Friday, July 5, 2024

"Queen for a Day?"

 Good morning---This AM., Himself decided that I was the above--"a miserable cow"---  DO NOT  BE THAT ----- It makes you feel terrible---AND---awesome things will not happen---Lord love a Duck----another morning, with Himself in not the best mood--He is at the Lodge  right now, so, things will improve--plus our daughter and her children will be meeting him for lunch there, and I know he will like that!

It's tough to deal with a person who doesn't hear---so, whatever he thinks he hears , is usually not what anyone said----plus, I get up early . to get things done---which he thinks is not done ---and , well, life becomes  difficult -

    ""-Patience is a virtue--possess it if you can, it's often found in women, but never in a man""-----

                                                                    Mom used to say that!

Anyway, Lopez and I are back home here--with Sadie, that awesome cleaning Lady-who, as you know, is really me---Life is busy, as always--but, oh so much better, if one doers NOT take too much to heart and just carry on --

It might be nice to be a Queen you know--have  people "wait" on you---  Wasn't there once a show, called, "Queen For a Day""-????-That might be  quite nice!

I must stop this dreaming and get busy  ----maybe I am more a "Cinderella" person  to-day---  Hmmmm---   "Queen For a Day" sounds mighty good though ------at least  for to-day---But, maybe, I should  think about ways to feel calmer--happier--


  1. Good morning Lynda… I am saving that section on the 6 ways to be happier and calmer. It’s great advice. I’m so happy that you’ve had some wonderful family life lately. It’s important when life gets tough. Enjoy your day!
    Vicki from Mass

    1. Life is tough at times-- with HImself--mostly in the evenings-Lynda

  2. PHOENIX1949

    (((((HUGS))))) I know of what you speak. My formerly gentle, soft-spoken father with dementia would rage at me that I was going to straight to hell because of my gluttony which was a mortal sin and that he was ashamed to have such a fat daughter. OUCH!


    1. Himself not himself this evening--hard to listen to--Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. Yes, I remember the Queen for a Day show and I was pretty young when it was on. I remember the person selected wore a very pretty dress and got to sit on a throne with some Scepter in her hands. I would like to be Queen for a Day some days! Actually, that's my plan for today, just relax and enjoy myself. It's Friday so we'll get Pizza for dinner - no cooking for me today! I'm sorry himself is not himself some days. It must be hard for you. That's a bit like what my dear husband is having to deal with about me. Some days I hurt so much in the mornings that I'm crabby. I try to put a good face forward but he will ask me something that seems unnecessary and I can be a little harsh! Thankfully the pain seems to go away after I'm up awhile! I hope your day goes well! Enjoy your family.

    1. Hi Kathy--yes Himself not right all day--- hard--but I got thru it--Lynda

  4. Great blog, Lynda, but I am sorry Himself is cross today. Hopefully after his program, lunch with family and a nap, he will improve.
    Sadie has already been here. She must be on her way to you. Maybe she's there by now.
    Still mild temps here today. The sun comes out for a while. It rained earlier and more may come later.
    Our meal yesterday was really good, even though only 8 of us showed up.
    Check gets deposited this afternoon, so I have to get busy and figure out bills. I need to know how much discretionary money I have left over.
    I will check here again later to see if Himself improved, if you got a rest, etc. Love ya! {{{HUGS}}} your sis, Maggie

    1. Nooooo! That’s not nice! You are NOT a miserable Cow! *Sigh* That’s good Himself is @ the Lodge and that DD and kids will have lunch w/him.

      Yes, my parents both were in that camp . . . had hearing aides, but didn’t wear them. And so what they THOUGHT they heard was their reality, and no changing their mind.. . . nor getting them to wear their danged hearing aides!

      YES! John Daley hosted that show, Queen for a Day.

      Those pieces of advice to remain happier and calmer are getting plastered on my fridge! AWESOME.

      HUGS and blessings and enjoy the time w/your DD and grandkids.


    2. Maggie--It helped to have Himself at the Lodge with our daughter and her kids--He did come home happier and meanwhile it gave me a break--I know exactly what yu mean when you say you have to plan the bills -pay them---and then spend what is left over---hard sometimes too--lightning and heavy rain so I must get off of here===Yes , Himself better of course--always better as the day progresses--Yes Sadie was here too--but she didn't stay long--talk to yu later--pretty bad storm going on here outside---hugs---- and more hugs--Lynda

    3. Barb these comments are all mixed up--Happy yu can use the comments --Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda...sorry your morning started out rough. You know it's not himself being himself but its tough to hear when it happens. Hugs. Gotta let it go! Nice that DD and grands will have lunch at Lodge. Also good to hear he's staying there for lunch.
    Sadie was here early. We got it done.
    Yes, there was a show decades ago called Queen for a day. My mom watched it. I appoint you for Queen every day.
    Enjoy time left with daughter and kids.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Marge--a bad day to-day--but--I did not cry-Lynda-

  6. It's Marti. I take it by now your daughter has finally gotten to see the extent of how "Himself" can get? I hope so, anyway.

    1. Marti --no--He is always on his best behaviour with other people--definitel;y not good to-nite--even swore at me-- Lynda

  7. I hope your daughter has now observed how Himself speaks to you, and some of his mood swings. It is hard for you to deal with and I know it hurts because he was never like this before...
    Bless you Lynda...............stay strong....try to pretend it really isn't him saying things that hurt you.
    And yes, I hearby crown you "Queen for a Day" was a program on tv years ago when tv was nice to watch.

    1. Darlene--no she did not see Himself this evening --He just swore t me--Terrible!!! Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda! Sorry to hear Himself is not in the best mood. I hope this afternoon is better. I am sure he enjoyed Allison and the kids joining him. Cloudy in Ohio today. A few showers. I put ranier cherries in my “Lord Love a Duck” bowl today. LOL Hope all is well for you. Hugs!

    1. in your "Lord love a duck" dishes--??--I love that _-Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda: Just remember, not long ago he said the best thing he ever did was marry you!! Keep that in mind always. Probably his mood was better by the time your daughter was there so she didn't see? Things will probably be better tonight! Have a good evening. Brenda

    1. No Brenda--=pretty bad this evening--Hope things improve tomorrow-Lynda-


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