Monday, July 15, 2024

Old age is no place for sissies!

                                 GOOD MORNING--6-10AM---We ARE doing this--amazing---I am running downstairs to get the washing  into the machine-- then give Lopez a wee bite of cheese to tie him over  until I can feed him. Sushi and I are upstairs here--

The daughter and family leave this AM, but will be out here for breakfast soon--will drop Himself at his Day program on their way thru town.

                                                                         almost 10am

Daughter with her 2 teenagers , just left--They are dropping Himself at the Lodge-- and I am sitting here blubbering--It seems no matter how difficult a visit  can be at times, they are still our kids--and we love them to the moon and back, and altho I am grateful they have a life to return to, I shall miss them like crazy----so sad to see them go-----

        This is one of the beaches in Elliot Lake--Our daughter took this picture of last nights sunset---

How are you all??--Do your grown children try to "control " you, especially if you are over the age of 80 yrs---??----"I" should be telling them what to do--but--seems they think  once they see their parents are "older than old", -  they think that "OLDER BRAINS" lack  common sense-----and really, "OLDER BRAINS"  know more than  anyone---so, I have learned to be a bit deaf--(At least I have a lot of practice  pretending to be deaf, dealing with Himself-)

-Isn't life strange?--

    Here are a couple of our grown-ups---  sticking their heads thru a sign on the beach, in town--

        So, life returns to normal once again-whatever that is---Praise the good Lord eh??--

-- How  was your weekend??? It certainly is warm---and quiet  now----  I might get to like that --And the lake water is very warm---great for swimming---  

It doesn't hurt to be a tad crazy does it---  After all, we all live in the land of crazy, and  as long as we believe that , it seems crazy becomes sorta normal---

The best part is that we are strong people---We can do most everything---more than we ever believe!

                     BUT___   Bette Davis said, "Old age is no place for sissies!"--so true!


  1. Lynda, I guess those tears are half happy and half sad. Happy to have had the visit, the instructions, new memories to think about, but sad to see them go. They will return, you know...they love you.
    Great the took Himself to his program. Now you can get something done with Sadie. Does she help outside, too, or just with the housy stuff?
    I've been out to Walgreens for a birthday gift, I gassed up the car and went to the bank for my rent check. I get a cashier's check. That way it comes off my balance right away, and I have a paper trail.
    Dogs do like cheese, don't they? And peanut butter, too!
    More to do for the inspection. I am determined they will find not a think wrong.
    Will check later, dear, to be sure you all have had a great day.
    {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis Maggie

    1. Yu are so right Maggie--I do miss them so much to-day--not so much all their orders--but--yes, I miss them!--Very hot day here today with the AC running all day-The house seems so quiet --too quiet-- I hope your place passers all that inspection-- Too bad they do that to yu--It was a good day-Big hugs, Lynda-

  2. It's Kathy. Betty Davis had it right. We had a very hot weekend with storms overnight each night. I just turned on the A/C - Daisy is looking for a cool place to be. It's dreary out there today, no sun at all. After our visit with my daughter in Roanoke, I had a very long drive to try really hard not to cry! Tom doesn't understand. My children do seem to think they know better than me - unless they have a problem. Then I become smarter! We are proud of them but don't you just wish, every now and then, those small children could return? When I say I miss my children, it's not the grown ups they've become, it's the little ones they used to be! Enjoy your day today as best you can!

    1. A big storm tore thru here this afternoon--AC still on here--very hot still--Yu are so right-- WE only know stuff they can't do--LOLOL----They are so full of advice-- Lynda

  3. So true about "no place for sissies"! Hard as it is to see them go, glad they were able to make the trip and be with you for a while.

    1. Barb--tough to see them go--She stopped in Mackinac-- let Tyson, her dog swim --- Will get into Ohio tomorrow-Lynda

  4. Well I love your title!! Thank you for posting Bette's comment.
    Have a great day! It was so nice your daughter and family came to visit! Donna_cps

    1. Well--it really is tough to get old---Yu have to be strong--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, a little crazy helps!
    I'm sorry you were crying after daughter left. I do hope you collected a lot of happy memories from daughters visit.
    The sunset picture is stunning. Nice of daughter to take DH to Lodge. Hoping himself returns home in an upbeat mood.
    Miserable in St.Louis. Air temp 100 and heat index around 115.
    For sure, getting old ain't for sissies.
    Hope you are having a great day inspite of family leaving.
    Hugs and blessings

  6. (((HUGS))) Yes, it is hard to see the kids leave. It is hard to see them return to their own life, but . . . that’s our job as parents – raise these kids to be productive, independent people, and sometimes that HURTS.

    You are right . . . we have to learn to be deaf to what our adult kids suggest sometimes.

    Ohhhh, to say the least, right now we certainly are living in the land of the crazies. Definitely.

    Nope . . . I understand more and more that old age is not for sissies! But we ARE strong.


    1. Hi Barb--Yes so hard to see the kids leave--The house is too quidt now-- She did get to go to Mackinac---Lynda

    2. Oh Mackinac Island is awesome! Safe travels to DD and the kids


  7. Hi Lynda! Love the photos. The sunset is amazing! I know you will miss your company. Play the piano and read your book until your emotions settle. Yes, we are strong. My hearing test was good today but not much help with my tinnitus. At least I ruled out any hearing loss. So annoying though. Hot in Ohio. We need rain. Hope your daughter and kids have a fun, safe trip home. Enjoy your evening. Hugs!

    1. Hi --nice to hear from yu-- Daughter and her 2 teenagers are now in Michigan en route home to Ohio-Lynda

    2. Glad they’re doing well in their travels.

    3. sad to see them go--- Lynda

  8. Yes - always sad to see them go - but nice in a way to have our lives go back to normal!

    1. nice for sure to have our lives return to normal -- Lynda


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