite the gal.
    Loved the affirmations. WE are amazing...especially you, Lynda.
    Hope doc isn't crabby today. Play your piano.
    Love, Marge/St.Louis

    1. Yes Marge--It is Maggie's Birthday to-day--And yes, I called the Propane people and I had over paid them-- Lory Be!---so--no more payments now till September--kinda nice--Lynda--AND----it turned out that Fred was pretty good to-daLOL--Lynda-

  5. Hi Lynda: Don't be cutting the grass today. It is way too hot and humid! What happened to the guy that was helping? Re the pilot - hopefully everything is ok. Maybe just really busy and will contact you later. With himself's day program being cancelled it will be a long time between sessions if they are also closed for Civic Holiday Monday. Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. My helper man did come--I call him "the grass man""--I weed whacked and he cut front AND back--so happy its done-- Himself will go tomorrow to the Lodge--Monday is a Holiday-Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! It’s 90 in Ohio almost 100 with heat index. Hope you’ve heard from the pilot by now. Crazy day for me so my nephew and I went to get iced coffee and I got the absolute rudest young girl ever. I was so disappointed because I love their drinks and buy their bagged coffee they make there. I go there often so now not sure if I want to go back. Hope all is well for you and Sadie is resting. Hugs!

    1. Very very hot here also-- Sorry about that rude person--Spme people eh??--Lynda

  7. LOVE that meme. Yes, yesterday is jealous!

    Glad that the propane $$$ snafu was solved.

    Well, I sure hope that you hear from son #2 sooner than later!

    Have the a/c running here, too. VERY VERY humid . Supposed to be better . . . next week. Til then. . . guess better get used to the hum of the a/c.

    Love the affirmations.

    And . . . . you tell Sadie not to work too hard!

    HUGS and blessings

    1. Barb--VERY hot and humid--- more so than I can ever remember--Lynda


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