Saturday, July 20, 2024

"I'll take care of everything"--

 Good morning y'all! ----Appreciate your blessings---some days, difficult to do--This morning, on T.V., I saw a 102 yr old woman in a nursing home, out in Nova Scotia , saying that she attributed her long life to working hard all her life--I believe we all could say that---so, maybe we all will live to be  well over 100 yrs---  I wonder!--  She did look amazing.

This morning, Son #2 , the Pilot, is in England-- Both he and his wife were part of the crew that flew  to Manchester, while we were sleeping.----It's not often they get to fly together---They took this picture from their hotel room.--- such a big city---

Lopez and I "hoofed" it up the back road-- He did his business--always a good thing! And I see some sun peeking out here--AND--the grass man was here yesterday--did all the grass--front, back, side--(I am counting my blessings here!)---I do have to Weed Whack---

We are almost thru July-- hard to believe isn't it?--  The summer goes by so quickly---Are you feeding Humming Birds?--  And if you are, do you have Bees AND Wasps at your feeders?--What can I do to scare  away the Bees and Wasps??--Plus we have ( first year ever)- water snakes in a garden near the house--They are quite large and black--kinda scare-y--I have never seen these before , near the house.
Do these snakes bite?? I need to weed that garden and I'm afraid to go into that garden.
Lotza questions here---

I must get on with my "clean one room a day" program------To-day it will be the front hall, and the main floor bathroom--and remember, if you are going to town, like--going shopping-- remember what the Lady below is telling yu--Yu do not need fancy duds--  just gorgeous hair and good shoes--
                            So, there you go---It seems like a good day , to have a good day---and----don't concern yourself with too much--                      I'll take care of all that---


  1. Hi Lynda, it's Kathy;. Thank you for your kind words yesterday, I appreciate it. Yesterday was just a bad day all around. My husband was angry with me almost all day. With my surgery coming up soon, I think he should be helping more around the house, fixing things that need fixing. Apparently he thinks I'm being unreasonable. Then in the afternoon my daughter sent over 4 court documents that her boys' father filed with the courts yesterday. He wants 50/50 custody of these two autistic boys who aren't even able to attend regular school because of their behavior - one week at his home, one week at my daughter's. And he says he has NEVER abused anyone although the courts awarded my daughter an Order of Protection from him and renewed it for a second year which is almost never done. If he wasn't abusive, she wouldn't need protection. So today I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself - my mother would say I'm throwing myself a big pity party! Tom is gone all day doing Art Center things but Daisy is here loving me! I need to get my house cleaned and finish up my windows. It's a nice day and I thank you for listening to me whine! Your blogs always cheer me up! I hope you have a good day!

    1. Kathy--Husbands should never be angry with the wife--Fred gets that way also and I tell him that he should be happy that he has me--He smartens up--for maybe a few hours-- then forgets again-- Hard eh??-- And I agree with you --He should help someone going in for surgery soon--(YOU)--Wait till you go in-- LOLOL--That will be different for him--And maybe yu should take Daisy to a friend--YU do not want anything to happen to her--Bring her here-- I will take care of her--
      Your poor Grandboys-- and your daughter-- AND the boys--- Maybe bring the boys here also--They could swim all day--I better be serious eh?---but--it sounds like the 2 boys are confused also--It will work out --somehow--but--- hopefully yu going into hospital will be a good rest for yu--Do not hurry home--Let others help yu out---Lord love a Duck!---Good thing you are a Strong person--and I know you are!!!! ----Ahhh Kathy---- Life turns out in the end, but---- hard to go thru it all isn't it?--Be STRONG! Lynda

  2. Good morning! Sounds like you got an early jump on today! You have already walked Lopez and have your day planned! Love the pic of England from your son's hotel room! So sweet of him to keep sending you photos of all the places he visits! And so nice that his wife is with him on this trip! I hate snakes....I avoid them like the I am not much help! I thought those long black snakes were called black snakes....everyone tells me they area good snakes as they eat rodents and bugs...not so sure about water snakes. I know how you feel about the grass all being cut for you! Such a good feeling! My grandson cut mine so I weed whacked the front ditch! I hate it, and am going to spray some weed killer on it today so maybe I won't have to deal with the ditch for a couple of weeks! In the meantime, I need to trim tree branches are are hanging too low - hard to mow around them when you have to duck so low when sitting on the mower! And yes - I believe the lady who says her secret to a long life is working least I hope so! :-)

    1. I know how hard you work around your place Sandra--At least, when we go to bed, we sleep!-----It sounds like your day was good Sandra----- Nice-Lynda

  3. Responding to a comment you made yesterday about Lopez flying around the car. We bought a doggie booster seat for our chiweenie. It keeps her secure when you attach to a harness and lets her see out the window. It’s a win-win for sure!

    1. I shall check our pet store for a car seat for Lopez--Thank u-Lynda

  4. Nice for DS #2 to be in England. And nice that he and his wife could share the flight together!

    I am just awestruck that we’re plunging towards the end of July! YIKES! Better keep on soaking up summer, eh!

    Facts About Water Snakes | Live Science

    A link I found about water snakes. They are not venenous, but have to be able to distinguish them from a water moccasin, which IS venomous. I say . . . leave ‘em alone, right!?!

    Ohhhhh, I hope that last meme is correct. We need some Karma in this crazy world!

    Hugs and blessings
    PS have to cut and paste that link about snakes.

    1. Yes, His wife is a flight attendant--but rarely do they get to fly together--This was so good for them--Lynda

  5. Marti here. Funny comment - I clean, oh, maybe every 2 or 3 weeks - I mean, like, dusting and cleaning the bathrooms. Rosie, my Roomba, does the laminate floors every 3 days. Well, a friend is coming over, and I went thru like a whirlwind, disinfecting everything as well, and well, I am a sweaty mess, and now I am meeting her for lunch and she'll come back to the condo. Luckily, it's only 1000 sq feet, LOL

    1. Howdy Marti-- -Hoping you had a great lunch--Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda! It is hot in Ohio. I sat out for vitamin D after I got home from the Farmer’s Market. Lots of produce, dehydrated garlic and local honey. I bet your son likes when his wife can go. I don’t fly and don’t love car travel too much, either. My two sisters travel everywhere. One just got home from Turkey. The other is at the beach. I am in the cornfields. LOL Snakes are awful and toads, too! Ha! We should live long. We all stay busy. Enjoy your day!

    1. We do not travel at all anymore--we used to though--Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda, when I read your heading, I do everything, I said to myself YES SHE DOES, as do I lol
    Pilots wife is a pilot or flight attendant? How nice they were on same plane. Nice picture.
    Yay grass man. That certainly helps you out.
    I don't even like hearing about snakes near your house. They terrify me to the point I wouldn't go outside for days. I hope they are harmless and go back to wherever they came from! I also hope they don't eat your toad.
    A bit of good news on sons foot of water in basement. They have 2 pickup loads of ruined things on lawn BUT it seems water heater and washer/dryer are OK. Furnace still an unknown. No, he does not have flood insurance as house is not in a flood plain. Poor guy. We got 5 to 7 inches of rain in a matter of 2 hours. Flash flooding all over. He did act quickly and got an outside sump pump to get rid of water and next morning he purchased a big dehumidifier which is drying things out. They lost a lot of things not on shelves. Now they have to work on preventing mold.
    Lopez was a good boy this morning.
    Another early start on house duties today
    Linens changed, 2 loads of wash done and house clean. Sure wish there was a spray that would keep the house spotless lol.
    Busy morning, my himself needs lots of my :help". Is what it is. I need to get on computer and pay bills and go out for a few errands.
    Liked your inserts. Not sure how you find time to do your daily blogs but I'm sure glad you do!
    Another gorgeous day in St.Louis. Gutter guys are working on my house. Eventually all the hail damage will get fixed.
    Your hair always looks great...even after mowing and weed whacking. Your good to GO.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hi Marge -- Pilot's wife is a flight attendant-This is the first time they have flown together--nice---- They are still there-- sending food pics back--Lynda

  8. It's always a good day to have a good day! The kids are on their way home from the funeral they went to, so Carl is only with me for about another hour and change. Ember is snoozing away in her crate on puppy nap #3. The two canines wore one another out. Which is good for all their humans!

    But of course my own version of Sadie the cleaning lady (who is really me, too) will have to take care of the fallout of two dogs happily playing in the backyard and tracking half of it back into the house.

    1. They must've enjoyed their "play""-- Carl and Ember are related I prezume? Lynda

  9. Hi Lynda: I'm glad you finally have someone to help with the grass. There's far too much for you to do it all. Nice that the pilot and his wife got to fly together. The snakes sound scary. I can't stand snakes and wouldn't be going anywhere near that garden. Be careful around them. Sure would be nice to live to 102 but I doubt that I'll get anywhere near close to that. But here's hoping you will!! Hugs Brenda

    1. Benda--nice to hear that yu think I'll live to be 102-LO<--- Nice thought--but--who knows---I hate snakes also--Lynda

  10. Here I am at karaoke commenting. Didn't want to wait too long.
    Glad the grass man came. Less for you to do. Sadie will help, too.
    I Didn't do much at home, but tomorrow is laundry. My turn to sing is coming up. I will check later.
    Trust you day go .mostly the way you want it to [[[HUGS]]] Your sis love, your sis Maggie

    1. Maggie I think I heard yu sing--LOL--and yu were great!!!--LOLOLLove yu , Lynda--


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