Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Try to stay focused on the rainbows..


Good morning--Did you know the above?--that affection is 9/10ths of whatever  happiness is in our lives---I hug Sushi-, the cat---and kiss wee little Lopez, the Chihuahua--- We all love our pets--- However crazy our lives might be---  our pets take away all that craziness--make each day so much easier to get through--

Lopez made it to the vet  yesterday--2 needles later and  a box with his Tick med in it, we drove home together. He has gained weight--- over 10 lbs--was  only one pound and a bit, when he arrived in my life.   And Sushi goes to our vet August something--I couldn't take the 2 of them together-yesterday--both Lopez and Sushi-----

This AM., Himself had to visit the Hearing clinic--- She removed wax from his one ear--- asked when he can get new hearing aids as the cat had chewed one--(He only has one working hearing aid right now) -----  They are priced , beginning at $3500--so, that is not going to happened  in the near future--hopefully in -maybe on the far off future--but----kinda don't know --Too bad  Sushi chomped down on them----

            So----another day here---with no Sadie -----maybe she might appear in the afternoon------I find with a trip to town, my chores are left  to another day----Days really are too short, for all the thoughts I  want to think and the walks I want to take,  and the books I want to read--and -the friends I want to see---

Lord love A Duck! --- One must have the patience of Jobe eh? -  --(Mom's expression again!)------Forget any excitement in your life--- I find that I  do not handle too much excitement--I enjoy a day  that has been planned--- no surprises----like--an Optimist--


  1. It's Kathy. I love the CS Lewis quote. I hug Daisy all the time. Right now she is lying by the vent soaking up the cool air in my office. With all her fur, it must feel really warm to her. She goes out less during the summer than during the winter! I also love the idea of focusing on the rainbows. WOW, that's a lot for hearing aids. My dad needed them and I had no idea! I find that these days I can only do one big thing per day - so if I go to the gym, the rest of the day is catching up on everything else! I need to think about what to have for dinner tonight! Too much thinking some days! I hope you have a good afternoon.

    1. Kathy--me too--only one big trip --or chore a day--Otherwise I get grouchy--LOL--VERY hot outside all day-- how do people manage without AC--- Lynda

  2. Laughing, because some days Miss Lilly reminds me that a little crazy is OKAY!

    Sorry to hear about Himself’s chewed hearing aide. Yup . . . they are pricey. Hope you can eventually replace them.

    Miss Lilly is always given pets and smooches. And she reciprocates w/doggy kisses. The best kind!

    Sadie will show up when the time is right.

    No, a good day is a day w/o too much excitement. Those are the best. Definitely have to stay focused on the rainbows.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Sounds like Miss Lilly keeps yu smiling--good----hot here today--Lynda

  3. Lynda, I agree that one pet in a carrier to the vet is enough! Sushi will get her trip eventually. Lucky is due within a month, too.
    Love the memes today! Just posted 2 on FB.
    Having a grocery delivery soon. Still needed to go to the same store for something JoAnne forgot! It was too late to just add it to my order.
    US Women won gold! 1 of the little girls is from St Paul, MN...near me.
    Will watch the days highlights tonight.
    When I gave JoAnne the cheese she forgot, she handed me a birthday card with an adorable kitten. Inside were three lottery tickets for big games. I told her my day isn't 'til August 1. She said they are drawing for the prizes tonight!
    What a birthday give that would be! I told her if I won over $100 I would share with her.
    Time to go to wait for them to bring my groceries. I take my walker down to help them. I'm getting a 24 bottle pack of water.
    Keep those positive vibes going, sis, and let Sadie have a break! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie is your Birth Day Aug 1st-or Aug 3rd??--I stopped buying the cases of water --Now I buy a Britta filter and put it on the kitchen tap--and fill my water bottle-- Son#3 told me to do that--Ill return later--just checking in here--Lynda

    2. It's the first of August, dear friend. You've probably already checked. I've been watching the Olympics. Love ya!

  4. Hi Lynda! Cloudy and rain showers all week here in Ohio so I will look for the rainbows. The days do go by fast and sometimes not everything gets done. Yikes, hearing aids do cost a lot. Our pets do like to chew up stuff. Our 8 year old ate my husbands glasses several years ago. Tommy got a cord yesterday. Our family room is yorkie proof to me but they find stuff. LOL. How was your day? Hugs!

    1. It has been a good day--a tad crazy--but--VERY HOT--a storm just rolled thru--- might cool it down-- hugs---Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, GREAT INSERTS TODAY. Loved them.
    Yes, I agree, no excitement is good with me. After I've gone to the gym, most days I'm stocking the community food pantry, plus a stop at grocery store and then home to prepare dinner. I get my house done early, as I'm up early but by 8pm I'm dozing lol
    Oh oh Sushi had an expensive chew. Yikes. Ed wears one hearing aid (doesn't seem to help 99% of the time) but yes, they are expensive.
    Lopez is all checked and good to go. Don't know about up there, but vet care is pricey. My grand dog, who is 3...annual exam, boosters, heart worm, flea and tick meds...runs around $400. Pet food has also really increased in price. We love our pets and they love us so gotta take care of them.
    Have a fabulous evening. Relax with your feet up.
    Hugs Hugs. Hugs
    Marge in very, very hot St.Louis

    1. Hi Marge--Everything is expensive---the vedt--the food--the gad-- just goes on and on--but--heck--WE ARE DOING IT!--very hot here too--Hugs to yu--Lynda

  6. I totally agree with you about our pets! They take us as we are! Ember goes to the vet tomorrow, so I took her to an agility class this evening. She did great! And this time she didn't poop on the gym floor!


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