Wednesday, July 31, 2024

AHHHH beautiful Summer....

 You have to love "new days"----a chance to do everything all over again-- with new strengths---  and new possibilities---Lopez and I have "hoofed" it up the back road---We will go again later---A couple of baby pheasants hopped out in front of us--and yesterday, there were 2 baby Sand Hill Cranes , walking along the highway--Their Mom must've been busy hunting for food for them as she wasn't around-- 

The temperatures yesterday were above 30C all day --and already to-day it seems very hot and moist outside. I do not remember another summer as hot as this has been----  The AC runs continuously.

Did you realize that this --to-day--- is the last day of July?---  August 1st to-morrow--- The summer is passing quickly--August 4th was my Mom's Birthday--I always remember that day----Odd things one remembers about their Mom---  like---  I never remember seeing my Mom vacuum---  My sister and I always did that---  My Mom absolutely loved fresh fish---and cooked huge pans of fish for breakfast-- We spent the summer at our family cottage in Port Stanley, on Lake Erie, and my sister and I would bike down to the fish places and buy whatever kinds of fish Mom had told us to get---

Port Stanley holds so many good memories ---the sandy beach in front of the cottage--catching smelts -and the fires on the beach in the evenings--  the boyfriends who came to call who Dad renamed all the time--Skip the drip--Horsey Bill--the Board walk on the main beach--the pier where we were never allowed to go out on when the waves were so high--memories eh??--such good memories--fabulous happy days---

I better get Himself to his program---  and stop all the Day Dreaming here----Hopefully Himself returns in a better  mood  ---There are times that  it is a good thing that a bout of deafness descends upon one when it is necessary not to hear all the things that a almost 96 yr old believes might be happening around him---
Hopefully you are feeling strong --deciding that to-day WILL be the best day ever----that you can deal with all the weirdness that might occur----that you finally found a good book---and that your bank account  remains in the positive-


  1. It's Kathy. It's hot here again today too. And they say we're getting some bad storms this evening. The weather guy said to secure your outside furniture - doesn't sound good. I have Bible Study tonight and I sure don't want to be caught in a heavy rain storm. Yes, it's hard to believe that today is the last day of July but to me that means only 2 weeks and 5 days to go until my surgery! I'm getting really tired of doing pretty much everything while in pain! But I'm trying to think positively - that the surgery will correct my back and the pain will go away! My mom made the best vegetable beef soup - that's what I ate for breakfast as a teenager! I'm still not a fan of breakfast foods! I hope you have a really great day and himself enjoys his time at the day center!

    1. Hi Kathy--2 weeks to painfree living--I am so happy for yu--Lynda

  2. Lynda, that last meme says it all!
    Lopez didn't do it yet, though! ;-)
    Sadie is doing a bit around here today so she can take my birthday tomorrow off.
    It's really hot here, too. I turned my A/C on earlier than I have been. No storms yet, though. In the past, they came through in the evenings and they cooled the temps. Things change, I guess, and we gotta believe it's for the best. Find the lesson, per se.
    Himself will be better after his program, probably just tired.
    Honey, there's a book we gotta read. It was recommended to me by a FB friend. I looked it up. Not available on Kindle. I plan to order the paperback one. According to the recommender, it's a must read for animal lovers. Remember the old movie dog Strongheart? Strongheart was the model for Rin Tin Tin. The book was written by Strongheart's owner. I ordered it. When I finish, I would be willing to send it to you. I am posting the link to it on FB for you.
    I said hello to Lucky for you. He is really wanting my attention now, so I will sign off and check here later. Hope your afternoon and evening are you are. {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis Maggie

    1. Its yer Birthday tomorrow--and I shall call yu--Ill try ALL day till I get yu-- I Have to wish yu a Happy Birthday---Love yu girl--Lynda


  3. I KNOW! The last day of July. UNELIEVABLE!

    So wonderful to recall such fond memories. YES!

    BWAHAHAHA! That motivational tip is short and sweet! And to the point.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Oh Barb--That last meme--says it all--=Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda,
    Last of July already. Summer is rolling rapidly. Kids start school August 19.

    Love, love get your shit together. Made me giggle. So true. Thanks for the giggle.

    You certainly have lots of wonderful memories from your visits to family cottage on lake.

    Hope himself comes home in a good mood that lasts!

    Very hot again in St.Louis. Mid 90sF and muggy. Ugh

    Errands done today so
    Sadie had the day off. We'll hit house stuff tomorrow.

    Stay cool, positive, happy, content...and strong.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Oh Marge--so hot---good thing for AC--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda: It's really hot here today too. I love the heat but the humidity is so bad today, I was even sweating - which I rarely do. But I'll take it any day over winter! Love the last saying - it's very good - something I've said. Himself should be in a better mood when he comes home. He seems to like it there. Hugs Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda--Yes that Dy Program keeps Himself relitively normal--=- Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! It’s hot and very humid in Ohio, too. My AC running but thankful we have it. Yes, good memories you have and one must cherish them. Hope Himself felt better after the program. Little Lopez is a little trooper. Enjoy your evening.

    1. Lopez is a trooper--- LOL--Lynda

  7. I was surprised to read that Sushi chopped on Himself's hearing aid! Doesn't he keep them in the case that recharges them when he isn't wearing them. I thought that dogs chewed things, not cats! hahaha!
    Very hot and humid here. I am in IL - but only 30 minutes away from St. Louis, Missouri.
    Summer seems to be going too fast for me. Most of my grandkids go back to school on August 14th! So early!
    I need to make appointments for my two cats to have their 3 year check ups - vet keeps sending me messages to remind me! It is a struggle to get them both to the vet in their carriers - very hard for me , but I will do it as I don't want to have to travel there twice!

  8. The time is just flying by this year! I think it's because of how busy life has been. Our city has asked residents to stop all outdoor water use at this point, due to storm damage last night, and conserve indoor water use, too. Hard to do when the heat hits as it has, but the source area where our water comes from has lost power, and that is a problem. Fortunately I have bottled water available.


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