Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday is a good day to be happy

 and---- I am off . pretty soon, to get bananas---plus justa few other things--like yogurt--It is hot outside--the AC is on--the bed is made with fresh sheets--and I hope that I will not be long----

                   How is your day going?---  If you're happy , and you know it, clap your hands--It is Sunday-a day that we should be happy--
I took a few pictures yesterday of all the grass around this house--and I'll show you --- Well, it's not ALL the grass---  there is still the dog pen--AND THE HILL---but you will get the idea---and the pictures were taken--AFTER  the grass was cut--

The front

The back---
        I shall return---  Remember--It is Sunday----a day of rest------LOLOLOL----  AS if eh???--Be STRONG----I know that you can be---because we have to be--Right?


  1. Oh, that first meme is a GREAT reminder. POSITIVITY rules.

    Went for bananas yesterday. Ended up costing me $40 because I found other things NOT on my list. *sigh8 That is BAD. Gotta stick to the list. But, what I bought is healthy and will get used.

    Clapping my hands today! It is a nice day. Nice temperature. The humidity is rising, and it’s going to be that way all week w/rain chances each day. Tis the season.

    Please take your time doing the grass. That is a LOT of work! And yup . . . have to be strong.


    1. Barb--I went off my list also at the store--no ice cream tho-- glad it is done-Lynda

  2. Your property is lovely! I can just imagine sitting in one of those chairs reading a book and enjoying the view. Have a great day.

    1. It does feel good and looks good with the grass all cut-Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. You have such a beautiful home and yard but I can see that it's a lot to keep up with! I'm glad the heat is good for something - killing off the flies is always good. I haven't noticed too many mosquitoes lately but then I'm hardly going outside. I had such a relaxing day yesterday. This morning my husband helped me map our living room with the Rumba. Daisy and I were in my office with the door closed - and she was barking at it! Now I can run it whenever I want to pick up the clumps of dog fur that she's leaving behind! Enjoy your day!

    1. Hi Kathy--sounds like yer day went well--mosquitoes almost gone here too--Lynda

  4. Lynda, we can choose to be happy every day! Sometimes we just need to trust, put the worries behind us and think about the happy stuff and the things we love!
    Your property is beautiful! Lotsa work...but worth it especially if you have help.
    I've already been shopping, too. Had to get milk for 2 residents, ice cream, carrots, tuna and coffee for me. Also got a different brand of seasoning salt. I did have Mrs. Dash Salt Free. Gave that up as I'm no longer salt free. The store had NO Mrs. Dash. I got a brand by Morton. Remember the little girl in the blue dress with the umbrella? "When it rains, it pours."
    Still haven't got the Olympics on my tv. I have to call them and straighten out my account.
    Also I received an email saying my State Bank of Missouri card needed attention...AND I HAVE NEVER HAD A CARD FROM THAT BANK! Somehow I was compromised Tomorrow will be taken up by that.
    I guess we're giving Sadie the day off.
    Just now I'm eating lunch and then snooze with Lucky.
    Hope the rest of the day proceeds well for all 4 of you! {{{HUGS}}} Love, your sis, Maggie

    1. Doncha just hate stuff like that--people compromising yu--makes yu feel terrible--- It was a difficult day for me today--- No dsadie here --but I did get some bananas--Lynda

    2. MT-MOONCHASER from SparkJuly 30, 2024 at 12:46 AM

      As long as you didn't click on any links or used their contact info, you can just delete the e-mail. It is probably a phishing attempt and if you don't respond, nothing will happen. When I get something similar, I usually look up the contact info online for the business being faked and then forward the e-mail to them so that they are aware of the attempt and can take action if they wish.
      Our internet provider has changed their domain name and if I get one of these e-mails, it is usually to my old address.

    I went on a banana run plus a couple other items this morning.
    Your property is stunning...but much work. Glad you have some help.
    It's hot in Sr.Louus and we have a heat advisory Monday through Thursday. Ugh
    Enjoy your Sunday. Love and admire your positivity.

    1. Hot here also Marge--- bad day with my grown kids--- no respect -Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda: Your home is nice. Glad you finally got help with all that grass. It would be nice sitting out back looking over the water. It's hot here today too. I love summer. And you're right - Sunday is a good day to be happy. Have a good night too. Brenda

    1. Always good to hear from yu Brenda --Lynda

  7. Sure does look green around your place! Hope you got your bananas and have had a good Sunday!

    1. Aww Barb--lotza lovely bananas and it was a good Sunday except my grown kids do not treat me with much respect--the Pilot does--sad--- and undeserving Lynda

  8. Yes - I love looking out at my grass when it has all been cut! All 4+ acres! Problem is that it needs to be cut about every 4 days here! I am always happy when my grandson says he can mow! I love Sundays....I go to church on Sat. evening so I can have more whole day free on Sunday. Today, after listening to a podcast about decluttering, I tackled stuff in piles in my bedroom and against the wall. The lady on the podcast said "Floors are not storage!" I know a room seems calmer and bigger when there is less on the floor - so I spent my whole day going through the containers and piles....still unsure with what to do with some of the stuff. I sure wish I wasn't such a "saver" - just in case I might it type of things....and photos and cards, oh my! I have so much sentimental stuff! But I am trying. Tired now - so am just going to watch the Olympics for the rest of the evening. So much fun to watch all these athletes from all over the world compete! Amazing! Watching balance beam competition now -so unbelievable that they can do flips and more on that narrow beam!

    1. De cluttering is a difficult job--= I gave a lot of my clothes to my seamstress - I think she sold it but I do try not to care what she does with stuff--I gave a lot of photos off the wall to our kids-- It was hard at first--but once its gone yu forget--Lynda

    2. I use a 'system' where you declutter for ten or fifteen minutes each day ... it's easier for me to not put it off that way. Here's the youtube lady if you're interested: Diane in Denmark
      (I actually learned of her videos from another lady who used to blog here ... she's disappeared and I always wonder about her.)

  9. 🧡 your lake view at the back ✨ Carol in FL


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