Monday, July 29, 2024

Choose to be Happy--

AS I type, I am chatting with the Pilot, in the sky---He is on his break, in a bunk--(Remember?--  The plane he is flying, the Dreamliner, has many pilots who each get a break, sometime, during the flight--)  He just typed back, that the plane is "chock block" full--heading back to Toronto. He asked me if we had the AC on, at home here--and we do---  

This afternoon, I am taking Sushi , the cat who came in from the cold, 7 yrs ago--and Lopez , the Chihuahua---to the vet for shots etc---  That will probably cost me a mint!

How was your weekend? Did you get some rest?---I kinda took yesterday off-bought a few groceries--gardened a bit-- and even went and sat on he dock --I do miss all the Grandkids coming here--playing around the dock--and all the chaos--This summer they go to Son#1's dock, which is longer, bigger--better--Maybe that is a good sign that selling this place is time--good memories we had here though--a  time I guess to move on to another phase of living--We shall see what this winter brings---

It has been a challenge to keep this house in shape--kinda fun and feels good that I have been able to do it------I guess if you think you can---you can!!!----
                                                              A woman's rule of thumb:--below---

                                      If it has tires or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it.

BUT----So far, I have been able to  succeed  in a house full of machines---with a lot of prayer---

Lunch time, Son#2 the Pilot just announced--I wonder what he will have--- and here, Sadie will help me push the vacuum around and then I go to get "the man of the house"--I need to get gas in the car--  The price per litre is high....   $1.65   

             Positive  thoughts---- ""I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY RIGHT NOW""


  1. It's Kathy. I love the first meme of the smiling little girl. Yes, I thank the good Lord every day for a new day. I am making progress with my tasks. My office is cleaned up for the first time in a couple years! Today I will finish the windows - I only have one window, the back door and the picture window left. I need to brush Daisy - she is dropping so much fur! I will be glad when winter comes and she stops shedding so much. We had quite a storm come through last night so I opened windows but I'm sure they will be closed before long and the A/C will be on. I hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. So yu were Sadie to-day--??--Good for yu! It feels good to get that done doesn't it??Lynda

  2. Busy day at your house, Lynda, but it usually is. Himself must be at his program.
    Glad the furbies will get their vet care soon.
    You will be directed by your intuition when it's time to move. The right place will suddenly be there.
    Wow! Doing the conversion litres to dollars, your gas is almost $3.00 (.79) higher than ours. Not as much as I thought at first.
    I finally can get the Olympics on my tv. Watched the prime time coverage for quite awhile last night. Saw sports I've never seen. A little Japanese girl on her skateboard won the Gold medal. Women's canoeing, women's fencing, women's football, beach volleyball...and a glimpse of women's gymnastics. Swimming galore. Also rowing.
    Such talented, strong people from all over our wonderful world.
    Hope your day proceeds as well as it has. Himself will need a good rest. You will get one, too. I need to look up my new books for you.
    Too bad lunch interrupted your son's rest time. Hope he was happy with it. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Himself was at his program this morning and he seemed to enjoy it--I thought it was Friday all day--LOL--And yes, the Olympics are good to watch--Our kids were Speed Swimmers so Fred watches that all the time--AND YES--I am desperate for a good book to read-- Say hi to Lucky for me--Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda! I just made Tommy his annual checkup appointment for next Monday. So neat you talking to Matt high in the sky. Wow your gas is high. My husband just told me when he was stationed in Canada it was 55 cents. LOL. Tires or testicles…that cracks me UP! Raining in Ohio today so I will online shop. The yorkies need new harnesses. I do a lot on Mondays. I call it “Manic Monday!” Have a wonderful day!

    1. I only took Lopez to-day to vet a 2 animals was too much for me to carry-- but--Lopez had his shots--and Sushi now goes ion August--Lynda

  4. My dear, the fact that you still question moving on is a sign that you’re not ready yet. You will know.

    Yes, for sure, I imagine the Winter will give you some answers. Winter is not easy!

    Hope Son #2 got a good rest and has something good for lunch.

    Don’t let Sadie work too hard.


    1. The Pilot and wife are back home --with their dog--- Gerrard-Lynda-

  5. I converted the price of your gas to gallons and it comes to $6.25/gallon. Lots higher than our $3.56 that I paid the other day. No way to win the battle with inflation! Rainy day today which we need but it sure ups the humidity when the sun comes back out.

    Have a nice day everyone - Dot

    1. so hot here to-day Dot--- but-I know winter is ahead--so I will accept the heat--Lynda

  6. Good afternoon Lynda,
    It is good that you can keep in touch w/Son#2. It is a shame that the grandkids don't come down at least to say Hi and see what you are doing. Hubby and I are fine. I was doing the laundry yesterday morning and I heard a big bang coming from the basement. I rushed down the stairs to find the washing machine smoking and it
    rocking all over. I turned the washer off and opened
    the front and smoke came flowing out. Hubby unplugged the washer and stayed down there until it stopped smoking. We went today to buy a new washer. I can't believe how much they want for just the washer. But what can you do, I am just thankful that we can afford to buy one. It will be delivered tomorrow, that will be nice. Well better get going, I need to figure out what to fix for supper.
    Your friend Bev

  7. Hi Lynda: Re moving, as you keep worrying about it, it obviously bothers you but you will know when the time is right for you and himself. I love the "tires or testicles" saying - ain't that truth! Nice that the pilot calls you from wherever he is. Too bad the ones close by aren't very attentive. Maybe one day you should drive down to son #1's when all the grandkids are visiting. Look at it this way - at least you don't have to clean up afterwards! Have a good night. Hugs Brenda

    1. Yes Brenda--I do worry how and where I /we will move--I do also know it will work out-(but I still worry--LOL--)Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda, I ROLLED at if it has testicles or tires, it's going to cause a problem. TRUE
    I did the conversion liter to gallon and yours is roughly $6.25 where our gallon in St.Louis is $3.30. I do know salaries are much higher in Canada but so are your taxes. Can't win.
    Loved all the inserts. The darling little girl...yes, thank you for this day.
    Hope Pilot son got a nap and lunch.
    Good on you for sitting on dock and relaxing a bit. Yes, grands were at son #1 dock but you didn't have to cook or clean up out there.
    We're under heat and humidity alerts through Thursday as temps expected around 100 degrees. There goes the power bill but gotta have AC.
    Hope you have a good evening.
    Take care and be safe

    1. Yes Marge--Gotta have bAC--costly but so helpful-- Pilot son is back at his cottage--They just sold their home in Toronto--=will build at his cottage--Very hot here to-day--Happy yu enjoyed Testicles and Tires--I did too--LOL--Always good to hear from yu-Lynda

  9. PS. Forgot to say YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE PROUD of all your hard work. Inside and outside. Yay you!!!


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