Monday, July 8, 2024

Keep your chin up!

 Life can be difficult--- I am going to let all those difficult thoughts go--don't let the grown adult kids get me down--with all their advice--"Stick to my guns" as Dad used to say----  Have confidence in my own abilities--- Lord love a duck eh?--  Adult children  are full of ------ of -------"STUFF""-----like--advice---

To-day , I am creating my own sunshine--I did walk Lopez --twice----and he even did what he was supposed to do-----such a good little boy---He really is trying to behave---take instructions--and I am also, allowing him time , to decide to do whatever I ask him--Chihuahuas , it  seems need lots of time, to "give and take"--

And the "grass cutting man" was here yesterday----AND-- I also got to plant flowers on the Pet cemetery down by the lake.--

Because of all the hoopla yesterday, I have not read all your responses to yesterday's blog---I will get to them to-day--I  hope that your weekend went well--I hope that you remembered how strong you all are-and  one more thing--- 

 I threw out the ice cream which was in our frig--  you see, I watched  a program on how important a healthy diet is, plus exercise, to maintain a healthy brain--- I shall try VERY hard to eat healthy--

Enjoy your day----  and---  "Keep your chin up!" 



  1. Good moring, Lynda! Sounds like you are a bit annoyed. Sorry to hear that. I only have one adult son and he is difficult. He has been mad at me for several years over not treating his small children well. Therefore, I do not see them. I do not regret standing up for the children. So sad. Sweet Lopez pic. My two yorkie brats are at the groomer right now. Hope you have a wonderful week! Hugs!

    1. Life can be tough eh??--- Kids!--- Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Yes, we absolutely have to let the advice we get from our adult children "go in one ear and out the next". As I am now the oldest member of my family I think back about my own mom and dad and how I thought they should do what I thought was right. What our children don't understand is that one day they will be where we are! And then they'll think "why didn't I realize"! I'm glad you and Lopez are getting a rhythm. My Daisy is getting more stubborn as she gets older. Some mornings when I take her outside first thing she goes but then just looks at me like "why are we out here, mom?" I guess maybe they don't always want to be told what to do either!

    1. --LOL--No--Even dogs get to decide sometimes eh?--=LOL--- Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda, absolutely have confidence in your own abilities to make decisions. Try to let the kids "input" go in one ear and out the other. No doubt, daughter has lots of ideas as she's living far away and seldom sees himself. Anyway, carry on. You got this!
    Glad to hear Lopez is being cooperative.
    Hoping himself went to the lodge. That brief respite for you seems to brighten his mood.
    Happy to hear grass man came for steep hill cutting. So lovely that you were able to plant flowers at the pet cemetery.
    Yes, please no more ice cream. Your heart and brain thank you. We must keep moving and eat healthy to preserve what we can do. Nice job throwing it out.
    Create your own internal sunshine and put on a smile.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hi Marge--- I guess it was such a shock that my own grown kids--- think they can decide our lives--WITHOUT US--so disappointed in them-Lynda

  4. Oh goodness. Grown adult children advice . . . maybe meant to be heard, but . . . certainly meant to use or NOT use, as is best for you! You’ve made it this far making you own decisions!

    Good for you throwing out the ice cream. NOT easy to eat healthy sometimes, but worth the effort.

    HUGS and carry on! You can do it!


    1. Thanks Barb-- It was very shocking that my own grown kids have decided what is best for us-- absolutely crazy--Lynda

  5. Until the grown kids are living in your shoes, let it go in one ear and out the other.....................
    My mother said
    You are strong and capable Lynda...hang in there.

    1. Darlene thank yu-Mom said that also--Let it go on one ear and out the other-- Lynda

  6. Yes, sometimes the adult kids can give "advice" that throws one for a loop. But we have to maintain confidence in our own ability to judge what's right for US! Right? Of course right! Hang in there... ((( hugs )))

    1. Oh BaRB__ Yes for sure we --only us, know what is right for us-- Thank yu Barb-- Lynda

  7. Lynda, I knew your grass man would show up!
    I try to eat healthy, too. I am not totally on a plant anymore, but still focus on whole grains, fruits and veggies, beans a couple times a week, lots of lettuces, broccoli, etc. Very little dairy, except for ice cream at night (I have to gain weight. I'm down to 116) and yogurt with active cultures.
    Of course Lopez is a good boy. He just needs his needs met, too. His body probably isn't always wanting him to 'let go' when you want him to.
    I will check last night's comments and the ones here later. Right now I need to decide if I have to ask my son for $ again and take my wheelless friend on her errands.
    Have a great day, sis. Know we all are wanting that for all of you! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie


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