Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Busy busy busy----

 Ohhhhhh man-----  Won't it be easier for me to get "The Blog" up and running, when all the kids return home??----and Piano tuners and Septic cleaners  get all their stuff over with?

To-day the piano tuner is here tuning the piano--and daughter , just dropped in to take Himself to the Hearing Specialist in town--so nice of her to do that for her Dad and me--but-----lots going on here --Finally I have a few minutes to chat with you all--
I must just keep the faith and hang on tight (as it says above) because life will return to normal after all the company has returned home, and the workmen get their house-y jobs done. It will be quiet again and I will miss  all this chaos for sure--It's "life" I guess !

It is hot here again--and the AC is attempting to keep us cool---Thank goodness for the AC--

-I must tell you what happened to me this morning---  I was hurrying--- trying to get the wash in and done before  the daughter came out---  In all my haste, I sorted the wash--  threw it in the machine---WITH  a box of kleenex--A BOX OF KLEENEX----went right through all the cycles--and I opened up the washer to wet sopping kleenex all over everything---plus, all over  the inside of the washer AND the clothing---  Whatta horrible mess! --  It took forever to clean it all up-----but----  it's done---

I hope that your day is going well--that you find some peace and quiet----and hopefully life will become quieter  here--I shall check in on you all later-- Lynda


  1. Lynda, great to see this and get your message!
    I saved that last I do consider myself a writer. I believe the advice holds true, though, for even people who aren't writers!
    When does the family leave the area? You will miss them right away, but it will be a relief, too. When do the workers on your stuff get done?
    Did Lopez do his business yet?
    I have left a tissue or paper towel in a pocket of jeans (I usually check pockets), but never a whole box of Kleenex! Knowing what a mess 1 tissue makes, I can imagine the horror of a whole box! The problem here is sometimes someone makes a mess and they DO NOT clean it up but let the next person needing the washer do it. Grrr...
    Still doing stuff for the inspections(s). Sorted out the bedroom closet. It's got an organizer with shelves. Lucky likes to climb up and lay on them. He knocks stuff (towels, etc.) down. Tucked stuff away I had wrap, old greeting cards, recipes behind my coffee box on the kitchen counter, etc.
    The weather app on my phone said only a 7% chance of rain, but it rained for hours earlier. I believe it's stopped now.
    Did Himself get to his program in addition to his hearing appointment?
    Almost time for lunch and a snooze with Lucky now. By then the laundry room should have one or both washers unused so I can do some. Hang tight, dear. Remember the photo of the adorable sloth hanging from a tree with his toenails? {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. justa quick message here-- Your phone number must be missing an area code or something--some numbers are missing--Lynda--will write more later

  2. Hi Lynda, oh man what a gigantic mess an entire box of kleenex must have made on everything. So sorry. I know the mess a couple of Kleenex in a pocket can make.
    What a start to your day. Gotta grin and bear it and clean it up.
    Piano tuner and sewer guy. That's plenty for one day. Glad DD took dad to hearing appt. A little bteak for you.
    Will daughter be leaving soon? I know you'll miss her and grands.
    Great inserts.
    Chin up, positive attitude, be your amazing self. You got this.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Daughter will leave on the weekend---- She helps Fred a lot--but---its busy--Lynda

  3. OH my goodness. Hang in there. That IS a horrible mess to clean up -- wet, soppy kleenex -- a whole box of it. *SIGH* Glad DD took Himself to the hearing appointment. PHEW.

    For sure it will take some getting used to the routine and the quiet again when DD leaves. But for now, enjoy her company.


  4. So sorry you had that mess to clean up, hate to have even a few Kleenex get in there, your poor back must ache! Hope the repair people have left, so things are sort of normal again!

    1. It s better this evening--hard to entertaine visitors--LyndA

  5. Hi Lynda! It’s been a week for you, too? Things must get normal soon! Lots of hugs from Ohio!

    1. Busy when grown families visit-- mLynda

  6. It's Marti - Ah, I've done that, BUT not a whole box, LOL. What a mess! The worst is a big pad for bladder leakage - they break, and these little silicone balls end up everywhere in the washer.

    1. ACTURALLY it was one of those pads from bladder leakage--went right thru washer-- justa horrible mess of small white balls --and the dryer would not even dry the clothes till I got rid of all the balls--stuck on clothes--etc etc--- took ALL morning to get rid of mess--new washer too-- I sure will be more careful after this--Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda: Oh man, what a morning! I have forgot to take a kleenex out of a pocket and that makes a bad enough mess on the clothes. I can't imagine having to clean up a whole box - how awful! Your first meme is really good. Nice of your daughter to spend more time with himself - and he might listen to her more about the hearing aides. Yes, you will miss them when they go home. Have a good night and hopefully some family hangs around for the evening. Take care Brenda

    1. Brenda --It was quite a morning--but--THE PIANO man came--That was so good--Lynda

  8. Oh, my goodness! What a mess tissues in the laundry make! It happens to all of us at time, and every time it does, we vow to be extra careful "from now on" to sheck pockets, etc1 But somehow it always seems to happen again, eventually, when we aren't paying attention!

    Glad your daughter is helping out with some of those transport and jollying along needs!

    Hope today is a good one for you, Himself, Lopez, and all the family visiting and "around"!

  9. It's Kathy. I'm so sorry that happened to you this morning with your wash. I know how hard it is to clean up after just one kleenix was left in a pocket! My husband does our wash and I've been scolded a time or two. Now before I throw my pants in the wash I make sure to check the pockets. I hope you have a good day and enjoy your company. It was very nice of your daughter to take her dad to his appointment. I'm glad she is willing to help.


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