Tuesday, July 9, 2024

You're doing just fine.

 Well, actually  I never have any days that I get to do nothing---In fact, I do not know if I could ever do nothing --but , its something to aim for---This AM., I was up early as I went for blood work for my Thyroid----Well, the elevator was not working , so I walked up 6 flights of stairs, only to find there was an hour  of waiting time--It's a first come/first serve lab--I came back home and will try again to-morrow. Nothing is easy in this town--

And I walked Lopez ----then vacuumed---  and then got a call from the piano tuner who thought he would be here to-day , but his car was  broken, so he was in a garage getting it fixed, so--he did not come---kinda a crazy mixed up day--

It is very hot--The AC is going like crazy---I did sit and play the piano for a long time--  it keeps me happy--- 

I hope that your day is going well--Is it??---  With all these grown kids  here in town, I kinda feel out of touch with yu all--I haven't heard from you Maggie---  Are you doing OK?-- I shall go back and re read all your comments-- 
            I am trying hard to eat healthier----- I read the meme below and  it made me laugh out loud-

Where ever you are, I hope that your day is going well-- Lord love a Duck--- We must be strong to face this world and accomplish everything that a day brings us--Below is a good way to end your day---


  1. I actually do enjoy the days where I don't have to go anywhere! It seems like when I leave the house, I come back unmotivated to do anything.....so I try to pick one or two days to do all my "errands, dr. appointments, luncheons, meetings", etc! I might have overcommitted myself - 3 book clubs, 3 senior activity club meetings, luncheon with friends or other retired educators, and more than I can't think of now. My problem right now is that I need to mop my kitchen floor....it desperately needs it, but I am procrastinating by reading emails, blogs, newspapers, etc - anything to avoid doing the job at hand! I do need to go into town today as it is Senior Discount Day at Farm & Home and I need bird seed and suet and cat food! hahaha! That 10% discount is once a month and I am determined to take advantage of that! Hope you have a great day today!

    1. Oh Sandra so happy to see your post as I kinda messed up the Blogger program---- Now that I see your post , maybe I have corrected it---- And I sure understand about doing other stuff so not to do what I should be doing--putting things off--LOLOL_- --=Good to hear from yu--Hugs hugs and more hugs, Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. I love the first meme. I have never had a day where I didn't have anything to do but from Thursday through Sunday I did not have to leave home at all! I loved it. I enjoy going out and doing fun things but I also love just having time at home! I'm quite impressed that you walked up 6 flights of stairs - I really don't think I could do that! But I think you were smart to not wait. Too bad they can't make appointments - at least for the elderly! I hope you have a good day today. I've done my Pilates and now Daisy and I are hanging out. The A/C is on - the next several days are going to be hot!

    1. Kathy It's very hot here also-- happy to have the AC-- Son#1 took everyone out for dinner but Lopez was screeching when I put him in his crate so I decided to stay here with him--It is so peaceful with everyone there--- I did a few groceries this afternoon and Lopez was crated--just could not crate him again--

    2. forgot to sign the above Kathy-- Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, raining cats and dogs (moms expression) in St.Louis. It's the tropical storm winding up and out.
    Doing nothing...hhmm not sure I could handle that. I'd be bored. I get up very early and get my housework done, then exercise classes, and usually off to stock the pantry or some appt for hubs or something.
    I was so happy to hear you played your piano for a bit. Awesome. Time for tuner guy. Then you'll really enjoy playing.
    Good on YOU....up 6 flights of stairs. Great. Awesome.
    Now that's determined. Sorry it didn't work out.
    Love love love chocolate shrinks your clothes. Too funny.
    The last insert was amazing. Loved it.
    Take care of you!
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Bless yer heart Marge-- I get up at 5-30am--but I do have a wee nap after lunch--and I read my book----Yes I am not a Liberace but--I do find the piano so relaxing-The TUNER now will be here tomorrow morning-always happy to hear from yu-- Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda: I love the meme a I can't about chocolate - guess that's what happened to my clothes! You walked up 6 flights of stairs! - I can't do more than about 4 stairs and I'm younger than you although I have very bad arthritis or something wrong with my legs! I can't do nothing all day although I don't always do something constructive. Glad you were able to play the piano for a while. Have a good night. Brenda

    1. Brenda --The elevator was not working---only reason I climbed those stairs------and if you climbed 4 stairs , maybe to-morrow yu can do 6 stairs--Yes, I do not play well, but the piano is so relaxing---The cows in a barn would enjoy my playing--LOL_-Good to hear from yu -Lynda

  5. Sweet sister mine, this is weird. When I call the computer with the tabs I choose to open initially, your blog is one of them. It always shows the latest one. Later in the day I will always reload that tab to see if a new blog has posted. Today, the new blog wasn't there! I was lucky to note that, at the top of the right side, it lists the blogs and the top one listed was NOT the one that showed first. I had to click on it to get the new one.
    Wonder if that's what happened yesterday?
    Anyway, I did make a comment on it earlier after receiving your message.
    We have a nice day...a bit over 70...mix of sun and clouds. They always say a chance of thunder showers in the afternoon, but that hasn't happened for days.
    Sadie helped me a bit this morning. Still more putting away and hiding stuff for the inspection so my small apartment (barely bigger than a studio) doesn't look too cluttered.
    Did some shopping an got a huge double bacon cheeseburger for lunch. I finished it...barely.
    Things do seem to be going well for you today. I know you are always busy. Playing music is wonderful stress relief whether it's an instrument or the radio, a cd, or just singing yourself!
    I need to check 2 ways now when I look at leanjean6.blogspot to see the latest blog.
    Continue happy, dear...all 4 of you. Those grown kids do mean well.
    {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie-- I missed you like crazy--Yu must message me yer phone # and when it would be OK to call yu--And yes. the grown kids really do mean well--- Son#1 decided to take the HERD (everyone) out for dinner but Lopez was screeching so loud. I felt sorry putting him in a crate so stayed here with him--It is so nice and quiet-- They took Fred too--nice=peaceful--just Sushi, Lopez and me--Oh--I trimmed Sushis nails this AM---She hates that--Happy to see yu on here this evening-Lynda

  6. Oh my gosh! You climb 6 flights of stairs for your blook work only to find an hr. wait. That’s horrible!

    Glad that you have the a/c in the midst of the hot weather.

    Too funny! Yup . . . . chocolate does seem to make the clothes shrink. Darn!

    It is warm and humid here, too. So grateful for the a/c.

    I hope you DO get a chance to just sit for awhile. We all need to do that. For sure, I don't have many, if any, days where I am doing nothing, either. But not sure if I could just sit and do nothing anyhow. LOL

    Take good care!


    1. Son#1 took them all out for dinner--but, I just could not crate Lopez AGAIN__so--I stayed home here with him--It's lovely to have the house to myself-- Lynda-

  7. Indeed, we're doing just fine... all of us who make it through each new day! Hang in there, my friend... be strong, stay busy, and love the life you're living!

    1. Hi Barb--Quite a day---Son#1 took them all to a restaurant, but I let Lopez in his crate this afternoon as I was grocery shopping--so I just could not crate the poor fellow again--so Lopez and I are home alone--AND IT IS SORTA NICE---- LOL--AC on and nice in the house--=Lynda


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