Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Don't forget to be awesome to-day!

Dance  a little in the morning before you leave the house---It will change the way you walk out in the world for sure!

The daughter has left--is chugging her way thru Michigan--had a good stop on Mackinac Island---took the ferry over , with Tyson, their dog, who enjoyed his swim in Lake Michigan--ate fudge---  and rode bicycles round the island-

                                                                The fudge store--

                                                      They  saw that beautiful Grand Hotel---

It is so quiet here  to-day---  Sadie is here-that wonderful efficient cleaning Lady (who, as you know, is really me!)---helping me to dust a bedroom a day--This afternoon, maybe I can get outside to weed a garden--

The Septic guy comes to-morrow to clean out the tank--which I have forgotten to do --- FOR 9 YRS--  Lordy Be! Hopefully  it is OK--It is still working , so it must be---

  You see, I never EVER did stuff like that--  I used to shop -for new Duds----cook---but not a lot as Himself is a good cook--drive kids everywhere--  invite the Queen for tea--(No-No--only kidding)-----  but--I NEVER EVER  CALLED A SEPTIC MAN---to empty the tank--Himself took care of all that--Lord love a Duck!---Now, I DO EVERYTHING!

My role as the Bank Lady , was yesterday--sorting out what needed to be paid etc etc--keeping the books-- (I never used to do that either!)-- It does help to curtail one's spending----The new Duds have certainly come to an abrupt standstill--

Is it hot in your part of the world?--  It seems to be  90 degrees everyday with a thunderstorm every afternoon--Good thing for the AC----which  has been a blessing-

Did you have  good weekend????--Did you get a rest in??--  Do you have any ideas on a book that you are reading that you could suggest to me?-- I certainly would appreciate it--I am between books--oh--and --one more thing----don't forget to be awesome-


  1. If you enjoy mysteries, I suggest the Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries by Kerry Greenwood. It inspires me at almost 80 to have confidence in myself. Thank you for your blogs! They also inspire me.

    1. OK--I shall look for that series---- nice that yu take time to read my blogs--I appreciate hearing from yu very much--Lynda

  2. Lynda, the photos are great! I was born and grew up in Michigan, but never made it there or to Isle Royale National Park.
    Love the meme about crying.
    Sadie's clone will be here a lot today helping me as one inspection is tomorrow.
    I just got bad news. An old friend of JoAnne's and me passed last night in her sleep. She was said to have Alz, but we didn't notice any difference. She was also blind from macular issues. At least it was an easy passing.
    AND my friend I take to karaoke with the bariatric walker, JoAnne, got in trouble shopping today with her walker. 911 was called and they rushed her to a big hospital closer to the city in a helicopter. It may be a seizure, a heart attack...we don't know.
    So many things happening at once is really difficult.
    It's not hot here, just pleasant, mix of clouds and sun...chance of T storms later.
    Gotta get to work around here. Will come back later. Have a marvelous, though quiet, day, sis. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Miss Mggie--YU are from Michigan--? So yu are most a Canadian--as yu live so close--Well, we live right at the top of Michigan--- after passing thru Sault St. Marie, you bit #17 go east 2 hrs and there we are--Elliot Lake--and-- am sorry to hear about your friend being so ill-- makes one feel old eh to see your friends being carted off--Hugs, LyndA

  3. OMG, yes. Cannot go to Macinac Island and not have fudge! That would be a sin! And the Grand Hotel is indeed gorgeous!

    Oh that meme is soooo true! It’s not weakness that leads to the tears, it’s having been strong for so long! Totlaly agree w/that.

    We’re cooling a tiny bit and think the storms are gone now for awhile.

    I finished reading The Women. It is a novel about nurses in VietNam and experiences during and after the war. Interesting read.


    1. Barb --I just finished that book and it really was a good book--Lynda

  4. Hope your power stays on, so the AC works! It is 90 here, when we get up in the morning. Wishing your daughter a safe trip home. Hope the septic gets cleaned out well! We used to do that when we lived in the mountains in California. Worthwhile job to have done.

    1. The septic guy comes tomorrow-- We have power but people in Toronto do not--Lynda

  5. It's Kathy. I just love that first meme - if only I could dance, but maybe in a few months! But that little girl looks so happy! Tom and I went to Mackinaw Island once many years ago, before Daisy. I'm sure she would have loved it there! So beautiful. But at her age now, she's not a big fan of traveling. It's cooled off here - probably won't get out of the 70's. Feels good to have the windows open again. I should go outside and do some weeding but I don't think I will today! Have a good day.

    1. Take cARE Kathy--soon the legs will feel better I hope! It is cooler here tonite also-Lynda

  6. It's cooler today than it was yesterday, here. But my current challenge is the hot water heater gave out on me. It lasted 14 years, which is pretty good for a tankless water heater.

    Ember sends waggles to Lopez!

    1. Awww I will tell Lopez--- Ember is so good! --This evening is much cooler-- Lordy be--your hot water heater--always something eh--more $$$$ --so sorry Barb-Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda: We got so much rain today in Toronto that some streets were closed with cars abandoned on them like the Don Valley Parkway and parts of Lakeshore Blvd. What a day! I think it was record setting. Yes, you sure will miss your daughter and her family but at least you had a good visit. I'm sure Lopez will be happy that all company has gone. Have a relaxing evening. Hugs Brenda

    1. Brenda I saw the pics of the water in Toronto---very bad--the roads etc--Son#2 was on his way to his cottage but his wife is still in Toronto with no power-Lynda

  8. Hi Lynda, you are awesome every day. The idea of dancing before I go out...I like that.
    Great pictures from daughter. She is really having a vacation during her trip home. I've never been to Mackinaw Island but that hotel is certainly majestic.
    I've never lived in the country with a septic system. Those are things we just wouldn't routinely know about. Like you, I handle everything. At times it's overwhelming.
    How true the meme is about crying because youve been strong for soo long.
    At times I have compassion fatigue as, like you, I have no help. We shall be strong and carry on.
    It was over 100 yesterday. Today we have had prolonged downpours which have resulted in flooding...even on major interstates. I texted my son a bit ago. He had water coming up through the drain and pouring in basement window. 2 inches and rising. Washer, dryer, furnace and water heater sitting in water. He doesn't have flood insurance as he's not in a flood area. He's estimating 40 thousand dollars...which he doesn't have...to replace the items flooded. I feel so sad and sick to my stomach for him. We got over 2 inches of rain in less than hour, maybe 40 minutes.
    Hope your evening is going great as did your day. Stay string. You are my inspiration every day.
    Hugs and blessings
    I posted yesterday but obviously it didn't go through. Maybe this one will.make it.

    1. MT-MOONCHASER - MerrilynJuly 16, 2024 at 8:57 PM

      Several years ago I had more than a foot of water in my basement flooding my furnace motor and water heater. I thought the furnace was a goner, but after everything dried out thoroughly it was fine. Let your son know that he may not have to replace everything if he has time to let them thoroughly dry. It may take a few months with the motorized things.

    2. Marge--- Yu do everything also?? I'm not alone in this--I need to hear this because I do feel sorry for myself at times--And your son had water in the basement?-- Someone put a comment on here about water and furnaces-- I hope you read it-- I am not alone in my life-- nor are you--- and we are going to get thru this-- Lynda

  9. Marti here. Your situation reminds me of myself in a way. Well, I mostly did it all for most of my life, but I was married for 13 years at age 40, to a wonderful man until 11 years ago - but he was not a healthy man, so he really couldn't do much around the house in a physical sense. He was 19 years older. He DID do the taxes and paid the bills. And called repair people because I have a phone phobia. If I did have to schedule something I always did it online. But now it's back to me. Luckily I've lived in a condo for 9 years now. Not the SAME condo. Lived here for 5 years. Former condo was 4 years there. Just 1200 square feet, just right for me! Vacuuming, no, I don't do that - my robot does, LOL. All laminate.

    1. Marti-- I do not know what is worse--my Situation now--or before--LOL__before I never worried--now I worry about everything-- Marti are yu still with the same man?---1200 square feet sound devine!!--and--hugs--- Lynda


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