Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Never let insecurity run your life.

 Good morning--  I just got home--  was at the clinic---  getting blood work done--had to get up by 5-30am to get down there for 6-30am--AND THEIR ELEVATOR WAS NOT WORKING YET--so--  I walked up 6 flights of stairs--Lordy Be!--  BUT----  I got it done--waited in line for an hour--

I had left Lopez at home here , in his crate. and when I got home, I took him out right away and--  poor little fella , he did his business--right  "off the bat" --(as Dad used to say)  What a good little boy eh?

Himself will not get to his Day Program this AM--too much going on here with my blood work thing-

--Do you all watch your diet?--  like try hard to eat healthy?--You know that I do love love love  ICE CREAM---and ---  I could eat it for a meal--replace -every meal--with ICE CREAM--and I would be a happy as a clam at high tide-

-SO---- I have begun to buy yogurt---and pretend it is ice cream--mango yogurt--and , it is a pretty good substitute------  if you use your imagination--- a lot!---just wondered---been buying more fresh vegetables also--brocalini is tasty---lotza leaf lettuce also--BUT---- ICE CREAM DOES MAKE ONE HAPPY!

The septic man is supposed to be here around noon--so I  best get this house into order----(Get this body into action)-

Is your day going well? Are you feeling positive---?-----that you CAN do whatever needs to be done, in some form?                                                    

                                                                    --You are-----------

It is a brand new day----     Lord love a Duck!   -       -- NEVER let insecurity run your life!


  1. I'm getting ready to take Ember to her puppy class. We've had a mixed morning, with stellar behavior on her leash walk and horrid behavior at home after. She spilled out all the toys from her "toy box" and then proceeded to chew on the (cloth sided) box itself. Then while I was cooking my breakfast, not content to have ruined the wingback chair, she started going after the couch cushions. I think I called her "bad dog" for the first time in her little life!

    Anyway, she earned crate time for that while I put things back in order. Sigh. But you love them, even if you have to correct them.

    1. true Barb--- YU do love them--There must be a reason she needs to chew-=-cutting teeth maybe?-- Does she have "chew toys"--I'd get her a ton of chew toys--some of them are indestructable-----and telling her "bad dog" is good also-- They like those very hard bones--some hard rubber ones too-- Poor yu! Frustrating !--One of our dogs chewed our carpet--I think it was Willow--We had holes in it-big holes- Only her ever did that--Is her teeth bothering her?--Lynda

    2. Yes, she has been teething for a month now, and yes, she has a whole bunch of appropriate toys, but it doesn't matter to her whether something is a "toy" or not when she gets that urge. I've found tooth fragments, and gratefully, she's not got that mouthful of razor-sharp puppy teeth so much any more!

    3. LOL-- Yu are truly her MOM!--=I can tell from what and how yu describe her--She is so fortunate to have yu Barb-- LyndA

  2. It's Kathy. I'm glad you were able to get your blood work done but honestly, they need to fix their elevator! I used to love ice cream but it doesn't really do it for me these days - I'm more into salty things. But every now and then Daisy and I have a bit of ice cream as an afternoon treat. We are having another really nice, and cooler, day! I love days like today. But I'm so tired today, didn't sleep well last night. Yes, soon my back will be fixed and hopefully that will take care of my pain for good! Have a good day!

    1. kathy I hope you are pain free sooner than later-- The stairs were not bad--just a lot of them-- happy to finally get that blood work done-- LyndA

  3. Oh my! You are a superwoman climbing 6 flights of stairs. And waited in line for an hr. for your blood draw. *SIGH*

    Sorry that Himself won’t make it to Day care today, but you definitely need to take care of yourself. So, good call, even if it’s a hard one.

    Yeah, love my veggies, love my greens, but . . . doesn’t taste like ice cream! Have you tried putting the yogurt in the freezer to freeze it like ice cream? Not bad.

    Good luck w/the septic man. Hope all goes well.

    DH is in a mood this morning, so . . . just doing my thing, letting him be. *SIGH* Don’t know why men get so crankapated over silly little things!

    But, I have a smile on my face and heading out to the park w/Miss Lilly!


    1. Barb--Yu going tru the cranky hubby thing also??-- Poor yu! I will try putting yogurt in freezer--sounds like a great idea-- Thank yu-Lynda

  4. Hi Lynda, I saw the note re furnace may dry out. Sure hope so. Washer/dryer, water heater and furnace were in a foot of water. They are working on pitching tons of stuff today.
    That lab needs to fix elevator. Not everyone CAN climb 6 floors. That's crazy. Glad you got blood work done but they don't make it easy plus an hour wait.
    Try freezing yogurt. Ice cream does not like your brain nor body. Keep up the good work.
    Lopez was a good boy today.
    Hope himself doesn't get grumpy control over his moods.
    Hoping septic is all ok.
    It's nice in St.Louis today. Cooler and sunny. The rain was between 5 and 7 inches all in a short time. Lots of flash flooding around St.Louis with lots of rescues from people who tried to drive through it and ended up on car roof. One couple perished...water drug them away.
    Hope pilot son is ok at cabin and that cabin is ok. I saw the water in Toronto. I have a friend in London, Ontario who sent a video of London. I think St.Louis was even worse..
    Hang in my friend. Hope today has no unpleasant surprises.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Oh poor yu---- all that sitting ion water??--Hope it turns out ok--Yes septic pumped--seems ok--no bill yet but I think it will be a lot--Water in Toronto was the same--over car roofs- It was OK here---Son#2 the Pilot just sold his home in Toronto--moving to where his cottage is on a lake----It was a good y here 'cept Himself gets angry at me--not used to that-- oh well--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda! Cloudy and sprinkles of rain off and on today in Ohio. I need sun! I saw a meme today that says, “ice cream fixes everything!” Of course I thought of you! It doesn’t help having a creamery two miles away. They even put out a flavor calendar every month. Glad your labs are done. You know getting that done is terrible for me. Did you remember to ask for the butterfly needle like I do? Ahh! Sweet little Lopez! Hope you had a great day!

    1. Yes--It was a good day--plus that heat moved away--It still boggles my mind that Himself can be so angry at times-- with me--for silly reasons-not like he used to be at all-- but-- I am more used to it --- finally got the blood work done--plus septic pumped-nice to hear from yu Lynda

  6. I can't believe my comment isn't here again! Must've forgot to copy and paste incase it didn't get published so I could put it in again.
    I read it, saved a meme, etc.
    Frantic day, though, for me. With the inspection, having to drive up the the cities to pick up JoAnne from Abbott hospital never having to go there was rush hour and construction most of the day.
    I see from your comment above that the septic man did his duty. Great for you.
    Did Himself miss his program too much? Maybe he'll go Friday?
    All for now. Will tell you I posted late on FB. {{{HUGS}}} Your sis, Love, Maggie

    1. Miss Maggie--I knew that yu had Karaoke-- It's Ok---Poor yu with that inspection --must drive yu crazy! Yes I missed Himself getting to his program--as when he doesn't talk to me and , gets angry with me over nothing---will talk later--Lynda


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