Thursday, July 25, 2024

After a While

a new day----  I just bathed Lopez--who is now in a state of shock on a chair here beside me--Poor wee fellow --only the second bath in his life--I still miss big Beau-- feel like he should greet me at the door when ever I come home from town-

-Lopez and I did our usual walk up the road and he did what he was supposed to do--no wild animals lurking  in the bush as we walked down the road--

To-day is hair day----colour----and Lopez will come with me--as --well, yu know who, hits him with his cane--It's best to just remove the Chihuahua ---  take him with me--

This is almost the end of July--August--then September-----  then----  cooler October----  AND then----WINTER--- Why does summer go by so quickly?--We wait so long for the warmer days-and then, they are gone----kinda sad!

and--I am trying to not eat ice cream---I did weaken however --a couple days ago---I cannot buy donuts---because I cannot eat just one---maybe--more like three--

Are you feeling "on top of the world" (Dad's expression) to-day?----not allowing those Crazies to get you down?--- Some days are easier to maintain your strength------ I saw the below meme and decided I need to paste "Never depend on anyone"----on the mirror-----hang it in front of my face---because I become so sad when I ask for help with something and the "help" I ask  doesn't come to help--------I am learning ------to do what I can, on my own- never beg---

                                                                so much to learn isn't there?----




  1. Good morning Lynda,
    Enjoy hair color day. You'll come home even more beautiful.
    I know you miss Beau. I'm so sorry.
    OK, I don't buy ice cream nor donuts as they make me break out in fat lol. It's true. I just heard something about sugar being very,very bad for the brain. I do try to avoid it...and eat unprocessed, fresh foods. Actually, I think the desire for sweets beats the actual taste.
    Loved, loved the inserts. A very wise friend told me not to have expectations (as in help from others) as I'd be disappointed and/or resentful. It's not easy but I try.
    The After a While oh my how very true are those words. Life experiences certainly do cause changes, both positive and negative. No way around the not good stuff so have to go through it and come out stronger.
    Have an awesome day
    Enjoy girl talk time. Don't destroy your lovely new hairdo with lawn work. Lawn can wait.
    You are awesome, inspiring, amazing and strong.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Yu are so right--do not want to destroy the hair-do--LOL--Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda! Lopez is a handsome little thing! I know you miss Beau. We miss our little Munch we lost last January. Our first yorkie of eleven years. We have our 8 year old girl and puppy Tommy. Enjoy your hair day. Only high 80 in Ohio today so it is cooler. Speaking of donuts, my sister is at the beach with her adult families and they are getting donuts in the rain. I told her they will taste better. LOL. Have a wonderful day!

    1. It is cooler here tonite also-- quite nice-Lynda

  3. Awwwww, hope Lopez got over his bath shock! LOL

    And hair day – hope it goes well!

    Yes, summer goes by WAY quicker than winter, to be sure. Jut soaking in the summer each day!

    Awwww, yes, it does put you off of asking for help when the help you want it not coming. **SIGH* Hang in there.

    LOVE the meme. Spot on.

    HUGS and blessings


    1. I took Lopez with me to the hair dresser but it was hard to keep him amused--and when I returned home, Himself had tried to make soup--and had spilled those tiny round accinni noodles all over the place--I think I should of taken Himself with me to the hair dresser--Lynda

  4. I guess I didn't see all of your blog yesterday - thought it was very short - but then this morning I saw the whole thing! First, I am glad you had a "do nothing day"! It is good to recoup and regroup every once in a while! I do know when I don't accomplish anything on a day, I always feel quilty....but then I realize that I needed one of those days as I feel more energized the next day! Glad that Fred had a Hawaiian day at his lodge! Sounds fun! I am excited because my youngest son has invited me to go to Hawaii with his family next month! I will be gone 12 days as I will fly out CA and stay a day before we go and then I will stay a couple of days afterwards before flying back home. It makes my heart so happy that my kids want me to go on vacation with them! And dumping the dehumifier and kitty litter made me laugh - as I have the same chores every day too!

    1. Oh Wow!--Hawaii will be fabulous--That is where Allison met her husband--at Trippler- Fabulous--fabulous food too--fabulous people thee Also-=so nice!! Lynda

  5. Sis, that
    You will enjoy your outing for your hair. Does Lopez come in with you?
    There's always lots of warnings about leaving pets alone in cars. But you know that one.
    Yes, I, too, believe we need to do what we can ourselves. Sometimes we do need to ask for help, though. More often these days, it seems. When the 'help desk' doesn't answer...try again ourselves and/or ask another part of the 'help desk.'
    Not much going on around here today. With the casino yesterday and karaoke tomorrow, I'm kinda just chillin.' Doing only what I hafta do. Lucky is sleeping. I'm tempted to crawl back in bed, too, but it's kinda early for that.
    Maybe I'll read for awhile. I have a couple new books on my Kindle. Or play another game of Huge Spider Solitaire on the PC. The nap sounds better followed by lunch and romping with Lucky.
    Hope all of your day turns out as you wish.
    Oh, hair color? I've considered getting some of that spray that comes in blue, purple, pink. It washes out eventually. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Lopez comes in with me--too hot in the cAr--- What books are yu reading???I need some ideas--Lynda

  6. It's Kathy. Lopez looks so cute in his chair! Daisy is lying in my doorway. She follows me around all day long. This morning I got up, took her out, and promptly went back to bed. All this craziness with Lauriellen has worn me out. Her sister Rachelle is helping her with the response she has to sent to the lawyer this afternoon - Rachelle has a PhD in Education so she can make the words sound so professional. Whatever we need to do to keep those little boys safe! Her court date is August 8th - I hope it goes her way. Have a good day!

    1. I hope it goes her way also--I shall pray---Lynda

  7. Yep, some things are best just left at the store (like ice cream and donuts). I currently have two "treats" in the house that I don't eat, because they are for Ember! Peanut butter (OK, I do have a sandwich once in a while, but since it's her "get in the crate" treat, I have to save it for that important purpose for the most part), and whipped cream (for her pup cups, also a means of crate lure). Do I have a spoiled puppy? Maybe, but she's my little fur-love, so what can one do?

    Hope you love the colour on your hair today!

    1. I love hearing about the PUPPY treats--Yu are a good Mom--Lynda


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