Wednesday, August 21, 2024

It's your FAIRY TALE---Don't let anyone tell you how to live it...

The top of the morning to you--We have a new day-- We have sun--- We have  very nice temperatures-and--  we cannot ask for much more.  I feel fall in the air--and our trees have a tinge of red on them---exciting isn't it?--a new season--

I just took himself to his Day Program and he was ready before me--so different than when we began this whole process  many moons ago--I shall meet him for lunch--  because-- he is the only person in his class right now--They bill me at the end of each month---for the program and our lunches.

Lopez is sitting on the chair here watching me type-----I do not know if it is the same at your house, but this morning, our hummingbird feeders were not as busy--in fact, very few hummers  were flying around--Do they head South so soon?--  I refilled them, which attracted some attention--but, it doesn't look as popular as it has been.

Hopefully all is well in your neighbourhood this morning--I heard from son#2 who was going to bed---in Sao Paulo, Brazil-- He said his flight was unusually calm--I am always happy to hear he has arrived--

        Take time to enjoy your day-----sometimes smiling at someone, helps them enjoy their day--


  1. Wow! Glad Himself seems like he was eager for his program today!

    Enjoy your lunch w/Himself. That will be nice.

    Glad that DS#2 arrive safe and sound.

    Hugs and blessings

  2. So happy you have having an up-beat day! Trust that it stays that way.

    Had to laugh yesterday about the discussion on being a sit in a chair person or not. Time changes all. I didn't use to be one but after i got about 85 years, I now am. The legs don't want to get up and go anymore. Oh well, lots more knitting, crocheting and reading gets done this way.

    Yes Fall is on the way. A few nice days have been welcome after the hot summer we had. I know it will return but I take it one day at a time. Dot

    1. Good to hear from yu Dot-Lynda

  3. Hi Lynda! It feels like Fall in Ohio. Breezy and windows open drinking iced coffee. Hope the weather change don’t cause much sickness. Lots of covid in the hospital. My 88 year old friend went to the hospital twice with it this week. The doctor said it was bad right now. Has your daughter said? Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. I hear Covid is around here also--=Lynda

  4. Sis, sounds like you're having a great day! Me, too.
    Something was dragging under my car. Took it to 'my man.' He said someone backed into me and I should do a claim on my insurance. He fixed it up so it won't drag anymore and it is safe to drive. The charge? Nothing!
    Good food, great weather, friends and family, books, music, hugs, love...what more could we want!
    About hugs...found Virginia Satir, Family Therapist's quote today: We need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day for maintenance and 12 hugs a day for growth. HUGS also stand for Help Us Grow Strong.
    {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Yer "man"" is the best!!He fixed it for nothing-- Good person!--Hugs keep us strong-- Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, your day is off to a great start. NICE that himself was ready to roll to day program. Very nice that you join him for lunch. Win win for both of you.
    Great inserts today. Liked Maggie's comment about Hugs .....HelpUsGrowStrong. can't ever get too many hugs.
    Glad pilot had an uneventful flight to Brazil.
    Still cool temps in St.Louis. 90F plus returns by weekend and into next week. Right now, windows open and AC off. Nice sleeping. Busy day for me but winding down after I prepare dinner.
    Enjoy this day.
    Blessings and at least 12 hugs for you.

  6. Hi Lynda: Cooler here today too but supposed to start warming up by weekend. Probably won't be for too long though. The best season (in my opinion) is so short. Glad himself is looking forward to his day program and that you will meet him for lunch. Have a good day. Hugs Brenda

    1. Nice to hear from yu Brenda -Lynda


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