Sunday, July 14, 2024

Everyone seems normal until you get to know them--

 Good morning---I am trying to get to the grocery store--just to pick up a very few things--like bananas--We do have rain falling--and it looks like an  all day rainfall---- Yesterday, Lopez and I went to the dock---our dock--- Everyone was at Son#1's dock----  so it was mighty quiet  here.

                                                                            our dock

                                                                            son #1's dock below
                                    I believe the daughter goes home to-morrow--not too sure

Last evening, watching TV , was so terrible---- What is this world coming to?---  pretty frightening---shocking--kinda predictable tho, which is even worse----I am not a Trump fan at all, as his whole campaign  is different--- Too bad people running for office cannot be nice to each other---That is all I can say and I do not even live in that country--

                    I better get off of here ---get the few groceries I need and get back home--
                                                    Remember that you ARE unique--- be kind--- 

I shall talk to you all later--will get to read all yesterday's responses this afternoon----- and---remember , it is a new day---a brand new day to get everything right ----


  1. It's Kathy. I love the first meme - something to think about for sure! I watched the? news coverage about the Rally yesterday on the news this morning. I just shake my head and wonder what in the world..... And there were Secret Service, Military Police, and PA Police all over the place - why didn't anyone notice that young man crawling on a roof with a rifle! They keep telling us it's safe out there - but is it really? I hope you've gotten what you needed at the grocery store. We had quite a storm last night. I woke up to my husband going around and unplugging things. Thankfully no trees went down in our neighborhood but there was a lot of damage and 4" hail not too far from us! Have a good day. Oh, I love the picture of you and Lopez on the dock! Looks so peaceful.

    1. We were supposed to get that storm but didn't --but--VERY VERY hot here to-day outside-----Daughter goes home tomorrow- Lynda

  2. Great to 'hear' from you, sis. When there are no comments, we always wonder if everything is going okay for you.
    It was an audience member who did the shooting. Both parties have their own agendas, their own perspectives, etc. Just like individual people. I, too, am not a Trump fan. So many benefits we have received the last few years he wants to get rid of. Things like social security, food stamps for low income people, marriage rights, no abortion even in the case of rape....
    Ok, Mag, enough of the negativity! I will say, however, that my vote will go to whomever runs against him.
    Your docks are so beautiful...yours and your son's. It looks so peaceful sitting there by the lake.
    I am waiting for an order to be delivered by FedX. It's an order Walmart had to have shipped. I will go groceries tomorrow.
    Hope the rain doesn't bother your food shopping too badly.
    Hopefully, Himself will get to his day care tomorrow.
    Sadie isn't doing too much housy stuff here. If she won't be at your house, maybe she has her Sunday as a day of test.
    Let's all make it a good day! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie--hard to have grown kids visit as I age--I love them dearly but not used to being told how to do everything-I know thy mean well and I really will miss them-=-Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, I ROLLED at the first meme. Love your sense of humor.
    Your dock has been quiet this year. At least you and Lopez got to enjoy it. The steps leading to son #1s dock are horrendous. I'm sure you have to be young and fit to get down and back up the "mountain" to use his dock.
    I picked up a few items including bananas this morning.
    Horrendously hot in St.Louis. Heat index is 105. Crazy.
    Americans....well, what can I say. I love my country but everything is out of control. I pray for our elected leaders at all levels of government. Who in the world would want to be President. Geez
    Have a relaxing, cozy afternoon. Rainy day sounds good for reading.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Sad news eh??-- Hopefully things light change--I had to pick a few items up at the grocery also-- Busy here-- but daughter leaves tomorrow--=She was helpful -- Lynda

  4. LOL! Barely got past the first meme, laughing so hard. Love the photos. Looks like it was a nice day when those pics were taken.

    Rain here, too last night and early this morning, but sunny now.

    More storms, later, so prepared!


    1. Hi Barb-- THE family depart to-morrow--and shall miss them-- sad to see them go--=but --necessary--


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