Wednesday, August 28, 2024


BOO!------LOL----- So, How are you all?-- You hanging in there?--- Coz, that's what it's all about--

"HANG IN"----LOL---We have lost the heat---  I love the cooler air!-- Even the AC is OFF!--Fresh Air! The man of the house is at his Day Program----The Pilot Son is now in Stockholm, Sweden-----which he informed me is very far north--equivalent to Yellowknife , in the NWT----  which is very far north-

The above 2 pictures are of the Northern lights--taken from his 'plane--He says that the lights are caused by charged particles emitted by the sun and bounce off the earth's atmosphere---interesting eh?--- I think this is the first time he has been to Sweden----I am sure pictures of food will  be sent to-day--

Sadie, that fabulous cleaning lady has a great deal of work to do here this week-- (You know she is really me!)---  I'll have to tell her that a room a day  is how we  do it here--Plus I have a new I Phone , arriving tomorrow , which will probably drive me crazy-- I settled for the I -Phone 11--- hoping it will  not be too complicated---

I  saw this and   yes, we must (or  -" I" )- must drive the good Lord crazy ---Good thing he has a lot of patience!----Our days are certainly busy---and some days, I need all the help I can get--
Enjoy your day__Appreciate your friends-- ---laugh about stuff---DON"T CRY!---- Remember that you ARE Special,-- Good,--- Unique, Beautiful----Talented--Bold----Smile at  someone today---  That person might be me---




  1. As the old saying goes, Laughter is the best medicine. I agree - I figure you either have to laugh or cry and laughing is much better. Of course, there are days when the people think I'm nuts but maybe they are right.
    I figure at my age (87) I can say what I want.

    My tub to shower change is becoming more of a job than expected. Gotta love a 100 year old house. It is sagging more than me I think.

    Have a great day and don't worry about Sadie not getting as much done as she should - I think she has gone on holiday around here. Dot.

    1. Holy Cow-Dot---YU are 87??--I will be 83---The 80's sound so old don't they?-- Your house is100--Ours must be about 60 yrs--seems like only yesterday that we moved in here with 5 children----Yes-- I try to laugh--but the crying gets ion there sometimes --LOL--Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. Yes, I believe I probably cause God a headache now and then too! Another cloudy day here. The heat isn't too bad but the humidity is still too much. My husband opened windows this morning and promptly closed them again. I think we're better off without the outside air for now. I'm glad himself is at his day program. I hope he comes home happy! It's another quiet day for me - doing just whatever I can. I took a shower this morning without any help! Progress! And today I want my husband to stand behind me to see if I can get into my house! It makes me feel good when I can do something new - even if it's just getting myself some water! Enjoy your day!

    1. Kathy --Don't push yourself--sounds like yu are recovering very well-- Cooler today-Lynda

  3. It's Marge
    So happy to hear it's cooler up there. Still miserable in St.Louis. When 100F no longer fazes you, it's hot.
    Loved today's inserts. I'm pretty sure I give God a headache now and then. I liked that insert.
    Hoping himself comes home happy. That's good for you.
    Northern lights are fascinating.
    Good luck with new iPhone. Sure hope you sail through the upgrade. I was frustrated for a few weeks and needed help from the provider.
    You and Sadie can take your time. We never run out of house chores. I wish there was a spray I could put on the entire house when it's clean that would keep it that way lol. Daydreaming.
    Have a great day. Enjoy the cooler temps up there and please send some of it down to St.Louis.
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Yes much much cooler today--no AC--- I'm leary of the new phone-- scarey----Himself had a pretty good day--=so aging so fast--poor guy!---- Lynda

  4. Happy day, Lynda! We gotta laugh. Saved that meme. Sometimes we gotta cry, though. It helps relieve the stress. We usually feel better afterwards.
    So Sadie is getting housy stuff done while Himself is gone. You may do errands, too. Afterwards, all of you will get a nap in.
    I won't get my nap with Lucky today. He is on his own for it. Already been shopping, went to the bank for cash for the person coming to detail my car, and I need to go down and get stuff out of it. Don't want my personal things in there when I go for a new car tomorrow or Friday.
    My daughter said that tomorrow we might meet at our favorite restaurant to celebrate our birthdays. She is 3 weeks after mine. I haven't had confirmation yet, though.
    I will let you know what car I get. I can pay about $100 more a month, but it will be a stretch. Worth it, however, in MN winters. They must be almost as bad as yours. The new car will have great tires, new battery, etc. Maybe even heated seats, but I don't really need them. My winter coat covers my butt.
    The weather here is great today, too. Cooler...but not cold. A mix of sun and clouds and no rain yet. Maybe later.
    Good luck with your new phone. That's the next thing on my list to upgrade.
    Lots of stuff to do, sis. I will sign off and check back later to see how the rest of your day goes. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Oh Maggie--- I did some grocery shopping also--=took Fred-- He is aging so fast-- sad to see-- I bought mostly fruit--New phone tomorrow--only an 11 --just hope I can handle it-an 11 is much cheaper than a 12---- YU getting a new car??--How exciting! --Much cooler here also--busy day here--- but everyday is busy it seems--Hugs to yu and Lucky--- lynda

  5. Yes, our heat has moved on, but the humidity has not yet. That will take some time.

    What absolutely wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing!

    YES! A room a day. That’s usually how I approach it, too.

    Good luck w/your new phone.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hi Barb-- much cooler here this evening--Lynda

  6. Marti here. I'm a geek. I had, I think, a 12 Pro Max iPhone. I take pictures for a living, and use the phone, so I upgraded to the latest iPhone 15 Pro Max. Anyway, all that to say that I would be happy to help you with anything that you finding confusing on it, just shoot me an email to: m s m a r t i 5 8 @ l i v e. c o m

    I had to space it out or maybe webcrawlers would pick it up.

    I got to go take my first shots at the gun range today, what a blast that was, literally! Going to be my new hobby for sure! :)

    1. Thanks Marti--I just hope that I can handle the change of a new phone-- Thanks for the help if needed-- Lynda

  7. What's that old meme about it's a good day because he didn't bite anyone today? Written by pick-your-favorite little boy name, age 6.

    Me? It's a good day if Ember didn't bite me! And today was a good day!

    1. Does Ember bite yu??? Im asking only because Lopez does bite me if he is "Hoarding" a toy or bone and I do not know he has it in his bed---I never had a dog before that did that--Lynda

    2. It was a hundred here yesterday, with the heat index 109, same today, and of course tonight we now have heavy thunderstorms. I expected the internet would go out at any time. My older friend from Alabama called and talked for a little over 2 hours just now...sometimes I wish I had found someplace else to live. Good grief...I am not appreciated around here unless "someone" wants something...
      Just makes me wish I had found an apartment in town ...
      Sigh.............have a great week Lynda.


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