Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I just don't know!

 Follow that yellow brick road---  We just might find a Wizard--I search everyday for that yellow brick road-- There are some days that I think I have found it--Well, one never knows till one tries--right?-Yesterday, I felt I found it--- Yesterday, well, it was a good day--So far to-day seems like I am not on the right track--

- You see, I woke up at 5am---  tossed and turned--went over in my head what the day would bring--then--put my feet on the floor at 5-30am--and it's been non stop--the wash in--then the dryer--Lopez fed, coffee made---and then, the weed whackers loaded into the car and away I went to have them strung--  back home now---and Lopez and I walked and he did his business--  good little boy---

Well, since I started this, I have been on the phone with Bell---regarding -our house phone-We have been receiving crank calls --(over 20 so far) and if they continue, we will have to get rid of the house phone with Bell---too bad too, because  Himself needs the house phone when I am not here, in case he falls or needs help--  ---- Whatta crazy mess  ---I feel like Bell has not helped us at all--They have blocked the 22 calls that have come in, but every number is different, so there will me more calls that Bell has not blocked-- 

I don't know if I feel anything positive from all the trouble this has caused--
                                            I guess we shall see----frustrating for sure!

                                            Maybe laughing about it is the best , for now--

Hopefully your day  is going well--and you are able to deal with difficult technology----  Stay strong---and think positive thoughts--Perhaps a walk in the woods would help--  I heard yesterday all the good things a walk does for your heart-- WHICH_just might __EXTEND your life-

                                                                    "I DON"T KNOW"


  1. I am curious as why you are having to restring the weed wackers so often. I have one weed wacker and the string lasts all season and then some. Are you getting to close to stone and solid objects so that the string is breaking?

    1. Yes yes yes--I am always too close to stones etc-- because we live on bedrock--- horrible--and all the rock is on the surface--just horrible--It is the Precambrian Shield--- a terrible place to weed whack -- I wish we lived on a sandy beach--- it would be SO much essier----Lynda-

    2. Howdy, I was going to comment yesterday, but forgot. Marti here. My late neighbor, who was 90 and got lots of spam callers, her children bought her this phone that has a block button on it, anytime there was a spammer on the other end, she'd hit that block button and they wouldn't be able to call her again. Look into one of those phones, it should do wonders for you! :)

  2. Hi Lynda! I agree, “I don’t know, either!” Let’s just go with that. I feel off track, too. The plumber here yesterday, trying to organize closets and be Sadie at the same time. I see Tommy in that basket! He would love that! I need to walk much more but my nephew doesn’t like to because he is 16 so then I don’t. It’s ok if we are off track today. The sun is out here in Ohio so that is a good thing. Sorry about Bell not helping much. Always something. Hugs to a better day tomorrow.

    1. Somehow those calls stopped after I spoke to Bell-- Something mustve happened--Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. Poor little Lopez getting stuck in the Rec Room looking for his mama! These pets have such personalities, don't they. Daisy saw that I was dressed in my workout clothes and found a place to hide before I left. I had to call her out to say goodbye. She doesn't like me to leave! Although she's starting to visit with her daddy when I'm gone. Last night we had a pretty bad storm go through and she isn't usually afraid but she wouldn't leave Tom's side until I got home! I'm so sorry you are getting all those crank calls. That's why we got rid of our home phone - because all that came in was crank calls. Everyone else called us on our Cell phones. I love the last meme - yes, I know feel okay with just saying "I don't know"! Most days I really don't even want to know! I hope your day picks up and you find the Yellow Brick Road!

    1. Lopez is a one person dog--but it doesnt help when Fred uses his cane to get him out of his way--Lynda

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yeah for a good day!

    We get a LOT of spam calls, mostly politically motivated. Do you have called ID? We do and I will not answer it if I don’t know who it is. If it’s important, they’ll leave a msg.

    HOPE today is a good day!

    Hugs and blessings


    1. Yes we have caller ID --and now PRIVACY--whatever that is--LOL--I must remember to look at the number BEVORE saying hello--Lynda

  6. Lynda, that last meme is funny! I saved the one about positive thinking.
    I hear you on that trouble with unwanted phone callers! Telemarketers or spam calls are a pain in the tucus for sure! Oh what the heck, is that word spelled wrong? Okay, they're a pain in the neck or ass...pain everywhere.
    Just came back from shopping. Didn't mean to spend so much money...but I loaded up with the produce sale: organic blueberries, strawberries, baby cucumbers, baby lettuces and avocados. Also got a container of rotisserie chicken to put in my salads and my favorite Haagen Dasz Carmel Cone Ice Cream. Oh, and a couple peaches.
    I will eat well the next few days. With all the fruit, my 'morning duty' will be easy, too.
    Can Himself see the number coming in? Either of you could just not answer it if it doesn't come up in your contacts. They may leave a message, and you can listen to see if they are worth calling back.
    Sigh. Life can be confusing even if WE DO KNOW EVERYTHING but just wanna pretend we don't! {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie

    1. Maggie--Happy yu enjoy the memes--Himself and I just zipped into town for a few things--just got home--- It was a big mistake at this time of day as he is tired and cross-- Oh well--Live and learn--rainy here outside--- but--- it wasn't a bad day--Sadie did not make it tho--maybe she was at yer house--So what do yu think of Kamala??--such a happy person-- Lynda

  7. Those calls are a bummer, ibareky ever answer the phone. Caller ID shows who it is, if it’s a dictir office, I answer. Otherwise it says Spam Risk, never answer. But it’s never 20 of them. So many is awful.

    1. It was a waste of my time--terrible--stopped now tho--Lynda

    2. I have kept my land line because I hear so much better on it! I wear two hearing aids and they are connected to my cell phone with blue tooth, but when I am home and not always wearing my aids, it is nice to be able to talk on the regular phone, especially if I am trying to contact a business about a problem as they put me "on hold" -so I put them on speaker phone. As for the spam calls - I never answer the phone unless I recognize the number - if I don't it just goes to my voicemail....and if it is political or solicitation type call, I just delete it. Funny how we age and hold on to some of our habits.....I just like keeping somethings the way they have always been - enough other changes have happened that I have no control over - haha! So at least keeping my land line in addition to my cell phone is one decision I can make!

    3. I am like yu Sandra-- I do like the land line--I do also forget to answer the number when it shows on my phone--to just delete it--I also use the cell when out--- vey hot --muggy --here to-day-- Himself does not want the AC on --but we shall see--LOL--Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda. Love your positivity and upbeat attitude. Yellow brick road might be covered from receding flooding around St.Louis.
    I no longer have a land line but just today...I've had 4 calls on my cell from out of state numbers. If they want me they can leave a message. If I don't know the number, I won't answer. It's annoying to get all those stupid calls. Our numbers are registered on the do not call list but that doesn't stop it.
    Getting warmer every day in St.Louis. Had to turn AC back on Monday.m
    Hope the rest of your day is good.
    I don't have to know everything...I can always ask Google lol
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hi Marge--Those calls are annoying aren't they?Lynda

  9. Good morning from Wednesday, here... shows you I am behind on blog reading! Ember is down for puppy nap #1 while I await the plumbing inspector who is due in the next half hour or so. Hopefully he'll sign off on the fixes to the hot water heater gas line, and I'll be able to call THAT project complete!

    Here's hoping "Bell" gets all those crank calls sorted... what a pain! I got a scam letter asking for an address confirmation from one of my medical insurance providers, or so it claimed, but it had a different phone number for customer care than the one on my card, so I called them and they denied sending the letter, so I shredded it!

    Always something, eh?


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