Thursday, August 8, 2024

Rules For Success-

                                        LOLOLOL-----I really do--love you -  so there---!!--

We have sun this AM--with clouds ----looks like rain -hopefully not , as the grass man is supposed to come----We shall see---  Lopez and I just returned from a walk up the road--AND, HE DID HIS BUSINESS__GOOD LITTLE BOY!----- No A.C. is on-----  nice!  This is August--but--the summer is going by so fast. We wait all year for summer--and, it passes so quickly.---  We must enjoy every minute of this lovely weather--It seems a bit cooler---  fresher--not as muggy----

I have Himself at home to-day--- and he seems in a good mood. To-morrow he goes to his Day Program--

-Something to think about----I just read a thought from Linda Lee Potter, in "--WITTY WORDS-WISE WOMEN"----She says,--Powerful men often succeed through the help of their wives.  Powerful women only succeed in spite of their husbands.

Something to ponder--

As I age, and more and more of life's chores  fall onto my lap,  I realize how important it is to be strong---to not be afraid to accept disasters-that it's up to me to figure out who to call to fix everything--  to not enter a dress shop very often, because that bank account has to remain solid --to not be afraid to talk to the people in the bank--- to be proud of  accomplishments---that I really am stronger than I ever believed I was---and--to be kind--- People age differently and they need  shoulders to lean on ---to never give up-try one more time---

                                                But--We learn don't we? -because we have to!

                                                            Something to think about---


  1. Sis, what a meme to start out with! I love you, too, as I am sure your other followers do, also!
    I disagree with a line in the Rules meme, though. Daydreaming about how you want your life to be is the way to tell that to the Universe (read God, if you want). Believe you will achieve that...if you get a negative thought that goes against the vision, change it. I cannot tell you all the things I have 'created' that way. Of course, not all of my preferred life yet...but it's coming.
    Happy Himself is in a good mood. Hope it keeps up all day and the rain doesn't come.
    We got some rain overnight, but it's sunny now. Cooler, though. It seems that fall is sneaking in...much too early!
    Put in a call to the car place about my brakes. Had to leave a message. They haven't called back yet. I will call again in a while.
    It's always something challenging to deal with.
    Hope Sadie helps me lug around my heavy vacuum cleaner today. Gotta get the cat hair up so Lucky doesn't eat the tufts and puke.
    On that yucky note, I will sign off here and check back later. Enjoy the day, Lynda! {{{HUGS}}} Love, Maggie

    1. Maggie--Life can be tough eh???-Hopefully yu get your brakes done-and did Sadie ever get there to-day?---I should send my Dyson with her , to your house--a lot lighter vacuum--here, the grass man came--such a nice person--It helps so much to have him here-I weed whacked along the roadside in front of the house--Himself was good to-day so that helps--- supposed to rain here tomorrow--I kinda hope it does--Lynda--- Such nice comments to-day --Women work so hard don't they?--- Hugs Miss Maggie-Lynda

  2. It's Kathy. I like the quote by Linda Lee Potter. I have just returned from court with Lauriellen. It seems that Bryan got everything he asked for and Lauriellen got nothing. Well, he's agreed to pay her the $650 that he's not been paying her since the Order for Protection was put into place. And then we have another court date - a pre-trial happening on October 23rd. YIKES! This is a long and horrible process. So Bryan gets "parenting time" with the children unsupervised - a man who can't take care of a rock! Who's only concern is his bank account. I am devastated and Lauriellen went home crying. What has the world come to that a dead beat dad gets all the privileges! Sorry I'm ranting - I'm just so upset right now! I'm glad himself is having a good day! I hope your day goes well also!

    1. Oh Kathy--just support that daughter of yours-- It must be hard to watch ---Usually things work out--something will happen and that court order will change-- Hopefully the boys grow in spite of the Dad-- so difficult to watch it all eh?--- Hugs, Lynda

  3. Agree, have to soak up every bit of summer as it goes by so quickly!

    Yes, for sure, as we age, our spending priorities surely change.

    OMG, LOVE that Linda Lee Potter quote. Sooooooo true.

    All your memes hit close to home today!

    HUGS and blessings


    1. I hope that your day was especially a great day Barb!---- i believe it was--Hugs, Lynda

  4. We got the cooler spell here, too, and I'm grateful! Ember is on her 6th day since the spay and doing fine. Love the success rules! Never give up is absolutely essential.

    Hugs! And we'll just keep avoiding those dress shops, right? Too bad so many of them are online and in your face, eh?

    And yes, we ALL love you, and love that you have kept blogging!

    1. Barb --You are a good Mom to Ember-- She is doing well because of your care-- Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda, WE ALL LOVE YOU! First priority each day is see what's going on in your daily shares. I need my daily fix of positivity and inspiration.
    Linda Lee Potter true.
    I'm with you..I'm the one who figures out how to possibly fix whatever and trys to find someone who can fix it. It's all mine to handle. Is what it is. Budget must be kept in check. I have plenty of clothes. Nowadays the priority is needs not wants.
    Still nice in St.Louis and AC still off.
    Enjoy your day. Good to hear himself is being his normal sweet self.
    Me and Sadie got the house in order early. I went to cardio class and now I'm feeling sleepy. Might stretch out on the couch for a few minutes.
    Have an awesome day. Keep spreading your smile and love. We never know what someone else is going through.

    1. Oh Marge-- Yes we all do this together--because we have to support each other--- Thank yu for listening to my moans and groans some days--- Hugs-- hugs and more hugs, Lynda

  6. Hi Lynda: The rules for success are really good. Nice day today. Later today though we're supposed to start getting some rain from Hurricane Debby now coming up the east coast plus some up north. (which you may get). I also can never believe how fast summer goes. A d remember, we all love you too. Have a good night. Brenda

    1. Aww Brenda--together eh??--Together we help each other-- Love yu Lynda

  7. Hi Lynda… I’m the one to figure it out here too. I never believed how strong I could be until I had to be. I’m grateful though because as hard as some days can be, I feel blessed to have my husband in my life. Thank you for your wonderful supportive blog!

    1. Vicki --Bless yer heart! Yes--WE have to be strong-- and being strong is not easy sometimes--but-- you do it-- WE do it--- Hugs my dear friend-Lynda

  8. Returning love to you! Love, love, love hearing from you every day! And your blog today was right on the has to be strong to take care of everything and everybody (animals included here)! I struggle with figuring out how to get things done by myself so I understand completely where you are coming from! I am in CA today - flew out yesterday from St. Louis and am leaving tomorrow with my youngest son's family to travel to Hawaii! Will be gone a week! But what a hassle it was trying to get everything done so I could leave! Cut grass, weed whacked, cleaned house, and worked on brushing pool and adding chemicals because my granddaughter is coming to be my house/cat/pool sitter!!! Whew! But it will all be worth it - right???

  9. You are a strong lady Lynda, … and a great inspiration 🧡 Carol in FL


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