Monday, July 22, 2024

Keep an open mind and open heart.

As I type to you--I am chatting with Son#2 the Pilot, en route back to Canada--Isn't that so amazing?--- He is in his bunk-time out-- resting--  way up in the sky , somewhere---en route back to Canada--They have a number of Pilots on the Dreamliner, so they all get a chance to rest--nice for them--

Himself is at his Day Program--  We had a bit of a hard time  before he went, as his clothing is so large on him--(He has shrunk!)--and he did not want to change-- but--after  I talked to him, and used my persuasion he very reluctantly,  did--so, we were later than late, getting there. 

--and I had to pay a bill --- here, to the Septic company-- before this--over $600 to have the tank pumped--Everything is costly these days isn't it?---- Will the cost of things ever go down??-

Below is a picture of my friend who passed recently?--the Lady with the cane--such a good person--a Reg. Nurse, an avid gardener, a blind person---  and the kindest Lady you could ever meet--She had come to Elliot Lake here , a few years ago, to say good bye to us all, knowing she would never see us again--She stayed in a local hotel, and we each had a time to visit her there--such a good idea--She lived a few years after that, and every once in awhile, I would call her and we would talk about our lives -but, she always cheered "ME" up--

                                                                I must get this day going--  

I hope that you are feeling strong--happy,  and confident  to-day----Life is what we make of it, isn't it?--                            Positive thoughts----that is what I wish for each of you--Try to have the best day ever!


  1. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy. Yes, my daughter is very much like her mother. She amazes me sometimes. I'm not sure I could handle all that she has to handle these days. But her little boys are growing up and she is getting them so much help. Too bad their deadbeat millionaire father can't see fit to even provide them with any help. We have just 2 1/2 weeks to go before their court date. I have to have faith that God will ensure her success because she is the only one advocating for those children. Their father is advocating for himself! My job is done for now and I intend to have a really good day today. I love how you convinced himself to change clothes. You really are a strong woman! That is a lovely photo of your friend and I assume her husband. I'm glad you two were able to have an in-person visit. Have a great day.

    1. Kathy-- Your daughter seems to be OK--must be hard tho--worrying about the 2 boys-- She sounds strong--like her Mom--nice! --I did get some weeding done--left LOpez in the houser--When I finally went back inside, I couldn't ind him-- I guess he was looking for me and got stuck on the rec room--Himself did not watch him--poor little dog eh?-- tough to be so small--Lynda

  2. Good morning! Yes, neat that you can talk to Matt while he is resting in the sky! Sounds neat! Plumber just left. I got new faucets in the guest bath shower $500! Changing the vanity top and faucet in a few weeks. Always something. Probably a new water heater after that. It is cloudy here in Ohio! I want to nap as I did not sleep well last night thinking of all I needed to do before the plumber came so early but I must clean and drink iced coffee. LOL Your friend looks precious and happy you spent that time with her a few years back. Hope your day is going great! Hugs!

    1. Sounds like we are all having repairs on our houses-- maybe its our age--but--the repairs are needed but costly aren't they?----It was a lovely day here to-day--and I even goout in the garden-Lynda


    2. Hi Lynda, cool that pilot son can talk to you from the sky. I know you're relieved when he lands.
      Sounds like himself needs smaller clothes. I'm surprised you convinced him to change lol. Glad he went today.
      Heat is back. AC back on. It was so nice having open windows for a few days.
      Your friend appears to be a content, positive lady in spite of her circumstances. A very strong lady. I'm glad you got to see her a few years ago. Sorry for your loss have a pleasant evening.
      Hugs and blessings

  3. The statement about being happy for my health really hit home for me today. So true. I'm going to try to keep that in the back of my mind when I get disgusted with things - worrying doesn't help anything and might as well look at the bright side of life. Isn't that from some song?

    Sounds like many of us are supporting the plumbers these days. I'm waiting on a new shower to be installed - have been having problems stepping over the side of the tub I have now. No end to the problems in an old house. But I really think new houses have their own sets of trouble.

    Have a great day and remember to be happy! It will be good for your health. And the health of Lopez. Dot

    1. Hi Dot---We need a stand up shower also--- I worry that Himself might fall--We have an old house also----Lopez had a good day--Yes, It was a good day all 'round--Lynda

  4. Lynda, it's good that you got Himself to change and go to his program. He will enjoy it once he's there.
    We sure don't need pilots falling 'asleep at the wheel,' so I'm glad they get time to rest.
    The photo of your friend reminds me of mine that just passed. Blind, alz, etc. They are still with us In Spirit, but their 'soul' is no longer in the physical.
    I am getting a surprise refund from an old account that was closed. It's only $24.35, but what the heck? Gas money? Cat food? A treat for me? We shall see.
    Yes, sis, everything is getting expensive these days. People who still work get pay raises. We get a cost of living raise (just a few dollars) on our social security checks the first month of the year, and that's all.
    Soon I need to lug down to the dumpster and recycle bins my garbage, etc. Lucky is sleeping, though, so I may just lay down for a bit.
    Hope your day proceeds as you with it to. Mine, too. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie--It is nice to get surprise money--any amount--It was a lovely day-- less bugs--less humidity-- Himself was at his Day place and I even got to weed a garden--Lynda

  5. What a wonderful thing your friend did, to have that special time with each friend at Elliott lake! Glad you convinced himself to change clothing. It's hard when you're used to being one size and then you swell or shrink. Takes a while before it sets in that you've changed!

    And yes, everything is more expensive these days. I just had to up my limit on my most used card, due to all the projects I've been getting done. "The straw that broke the camel's back" (my mom and yours probably both used to say that) was the hot water heater... and then the taxes are coming due, too.

    Hope your day goes well. My plumber is back, fixing what the inspector flagged. Fortunately, this trip won't cost me anything, I don't think.

    1. good to get those projects done tho isn't it??--Yes , Mom always said --"the straw that broke the camel's back"--LOL--same generation I guess!---- I think we all worry about the finances--- hard when things break that are unexpected too--- Anyway Barb--another day is done--and we ae still here-- Hugs, Lynda

  6. Well, glad that you persuaded Himself that it would be best to change his clothes before going to the Lodge.

    That’s awesome that your DS #2 got a little rest on the way back to Canada!

    Awwww, sounds like you friend had lots to deal with being blind, but sounds like she enjoyed life. That’s nost important. That is so awesome that you did get to see her. That makes things a little easier.

    LOVE the last meme. Definitely we have to keep an open mind and open heart. Always.

    Gorgeous day here, which is appreciated. It’s a gift, right!?!

    HUGS and blessings


    1. To-day was gorgeous here also--a blue sky--less bugs--and not too hot--a gift for sure--- Hugs, Lynda

  7. Hello, Marti here. I guess I was strong today. Friday (and Saturday) my elbow tendonitis was killing me, and I did housework on Saturday too (wet mopping the floor, something I rarely do)- maybe I already said this, but everything was killing me. I went to bed early last night, but then the dog wanted out of his crate and laid on my bed hogging it, and I was stuck with one small edge of the bed to sleep. I was wakeful and put him back in his crate at about 5 am. When I got up at 7:15, I felt so achy and fatigued I told myself no way could I go to work and lift all this heavy stuff I had to do. But, you know what? I took 3 Advil (my usual dose), tested for COVID b/c I was SURE I had it, as fatigued as I felt, didn't have it, and went on in. Everything went quite smoothly! And so, I guess I was strong. At least, for today! :)

    1. Oh Marti--Poor yu--- the dog taking over your bed----Yes, ou are a strong person--because you have to be--- I have had to get up and take 2 tylenol-- so I do understand-- Bless your heart eh?--Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda: Glad himself finally was convinced to change. He probably would have been embarrassed when he got there. Nice that you could talk to the pilot in the sky! His wife was probably jealous since she wouldn't be able to! But it was good that they got to fly together. That was a lot for the septic but after so many years and with lots of company.....And that has to be a terrible job! Have a good night. Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda-- It was a good day-- Sadie here in the morning and the weed lady (me) in the afternoon--=The bugs are less now also-Lynda

  9. Oh Sandra--- Yu are so good!--It IS hard to pay the bills , including the surprises that come along also--- but--it seems to get all paid-- I have become very frugal now--- never used to be--- It is hard isn't it?--- I do worry about the banking--but then, I worry about everything--LOL--but---- it does work pout in the end-- Hugs Sandra--Yu are a strong person---Hugs, Lynda

  10. What a beautiful picture of you and your friend🧡 May she rest in Peace🙏🏼 Carol in FL


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