Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Yesterday I did absolutely nothing-

Good Day to you all--- I read all your comments last night,  on yesterday's blog--- You all are strong people--and I know  that being a woman is tough --But, together, we are doing it--"sticking to our guns" (as Mom used to say)----Some days are easier than others--

 Well, I just dropped Himself at his Day Program--Last night he was not going to go this AM--- I pretended I did not hear all his reasons why--  and --guess what?--This morning, he got up and got ready and there was no discussion about not going there--There IS a God in Heaven !-They call to-day, at the Lodge, Hawaiian  Day---  They have colourful Leis for each of them--and they will be sitting around a fire pit toasting marshmallows etc--sounds like fun for sure--

So Lopez  and I are here waiting for Sadie, that cleaning Lady (who as you know is really me) She promised to be here to give the dining room a good cleaning-Yesterday was her day off I guess-- It was raining so I figured she would not want to be in the garden--I understand  that not every day can not be Sunny Funny Happy Dappy--
                                                            So----Are you happy to-day???

There are times one must pretend to be happy--Yesterday I did not  stick to my plan-----just went with the flow-Sadie-did not turn up----There was-a room to clean --but---we had a bit of sun---and then there was my book---and even though I knew better,  it sure felt good to do absolutely nothing--
                                            You might say," I "did not give a RATATOOTIE!

But, to-day is a new day-- with a plan--- and I shall stick to it-Sadie is knocking at the door--There are meals to think about-- humidifiers to empty, kitty litter to dump--and then there is the garden-

--Mom used to say, "A woman's work is never done"----and then there is the "ice cream"---and my closet needs to be updated-which is not going to happen-- and why am I always worrying about what is going to break next?--------So, yesterday was  a day to remember----because-----
                                                    --I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING___


  1. It's Kathy. I'm glad himself went to the Day Center. That also gives you a few hours to just take care of yourself (and all the other things you need to take care of). Today is a lovely day and I get to stay home all day long - a perfect day. We are preparing for Lauriellen's court date and, of course, the deadbeat dad who hasn't provided one single thing for those boys in over a year, has again thrown a monkey wrench into the process. Which means we all have to scramble. I so wish I could do something but all I can do is be here for her! Enjoy your day and don't worry about the next thing - it will either happen or it won't! You are strong and will handle it!

    1. Kathy-- Whatta good morning--I must pickHimself up tho soon---- You are good parents to help your daughter--Being there for her is the best!---- It WILL all work out--- eventually--- as Grandparents, you both should speak up and get a couple weeks with the boys----- Life can be tough cant it??-Lynda

  2. LOVE that meme. Indeed, truth about women! Being a woman is tough!

    Yes, my mom always said, on a bad day, “Fake it til you make it”. In other words, plaster a smile on your face and the day will be better.

    Glad Himself decided it was ok to go to the Lodge today. Good for BOTH of you.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Fake it till yu make it--good Mom! Himself had a good morning at his Day Program--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, Good news on himself going today. He'll enjoy it....and you'll enjoy some alone time.
    The little girl on being a woman is hard
    ..made me giggle. Loved it. Life is short what makes you happy. We all have have way more than many others do, but you must take care of you! Read your book, play your piano...if "stuff" doesn't get done today...oh well. Gotta important is it? Like you, I'm always doing. I get tired and need to stop thinking it "must" get done today or before I leave the house. No it doesn't
    Sometimes I get compassion fatigue over my himself and sometimes I admit to being resentful that's it's all mine to handle, solve, figure it out. That's when I reflect on my blessings and make a gratitude list. Glad you goofed off yay YOU!
    Enjoy your day. Mid 90sF again in St.Louis
    Hugs and blessings

    I was tickled pink (my mom's expression) that you did NOTHING. THAT MADE ME VERY HAPPY!!!!!

    1. awwwww Marge-- happy to read that I made yer day--very seldom do I do nothing--but--it felt good--Thank yu for the praise!--Lynda

  4. I'm glad you let yourself have a day to do nothing! Sometimes you just need that kind of a break.

  5. Hi Lynda: Glad himself forgot that he wasn't going to go and just went! Sounds like it would have been fun. Good for you for doing nothing yesterday. Everyone needs a "mental health" day every so often and this is probably your first! Relax tonight. Brenda

    1. Yes Brenda--I do feel more relaxed--and the world did not end--LOL--Lynda

  6. Lynda, we all need a day to do nothing now and then. 'Course we ARE doing something...breathing, treating ourselves to leisure, etc.
    I had one today, too. Three of us went to the casino for Donna's birthday. She drove JoAnne and I. And Donna was the only one who won at Bingo...$150!
    Back now. Just ate supper. Getting reading for my evening routine.
    Glad I commented now instead of waiting before bed after you had read the other comments.
    We all have issues, hon, with finances, furnaces, et.
    Happy Himself enjoyed his Hawaiian 'luau'. Did they do the hulu in grass skirts?
    I am SO up for a half African American, half Asia American (probably 2nd or 3rd generation) woman President! Go Kamala!
    Outa here now, dear...saved the ratatootie meme. Lucky's calling me. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. I believe we ARE ALL are going thru trying to balance the books these days--AND eat--tough with the rise-in the cost of everything--and yes, Maggie --ya gotta love Kamala and her smile and honesty--Hugs, Lynda


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