Sunday, August 4, 2024

Always stay strong!

                 AND-----  We live longer than that now---something to be thankful for for sure---

It is hot AGAIN----almost 100 degrees---but--It is cloudy so that is good right now---and it is Sunday-- August 4th--  To-day was my Mom's Birthday --This was my Mom---on the rt--hugging her sister in law--my Aunt--and on the far left--is my Grandmother , my Dad's Mom--I do not know if my Mom was even married in this picture--I believe the picture was taken in Port Perry, ON.--I like all the hair -doos-- I wonder-Was there even Hair Dressers in those days?

Yesterday we had a visit from a Doctor who lived and worked here, long ago,  at the health Clinic--He brought his wife, who we had never meant----  Apparently they are renting a B@B on one of the lakes around here--I tried to find them this morning to give them our email Address--but I was unsuccessful--I left Himself with the 3 dogs, thinking I would not be long--and when I returned there was a dog fight going on-in the house here---a great deal of snarling and growling and biting between the 2 Chihuahuas.--Himself did not hear the ruckus of course- When one is taking care of someone who is quite deaf, it is not a good idea to NOT leave him alone for long--One day, not long ago, I could hear a lot of water running-- Himself had left the kitchen tap on -full blast--

To-morrow--Monday, we have a Holiday-- Civic Holiday- a long weekend--- The grocery stores will be closed , so later on this afternoon, I will try to get there--maybe bring Himself and,  the 3 dogs--I will have to leave the car running for sure in this heat--

So it has been quite a mixed up day ---not too much planned--which is good---trying NOT to weed whack this afternoon--trying  to not do too much to-day---rest , relax---play the piano--

                                                                Don'tcha jess wish??

Always--stay strong-


  1. LOVELY picture!

    Yes, warm here, too, but tomorrow promises to be cooler. Not expending much energy outside today!

    With DH and 3 dogs to mind, seems like that’s good not too much planned.

    Stay strong!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Barb I hope to-morrow will be cooler-- Lynda

  2. Hi Lynda. Oh gosh 3 dogs and himself in running car won't allow too much time to shop. Hope you get everything since store closed Monday
    Please do not go out and weed whack
    Stay in. Stay cool and STAY STRONG

    1. Marge-=I did nothing to-day--- It was nice-Lynda

  3. It's Kathy. That's very interesting about the life expectancy 100 years ago! Yes, we are all living so much longer these days! I'm sorry you had to come home to the dogs snarling! That's tough. We have a little bit cooler day today. I finally finished washing ALL my windows. I didn't clean them last fall because of the pain so I wanted them done before my surgery. It feels good to have that job done. Otherwise it's been a very quiet day for me. Tom is at some kind of Art Class, won't be home until dinner time! Daisy and I have just chilled!

  4. Happy Birthday to your mom! Oh my, sorry about the dog fight. Hope your day got easier and better. Hot in Ohio, too. I was Sadie but it feels good to be able to rest tomorrow. Enjoy your evening and the holiday tomorrow. Hugs, Lynda!

    1. Yes I hear the stores are open tomorrow--Lynda

  5. Hi Lynda: Our stores are open here tomorrow in the city (Toronto) only holiday this happens on. Glad things didn't get worse with the dog fight. How much longer before that son and his family get home? It's supposed to get cooler here tomorrow or the next day but it's not as warm here as up there. Have a good night. Brenda

    1. Brenda-WE need the cool air--Son gets his dogs to-morrow_Lynda

  6. There is no name on to-morrow--maybe Civic Holiday??--Oh Maggie--I always worry --- want the bank stuff to work out--It usually does-=-Hope so for yu-=--I had a fairly lazy day today--=Lynda

  7. Yeah. Three dogs unsupervised... "not long" can be too long. Hope all is peaceful now, and that Monday continues so. We're supposed to again be in the high 90's or over 100F down here in the plains states on Monday, and Ember will be on her 3rd day post-spay, wearing her little pink body suit (instead of a cone). Hoping for calm and carry on days for all of us!

    1. I need to see that pink body suit--never heard of that--but--I know that those old "cones" are terrible-- Good to hear there is an alternative-Lynda


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