Sunday, July 7, 2024

I try to hope for the best!

 Well, we all hope for the best---  that to-day will be the best day ever---that we can accomplish whatever we decided to do to-day---that the bank book will balance and the cheque I wrote 2 weeks ago, will go through-- that Lopez the Chihuahua will not get lost in the gully, and that the Grass cutting man can make it out here to-day-- The list is long--We hope for the best!

So far, all is going well--Lopez and I "hoofed" it up the back road and he did what he was supposed to do---It is hot, and sunny, and buggy--mosquitoes are plentiful. The AC is on and and working well--Our daughter will be out shortly with her grown children--Yesterday, driving back here from town, we passed several people on bikes, cycling up TV hill-a very steep hill--It turned out , they were all our Grandchildren, peddling as hard as they could!--Nice to see our own family, who are usually in OHIO in our neighbourhood--

The best thing I can do , for me, to-day, is (as Dad always told me,) is to "Keep my Chin Up"--  forget about worrying about the world, and  be strong--Lord love a Duck tho, for me, that is a tall order--
                        I must write the above  in my heart--repeat it as I work-Life can be tough--but, so are we-
It is Sunday----a day of rest--Mom used to say, "There is no rest for the wicked!"---I just heard her tell me to tell you all that-
-(Where on earth did she ever find all these expressions?)
Oh no--  now she  said, "The good Lord helps those who help themselves"----  so, I suppose , in a way, she is telling me to get to work here--and I must , before you all begin to think I've lost all my marbles!

                            I do believe in you---that you KNOW my mind is relatively, OK--LOLOL


  1. Hi Lynda! Yes, coffee then hope for the best. The coffee bean is my birthstone. I bet it was nice to see your grandchildren biking yesterday. It is hot in Ohio, too. I started deep cleaning yesterday. Made a mess or two. I feel it today. My body wants to rest but my mind says to clean up the mess. LOL Hope you rest and enjoy your company. Hugs!

  2. Lynda, love your attitude today! The memes, too.
    Himself must be okay...seeing family, etc. Having a visit with family is the best! I did that yesterday.
    The grass man WILL come.
    Is Lopez's tummy now protected from the mosquitoes?
    Karaoke was great last night. Today is just getting to my 'adopted daughter' Cheryl's house so she can work on my car.
    Then there is shopping (kitty litter!), and a rest.
    We are as strong as we need to be...usually. Sometimes we need to reset to get rid of the tears, anger or whatever. We do it, though.
    Hope the rest of your day goes as you plan it to. Mine will, I know. I may even squeeze in some time on the bike. {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie

    1. Hi Maggie Somehow I messed up something--had to really search to find the comments-- Did yu get on the bike?--Lynd

  3. Keep yer chin up... a good motto for just about any day, eh, Lynda? I'm in "wait" mode. Ember is at her "spa day"... I decided to take a page out of your book, and even though she's a "gun dog breed" get her in for pampering every six weeks or so. She loves her groomer!

    Onward... may your Sunday be sunny! At least in attitude!

  4. It's Kathy. Your mom and mine had many of the same sayings. The first meme of the woman - that's totally me. I don't do anything until I've had my 2 cups of coffee! Today as been a lazy day for me. I watched an hour long news program hosting various people who have thoughts about our President and what he should do going forward. I watched his interview on Friday night (which I never do) and I am more troubled about his ability to be our President. Guess I need to put that aside and take care of me! I hope you enjoy your day with your grandchildren!

  5. Hi Lynda: Enjoy seeing your grown grandchildren from Ohio there. The older they get they may not want to make the trip! I like the last couple of memes today. Here's hoping it stays sunny for the rest of the day and the mosquitoes go elsewhere! Have a good rest of the day with some family there. Brenda

  6. Hi Lynda, your mom and mine had many of the same expressions.
    Oh yes, coffee before anything or anyone!
    Worry changes nothing Lynda. Change what you can, and leave the rest to God to handle.
    Great inserts. I've never in my life had a spa day...maybe it's time lol.
    It a treat to have daughter and her older kids coming up. Many times as grands get older they get too busy or involved with something other than traveling to see grandparents. Funny that the bike riders on the steep hill were your family.
    Hope lake lawn man comes soon.
    Take care, be well.
    Hugs and blessing

  7. Marti - I've been told in many a 12 step program to just live one day at a time and put one foot in front of the other. Those programs have many good slogans - Suit Up, and Show Up," is another favorite!

  8. Loved the pictures....and suit up and show up is good...most of the ones you quote from your folks I heard from mine...they had a lot of them, they were both older when I came along...

  9. Well, sounds like you made it a good day! That's what we have the power to do! How awesome that you saw your grandkids peddling up that hill!



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