Thursday, July 18, 2024

Whatever makes you feel awesome.

                                                             GOOD DAY TO Y'ALL!

How you all be?-The rain has stopped here--The sun is out AND---  IT IS COOLER---  so nice!

--AND yesterday I did get thru the Lab work at the clinic--and, then the Septic tank got emptied--after 9 yrs--It is recommended that a septic tank be pumped out  every 2-4 yrs--depending on the number of people using it--We were way-eee--ee  over that!  We have  not been given the cost of having it pumped yet.-That should be interesting--- I believe it will be a lot--MUCHO DOLLAROS!

Well, I just had to run and protect Sushi the cat--from Lopez, the Chihuahua--He insists on  chasing her and snarling at her--so , he got into big "ca-ca doo doo" .  Lord love a Duck!!--Lopez thinks he can do whatever he wants--like terrorize a cat---has to learn to get along with Sushi--

All the grown kids  have returned to their homes---  some from holidays elsewhere--They sure have a lot to say about our decisions on staying in this house for now--They mean well--I know that!--I do not remember  being that way with my parents at all-tho---  I always felt it was their life and their business-- It is good if grown kids give their parents recognition  for making  their own  decisions--- Are we alone in thinking this?--- like--"What the Hell"------  (kinda sums stuff up doesn't it?---)---It's difficult to move out of a home full of memories--and begin a new life in a new neighbourhood--even a different city--

I hope your day is going well-- that you can laugh at life, when you are unable to change the way stuff goes--and always remember to try to be awesome--


    I love Snoopy.
    Love, love, love the " ever notice how what the hell is always the right answer" love that!!
    Beautiful day in St.Louis. 70sF sunny, low humidity, windows open and AC off.
    No idea what septic pumping cost but you don't need to think about it until the bill arrives. Now you know to have it done a wee bit sooner.
    Lopez is a bad dog for chasing poor Sushi.
    Glad to hear the kids are all safely back home. Lynda, what they think, is just their opinion. Everyone has an opinion. They are like.butts...we all have one. LOL
    Have a spectacular day. Enjoy the nice weather.
    Stay positive, content and strong. You are awesome, inspiring, creative, talented, smart and more...and don't forget it.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Marge-Yu are something else! Thank yu so much for your support--I appreciate that the grown kids care enough to get involved--I think--LOLOL--but---- we are doing OK--I think--LOLOL___Nice day to-dAy--no AC Lynda

  2. You're right on track, Lynda, as usual. I believe we need to listen to the kids as far as the new, etc, but they need to listen to our opinions and beliefs, too. I always tell people to listen repectfully to advice given, think on it, if it makes sense to you, follow it, if it doesn't make sense to you...let it go.
    Happy your weather is more tolerable. Ours is nice so far today, too.
    Poor Sushi probably feels she can't go anywhere that Lopez can't get to her. She's trapped on her cat tree! To be fair, though, when you're busy Lopez is probably bored. Chasing Sushi gives him something to do. I have always been pretty good at seeing both sides of a situation.
    When will you get the results of your labs? I don't get more until October.
    My friend, JoAnne, is home. Seems to be doing fine. The problems she had were either a blood pressure surge or dehydration.
    The HUD (Housing and Urban Development) inspection is done. We gotta stay on tract for another week. Then is the City of Faribault inspection.
    Saved the Snoopy meme. You find such great ones!
    Seems like (except for the pets) your day will be just fine. You will make it that way by your great attitude. Good weather helps with that, doesn't it? {{{HUGS}}} Love from your sis, Maggie

    1. It was so nice outside to-day--not so many mosquitoes also--Yes lotza advice coming this way but they mean well-- Hopefully I get the results from the Lab soon --It was only for Thyroid---The Dr had increased the Synthroid and he wanted to check the new level-- but--one had to be very fit to get up all those stairs to the Lab --LOB-- Hugs Maggie--How was Karaoke?--Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. Yes, it is very hard to move out of a home that contains years worth of stuff and memories! My husband and I have been talking about that now and again. I'm not happy living on a very busy road and the neighbors on both sides are not friendly one bit. But I've been here 42 years - and Tom almost 30. My parents lived in their home a very long time and once they had both passed away it was MY job to clean everything up. Took almost a year! I almost wish Tom and I had moved into their home, it would have been less work to take care of! It does sound like Lopez wants to be the boss of the household - I hope Sushi gave him a run for his money! We have had a couple of really nice spring-like days! I love it!

    1. Awwww Kathy--It was a beautiful day to-day-- Lynda

  4. Glad that the sun is out and it’s cooler. Same here. Feels nice!

    Well, glad that you got your labs done and that the septic guy was there. Holding the breath for the cost estimate, for sure!

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh naughty Lopez! Hope he learns!

    NOPE, you are not alone. We have been making decisions for a MUCH LONGER time than the kids. It’s always ok to voice an opinion, but then . . . YOUR option to follow the advice . . . or not. YOUR right to make the choice.

    LOVE Marilyn Monroe. Yes, sometimes, MOST times, What the hell is the right answer!

    Hang in there! You’re awesome!


  5. Hi Lynda: Lopez has a lot to learn. If he's not careful Sushi may just do damage to his eyes as cats can do. Glad you finally have sunny weather. And good that you finally got your bloodwork done and also, got the septic pumped. Busy days after the kids have all left. And life is now much quieter with no one else around but you two. Play your piano and relax tonight. Brenda

    1. I love the peace and quiet--and yes, I did play the piano-Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! It’s 75 and mostly cloudy in Ohio but when the sun comes out it feels very hot. My nephew and I went for cold drinks. I usually get lavender marshmallow latte but today I got golden milk. Not coffee. It has turmeric, ginger and other good stuff in it. I would get a collar for Lopez. That way you won’t have to chase him. Just carry the small remote. I use it for Tommy because he aggravates Kloi. Glad you have cooler weather, too. Enjoy!

    1. I never heard of a remote for the collar--I must look into that--Thank yu-Lynda

  7. The kids are looking at all the stuff and what the bell will they do with it? So it worries them. That’s about the size of it. And if one of you goes, the other will have to move, like it or not. That is a big worry. A younger person worries. Normal stuff. We had a septic tank, cost a lot to have it cleaned out, because it has to be taken somewhere, and all the stuff emptied out. They can’t just dump it into the woods….expensive to live in a pretty area. Sigh…..

    1. I have been de-cluttering a lot-- The garage looks great--the wood room is completely empty--as is one bedroom--The bill for the septic pump out is $614 ---=and yes, the have to take it to the city place to dump it and weigh it-- It never used to be that way--Lynda

  8. Seems like everything is mucho dollars these days! I'm going to have to pull in my horns (my mother used to say that) and start saving again, instead of spending what I had saved up!

    Adult kids do think they have our best interests at heart, but they don't know what it is to live in our bodies with our brains and memories. It takes a LOT of energy to prepare a house for sale, to find the right place to move and to achieve that move! Not to mention the emotional stress on someone who is having trouble with life in general, as your Himself is!

    Hang in there!

    1. Yu completly understand Barb--Thank yu--stressful for ure-Lynda

  9. Oh, good thing you got the septic emptied! The good thing is, with just you and your husband instead of a big family, waiting that long didn't cause a problem as it could have.

    I'm sure your kids mean well, and are speaking from love. But in the end you get to call the shots for your own life as your brain is working just fine. As someone else mentioned, staying put might be easier for your husband than all the changes of moving house and new routines in an unfamilar place. Hugs to you.


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