Friday, July 19, 2024

Be peaceful, be happy, be whole.

This is a test---  Does the computer work?? Holy cow, it seems to-- I hear computers are in a mess all over the world though--

                        How are you?-- Are you tired?---  Did you do too much yesterday?---

                                            I believe that it doesn't hurt to be a bit cracked--

I got an email last evening, telling me that my friend out in Nova Scotia--died over night--=She was completely blind, yet lived alone , in a tall apartment building, looking out over the Halifax Harbour-Of course she had help to get her groceries--- etc etc--- I always called her, when it seemed my life was unmanageable, and she would straighten me out--tell me that things could always be worse--

 She used to live in town here , was an R.N., at  Himself's clinic--moved down east (Nova Scotia) to be near her son--She was remarried , while living here--Her first husband passed many yrs ago--After she remarried--and she and her new husband managed a produce farm--but when the new husband died, his grown children  took over the house and farm and shoved her out---kinda sad eh??--I shall miss her.....

Himself is going to his Day program this AM--He already has told me  that he might stay home--( BUT HE IS GOING!!!!!)  Sadie is coming this am---plus the grass man--

Are yu feeling strong?---- I better be strong today and definitely will not feel sorry for myself- Things could always be worse you know----  "Chin up" as Dad always told me----and "get going-"--BUT--

                                        Just pause a moment and appreiate your blessings-------

Be peaceful---  Be happy--  Be Whole--


  1. Definitely have to get back up! Never stay down.

    Yes, Microsoft worldwide outage is creating a huge mess . . . affecting flights, VISA, banks, media and companies worldwide.

    All the delegates who were here for the convention are stuck @ the airport. Ah well, we’ll see how all this plays out.

    So sorry to hear about your friend’s passing. Oh my, how heartless of her 2nd husband’s children to shove her off, but sounds like she made the best of things. HUGS

    Hope that Himself has a good stay @ daycare. YOU definitely need the break.

    Have a smile on my face, the sun is shining and Miss Lilly and my Himself are happy. All is good today.


    1. LOL The delegates are stuck--LOLOL--Good--LOL--Sounds like a good day in your neigbourhood-Hugs, Lynda-

  2. Lynda, happy Himself will go to his program. He will be glad he did.
    Love the cracked meme...saved it. We are all a bit cracked according to someone else's perspective.
    Sadie isn't doing much here (with the inspection passed yesterday), so she is yours today.
    You will enjoy your yard work.
    Did you get your hair done today?
    See my very late post...was it last night or the night before?
    Do you think that confusion is normal for us?
    Sigh. My bitty retirement check posted today so I will do some shopping.
    One of my local 'adopted daughters' just messaged me that we are going to the zoo...and a big crystal shop...the first Saturday in August for my birthday (the 1st) and her wife's birthday (the 6th). I can hardly wait!
    It's good to have something to look forward to.
    Outa here for now, sis. Fun stuff to do! All of you have a great day...and I will, too. Hope the rest of your followers will follow suit. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Thy should give us all more $$$--- WE deserve it---And yes I saw your very late post--I always look now if I do not see it right away--The 1st Saturday in August is the 3rd--YES_---enjoy the day-- hugs, Lynda

  3. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Gotta be strong today. Just had a plumbing inspector out who says they have to come back and do something to the gas line on the tankless water heater to bring it up to code. But he cleared the shower conversion work. So... I'm not done!

    Two more service folks coming today. Ember's not going to be happy about her hours of confinement, I'm sure. But that's how life is sometimes, whether you're a puppy or a human!

    Hope you have a good day, and that Himself has a good one at his day program.

    1. Yes lotza workers around and dog must be crated--Lopez does not enjoy the crate but-- that's life sometimes--Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda,
    Yes big computer mess, flights canceled, bank ATMs, all sort of messes. A bit on the scary side but out of my control.
    I'm so sorry to hear of the death of your friend. She was a strong, independent woman! Step kids really did her dirty. God bless her soul.
    Another GORGEOUS day in St.Louis. Temps in the 70sF, sunshine and you can't help but feel good and be happy.
    Son still cleaning up flood mess in his basement. A foot of water ruins a lot. Looks like water heater, washer/dryer and maybe furnace will have to be replaced. Big bucks.
    Finally, getting new gutters today from March hail storm. Roofs are done but siding, downspouts, screens and a window are still on hold.
    Your septic bill wasn't too awful, I think. I'm not sure what that costs as I've never had one.
    Sadie was here very early. I've got Roomba doing the floors at the moment.
    Cracked is GOOD.
    Off to the gym for weights/toning class plus a few errands after.
    Have a fabulous day.
    Glad Fred went! It's good for him and you need a small break.
    Liked all your inserts. Nothing stays the,same, nothing. I remind myself that this too shall pass. Always get back up and carry on.
    Stay strong.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. HOPEFULLY ALL THE WATER MESS WILL BE COVERED WITH INSURANCE?-(SORRY --HIT THE WRONG KEY)-- Nice day here today and Himself did get to his Dy Program-- helps him a lot--Lynda

  5. It's Kathy. I'm so sorry about your friend. Yes, what an unfortunate thing her second husband's children did to her! People can be so cruel. We just got back from an award celebration for my husband's only child - a son who is in the National Guard. We were great friends with his wife and 2 boys (our grandchildren) but 4 years ago his wife unfriended us on Facebook and hasn't spoken to us since - and we have no idea why. She didn't even acknowledge us today, nor did my husband's step-daughter who he raised since she was an infant. I am thankful for my own family! I hope you did get himself to his day program, he always seems better after he's been out for a bit! Enjoy your day.

    1. Family problems are so hurtful aren't they--Imagine "unfriending a person--and on Facebook--sounds like she has a problem--Your husband's children must be confused eh--maybe listening to her and not understanding the whole situation--Whatever--- but--hard on the kids--I am so sorry--Lynda

  6. So sorry about your friend! I feel like you were really close to her. It is so hard when we lose our family or friends! She sounded like she lived her best life in spite of all the challenges she faced! And yes - we do have to keep getting back up when things knock us down! I just try to "go with the flow" these days....not letting things bother me like they used to! And I didn't even know about the big internet problem....was oblivious until I read your blog a little while ago! I went to yoga this morning and then to the grocery store and then worked on pool for a bit. TV is on but it is YouTube channel for the cats! I guess I should change the station and find out more...but Marge from St.Louis gave a good account of all that has been happening!

    1. Hi Sandra-- I know--It is difficult to lose our family--or friends-- I ty to "go with the flow " also-- --You are a strong person Sandra--Yu have had to be and yu are doing everything--I admire yu-Lynda

  7. Marti here. Yeah, I didn't even read about the computer problems until later on in the day, it seems. What a day at work. Everything that did go wrong did go wrong. I had a lot of very time consuming things to sell, such as clothes, and so I stayed until closing to try to make a dent. At 66, I'm not getting any younger, and I hurt all over and feel like I've been beat up. So glad to be home! I am so sorry about your friend. She sounds like she was a go getter. Blind, wow! And doing all that. I would just crumble. I get upset very easily, and am NOT a very strong person. Physically, I'm pretty strong, though. Yay.

    1. Marti--
      It's not easy to be a strong woman--I believe that you must be-strong I mean-- Yu hurt all over and yet yu worked thru the day-- Holy Cow!- Yu are strong---Some days are so difficult aren't they , but--we just do stuff anyway because we have to-- Good for yu-- Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda! Sorry to hear your good friend has passed. Gosh, those children were not nice to her. Shame on them! I hope your day went well and Himself enjoyed the Program. Tommy does well in the crate but Kloi has never used one since she was a puppy and had bad anxiety. Our first, he never crated much either so it’s nice that Tommy cooperates. We have a plumber here Monday morning. The dogs won’t be happy. A nice day in Ohio. How was your day? Hugs to you!

    1. It was a good day here--Fred was pretty good--Lopez hated the crate-- yelps very loud--but sometimes he has to go in there as I worry about him in the car flying round--He is so small--plus he barks at workmen in the house also--Lynda

    2. Great to hear!

  9. Lynda, so sorry and sad about the passing of your longtime friend, all the way in Nova Scotia, too. And blind, my goodness. Too bad that 2nd husband did not write a Will, to help her out! And she forgot to remind him about it. Happens often in 2nd marriages with C hildren, oh yes. Cheaters, the world is full of them. Take care this weekend.

    1. Poor Lady eh?--- We helped her move to Nova Scotia-- She relly did not want to go--sad eh?--Nice to see yu on here--Hugs, Lynda

  10. Lynda so sorry to hear about your friend. Hugs

    1. Hi Chris--Thank yu for thinking of me--and good to see yu on here-- Hugs--Lynda


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